Top Lines Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Lines quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Lines quotes.

Image of Kiersten White
Reth looked exasperated. “When is something ever not wrong in your life?” I frowned. “That’s my line.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Lines
Image of Mira Grant
Some lines were never meant to be crossed, however good your cause may seem.
- Mira Grant
Collection: Lines
Image of Kathryn Stockett
And why? Because they are suffocating within the lines that define their town and their times. And sometimes lines are made to be crossed.
- Kathryn Stockett
Collection: Lines
Image of Walt Whitman
From this hour I ordain myself loos'd of limits and imaginary lines.
- Walt Whitman
Collection: Lines
Image of Karen Marie Moning
No way. I'm not going in there. I draw the line at grave-robbing, Barrons. It's not your pen.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Lines
Image of Doug Stanhope
There's a fine line between being a sicko and an adventurous spirit.
- Doug Stanhope
Collection: Lines
Image of Mitch Albom
The truth is, there is no line. There's only your life, how you mess it up, and who is there to save you. Or who isn't.
- Mitch Albom
Collection: Lines
Image of Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton is a disaster, folks. She has bad judgment. That was said by Bernie Sanders. He's given me a lot of my best lines.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Lines
Image of Isaac Newton
The alternation of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.
- Isaac Newton
Collection: Lines
Image of Paul Hawken
The bottom line is down where it belongs - at the bottom.
- Paul Hawken
Collection: Lines
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
I did smoke a joint and I did inhale. The bottom line is that's what it was in the '70s, that's what I did.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Lines
Image of John Steinbeck
The great companies did not know that the line between hunger and anger is a thin line.
- John Steinbeck
Collection: Lines
Image of Gertrude Stein
The head-lines which do not head anything they simply replace something but they do not make anything.
- Gertrude Stein
Collection: Lines
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
We draw the line against misconduct, not against wealth.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Lines
Image of Simon Pegg
You know what, despite my complaints about The Phantom Menace and Episode II, when Episode III comes out I'll be first in line. I genuinely love it.
- Simon Pegg
Collection: Lines
Image of Seneca the Elder
I shall never be ashamed of citing a bad author if the line is good.
- Seneca the Elder
Collection: Lines
Image of Jacques Barzun
A culture may be conceived as a network of beliefs and purposes in which any string in the net pulls and is pulled by the others,thus perpetually changing the configuration of the whole. If the cultural element called morals takes on a new shape, we must ask what other strings have pulled it out of line. It cannot be one solitary string, nor even the strings nearby, for the network is three-dimensional at least.
- Jacques Barzun
Collection: Lines
Image of Harold Klemp
When your day is hard, remember to sing HU. It puts you back in line with the Holy Spirit.
- Harold Klemp
Collection: Lines
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
It is a mathematical fact that if a line be not perfectly directed towards a point, it will actually go further away from it as it comes nearer to it.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Lines
Image of Frank Warren
Sometimes you don't realize you've crossed a line until you're on the other side and can't go back.
- Frank Warren
Collection: Lines
Image of Fred Allen
Hush, little bright line, don’t you cry You’ll be a cliché by and by.
- Fred Allen
Collection: Lines
Image of Tony Hsieh
Every employee can affect your company's brand, not just the front-line employees that are paid to talk to your customers.
- Tony Hsieh
Collection: Lines
Image of Channing Tatum
If I want to do action, you don't really get to do it. They don't let you, there's too much on the line to let you jump out of a building.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Lines
Image of Kobe Bryant
There's a through line that connects all of us.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Lines
Image of Candace Bushnell
There is a thin line between attraction and repulsion
- Candace Bushnell
Collection: Lines
Image of William J. Clinton
Follow the trend lines, not the headlines.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Lines
Image of Pearl S. Buck
In this unbelievable universe in which we live, there are no absolutes. Even parallel lines, reaching into infinity, meet somewhere yonder.
- Pearl S. Buck
Collection: Lines
Image of George Carlin
The good lord tripped me up behind the line of scrimmage.
- George Carlin
Collection: Lines
Image of Charles Bukowski
Writers are nothing but beggars with a good line.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Lines
Image of Warren Buffett
Too often, executive compensation in the U.S. is ridiculously out of line with performance. That won't change, moreover, because the deck is stacked against investors when it comes to the CEO's pay.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Lines
Image of Kobe Bryant
There's certain companies that line up with what the brand represents. There are other things that are more investment-focused.
- Kobe Bryant
Collection: Lines
Image of Plato
I take it that our state, having been founded and built up on the right lines, is good in the complete sense of the word.
- Plato
Collection: Lines
Image of Immanuel Wallerstein
What could me more plausible than a line of reasoning which argues that the explanation of the origin of a system was to achieve an end that has in fact been achieved?
- Immanuel Wallerstein
Collection: Lines
Image of Kate Clinton
I've always felt that a really good joke, a really good one-liner, is a really good line of poetry. It's imagistic, it's compact, there is a rhythm to it.
- Kate Clinton
Collection: Lines
Image of Chris Hayes
David Roberts, who is a writer at Vox who I like, had a line about the voter - your voters weren`t locked in the room with you, Republican establishment. You were locked in the room with them.
- Chris Hayes
Collection: Lines
Image of Joan Didion
We live entirely, especially if we are writers, by the imposition of a narrative line upon disparate images.
- Joan Didion
Collection: Lines
Image of William Cowper
Strange as it may seem, the most ludicrous lines I ever wrote have been written in the saddest mood.
- William Cowper
Collection: Lines
Image of Tracy Morgan
I'm not really much into politics, because it's rarely discussed in my line of work.
- Tracy Morgan
Collection: Lines
Image of Socrates
You never know a line is crooked unless you have a straight one to put next to it.
- Socrates
Collection: Lines
Image of Ani DiFranco
Somedays the line I walk turns out to be straight - Other days the line tends to deviate.
- Ani DiFranco
Collection: Lines
Image of W. Edwards Deming
Retroactive management emphasizes the bottom line.
- W. Edwards Deming
Collection: Lines
Image of Mason Cooley
There is a line between a definite maybe and an indefinite yes.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Lines
Image of Charles Dickens
You are in every line I have ever read.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Lines
Image of Suzanne Collins
In other words, I step out of line and we're all dead.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Lines
Image of Janet Fitch
she was such a bad actress. she never said her lines rite, it was something perverse in her nature. and wat was her line anyway?
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Lines
Image of Janet Fitch
Wasn't that the way it always was? You didn't know, you couldn't tell, you just let it happen... Perhaps they didn't know themselves. Sometimes the line was very fine.
- Janet Fitch
Collection: Lines
Image of Henry Ford
The workingmen have been exploited all the way up and down the line by employers, landlords, everybody.
- Henry Ford
Collection: Lines
Image of Lupe Fiasco
For me, I walk a line of fame and infamy. I walk the line of celebrity and non-celebrity.
- Lupe Fiasco
Collection: Lines
Image of William Feather
In many lines of wok, it isn't how much you do that counts, but how much you do well and how often you decide right.
- William Feather
Collection: Lines