Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 22

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 22 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Hakeem Olajuwon
The most important thing in a person's life is his faith and how he translates his faith into practical deeds.
- Hakeem Olajuwon
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joe Paterno
We need people who influence their peers and who cannot be detoured from their convictions by peers who do not have the courage to have any convictions.
- Joe Paterno
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joe Paterno
Don't just stand back and play the way you're coached. A great player must rise to the occasion and turn the game around on his own.
- Joe Paterno
Collection: Leadership
Image of Joe Paterno
We play with enthusiasm and recklessness. We aren't afraid to lose. If we win, great; but win or lose, it is the competition that gives us pleasure.
- Joe Paterno
Collection: Leadership
Image of Alan Loy McGinnis
The ultimate leaders develop followers who will surpass them.
- Alan Loy McGinnis
Collection: Leadership
Image of Hyman Rickover
Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous impatience. Once implemented they can be easily overturned or subverted through apathy or lack of follow-up, so a continuous effort is required.
- Hyman Rickover
Collection: Leadership
Image of Nolan Ryan
You've got to realize that in any competition there is always a winner and loser. When it turns out that you're the loser on a given day, you can be a graceful loser, but it doesn't mean that you're a loser in the sense that you're willing to accept losses readily. Concede that on that day you weren't the best and that you were beaten in competition. But that should make you more dedicated and hard working. It's wrong to accept defeat as a loser. Be graceful about losing, but don't accept it.
- Nolan Ryan
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ross Perot
Never ask anyone to do what you haven't done before and wouldn't do again. That's a pretty fundamental rule in leadership... treat them like you treat yourself. Things you don't like, they don't like.
- Ross Perot
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jack Welch
A leader's job is to look into the future and see the organization, not as it is, but as it should be
- Jack Welch
Collection: Leadership
Image of Donna Shalala
Sometimes I'll trust my gut more than my head. Logical information might lead me in one direction and my feelings in another. Whereas I would have followed my head ten years ago, now I'm as likely or more likely to go with my gut feeling. It's ironic - you'd think the opposite would be true as you move to the top but it's not.
- Donna Shalala
Collection: Leadership
Image of Felix Adler
Act so as to encourage the best in others, and by so doing you will develop the best in yourself.
- Felix Adler
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bernard Williams
Sooner or later we all quote our mothers.
- Bernard Williams
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lyn St. James
It's not a case of us against them, it's a matter of melding all people's skills and resources to create a better world for everyone !
- Lyn St. James
Collection: Leadership
Image of Dee Hock
Never hire or promote in your own image. It is foolish to replicate your strength and idiotic to replicate your weakness. It is essential to employ, trust, and reward those whose perspective, ability, and judgment are radically different from yours. It is also rare, for it requires uncommon humility, tolerance, and wisdom.
- Dee Hock
Collection: Leadership
Image of Dee Hock
If you don't understand that you work for your mislabeled 'subordinates,' then you know nothing of leadership. You know only tyranny.
- Dee Hock
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bill Fitch
I once said coaching a first-year team was a religious experience. You do a lot of praying - but most of the time the answer is NO.
- Bill Fitch
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bill Fitch
Even though he lived on the beach in college, he didn't have a tan. Now that's a serious player!
- Bill Fitch
Collection: Leadership
Image of Chuck Knox
Winners bring reality up to their vision. Losers bring their vision down to reality.
- Chuck Knox
Collection: Leadership
Image of Chuck Knox
One of the most important qualities for any young athlete is the ability to believe in oneself. If you have confidence in yourself, in your teammates and your coach, you will succeed.
- Chuck Knox
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Jantsch
Firms that draw commitment from customers and staff give them a way to sign up for something that can allow them to be their best self.
- John Jantsch
Collection: Leadership
Image of Hal Moore
When we step on the battlefield, I will be The First Boots On and the Last Boots Off.
- Hal Moore
Collection: Leadership
Image of Edward Heath
Leadership is all about right and wrong.
- Edward Heath
Collection: Leadership
Image of Hendrik Willem van Loon
The world is in dreadful need of men who will assume the new leadership - who will have the courage of their own visions and who will recognise clearly that we are only at the beginning of the voyage, and have to learn an entirely new system of seamanship.
- Hendrik Willem van Loon
Collection: Leadership
Image of Justin Amash
I would rather keep all the levels lower and stick to the sequester, but there are people in leadership who live outside of reality and want to increase things that Republicans like and pretend Democrats don't exist.
- Justin Amash
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Kessel
It is ok to err, but it is not ok to stop playing; it is ok to lose, but it is not ok to give up.
- John Kessel
Collection: Leadership
Image of Augustus William Hare
If you wish a general to be beaten, send him a ream full of instructions; if you wish him to succeed, give him a destination, and bid him conquer.
- Augustus William Hare
Collection: Leadership
Image of Harry Gordon Selfridge
The boss drives people; the leader coaches them. The boss depends on authority; the leader on good will. The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. The boss says I; The leader says WE. The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown. The boss says, GO; the leader says Lets GO!
- Harry Gordon Selfridge
Collection: Leadership
Image of Harry Gordon Selfridge
The boss depends on authority; the leader on goodwill.
- Harry Gordon Selfridge
Collection: Leadership
Image of Roger Maris
Don't quote me on this, but if they ever manage to ban beer advertising in baseball you can kiss the national pastime goodbye.
- Roger Maris
Collection: Leadership
Image of Helen Wills
Concerning the limits and limitations of the women's game - why should we believe there are any?
- Helen Wills
Collection: Leadership
Image of Barbara Greene
If you tell me, it's an essay. If you show me, it's a story.
- Barbara Greene
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ken Hendricks
Wrong location? Move it. Wrong people? Replace 'em. Wrong industry? I don't believe it. I've got a company in the machine tools industry, and we're doing great. I'd happily go into the coal business. It's how you look at something and how it's managed that make the difference.
- Ken Hendricks
Collection: Leadership
Image of Isabella Beeton
Dining is the privilege of civilization. . . . The nation which knows how to dine has learnt the leading lesson of progress.
- Isabella Beeton
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lawrence Bossidy
People tend to look at their businesses from the inside out - that is, they get so focused on making and selling their products that they lose awareness of the needs and buying behaviors of their customers.
- Lawrence Bossidy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Herbert Newton Casson
A true Leader asks advice, when he has time to think; but he never asks advice in a crisis. He acts.
- Herbert Newton Casson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Harold Geneen
I think it is an immutable law in business that words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises, but only performance is reality
- Harold Geneen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Harold Geneen
A true leader has to have a genuine open-door policy so that his people are not afraid to approach him for any reason.
- Harold Geneen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bergen Evans
Leadership is more likely to be assumed by the aggressive than by the able, and those who scramble to the top are more often motivated by their own inner torments.
- Bergen Evans
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bergen Evans
Legislators who are of even average intelligence stand out among their colleagues. . . . A cultured college president has become as much a rarity as a literate newspaper publisher. A financier interested in economics is as exceptional as a labor leader interested in the labor movement. For the most part our leaders are merely following out in front; they [only] marshal us in the way that we are going.
- Bergen Evans
Collection: Leadership
Image of Al Oerter
So what if I never win my fifth gold medal; It's only one end of the string. It's competing that matters. It's proving that there is a place for guys like me in sports. It's a persona challenge to extend myself.
- Al Oerter
Collection: Leadership
Image of Elliott Jaques
Leaders create an environment in which everyone has the opportunity to do work which matches his potential capability and for which an equitable differential reward is provided.
- Elliott Jaques
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ken Gillespie
It's true, we are a highly professional force and we can produce highly lethal fighting forces, but I defy you to find more dedicated humanitarians or better friends when the chips are down.
- Ken Gillespie
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ken Gillespie
The Australian Army is a highly respected National institution because of its people. It's all about the people. If we communicate, and leverage off all in our organisation, not just our senior officers, our IQ will be awesome. Then there will be no job which is beyond us.
- Ken Gillespie
Collection: Leadership
Image of Paul Brown
The only thing that counts is your dedication to the game. You run on your own fuel; it comes from within you.
- Paul Brown
Collection: Leadership
Image of Carol Mann
A serious athlete to me is one who is committed to excellence at any level, at any age, in any endeavor and in either sex. This commitment begins with a dream and a sense of talent and skill and determination to make that dream come true.
- Carol Mann
Collection: Leadership
Image of Timothy Gallwey
The word coach comes from the old English word coach, which was a vehicle, a carriage that took royalty or very important people from where they were to where they wanted to go. That's really what a coach is. He or she tries to create a vehicle that will help you get where you're going, not where the coach wants you to go.
- Timothy Gallwey
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andrew Carnegie
The older I get the less I listen to what people say and the more I look at what they do.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Leadership
Image of Swami Nithyananda
Creativity is the depth of the honesty you express towards your possibility.
- Swami Nithyananda
Collection: Leadership