Leadership Quotes: Guidance for Todays Leaders - Page 24

Empower your leadership journey with quotes from successful leaders. Gain insights to lead effectively and inspire others. Page 24 provides more leadership quotes.

Image of Hugh Mackay
One of the most important responsibilities of leaders in any setting - including business organisations - is to tell us our own story; to explain us to ourselves; to help us weave some meaning and purpose into the fabric of our lives; to illuminate our understanding of where we have come from; to paint word pictures of our future onto which we can project our aspirations.
- Hugh Mackay
Collection: Leadership
Image of Hugh Mackay
The yearning for strong leadership is more about strength of purpose - clarity of vision - than about merely 'getting tough'.
- Hugh Mackay
Collection: Leadership
Image of Hugh Mackay
Polls are no substitute for leadership because, at its very essence, leadership is about giving people what they don't already have - a sense of vision, inspiration, or even an adequate grasp of a particular subject.
- Hugh Mackay
Collection: Leadership
Image of Hugh Mackay
It is the misfortune of contemporary leaders, across the whole spectrum of Australian life, that the community's demand for strong leadership is growing in direct proportion to our lack of confidence in ourselves. The end of this century is an unusually difficult time to be a leader in Australia.
- Hugh Mackay
Collection: Leadership
Image of Edgar Schein
The only thing of real importance that leaders do is to create and manage culture. If you do not manage culture, it manages you, and you may not even be aware of the extent to which this is happening.
- Edgar Schein
Collection: Leadership
Image of Cleopatra
Leave the fishing-rod, Great General, to us sovereigns of Pharos and Canopus. Your game is cities and kings and continents.
- Cleopatra
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jean-Claude Killy
People ask me what makes a great skier. It takes the gift; but besides the gift it takes all the availability of mind which permit total control of all the elements that lead to victory. - total composure.
- Jean-Claude Killy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Althea Gibson
From 143rd Street in Harlem to the center court at Wimbledon is about as far as one can travel.
- Althea Gibson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Akio Morita
If you go through life convinced that your way is always best, all the new ideas in the world will pass you by.
- Akio Morita
Collection: Leadership
Image of Gale Sayers
I have no idea what I did. I heard people talk about dead leg, shake, change of pace and all that, but I did things without thinking about them.
- Gale Sayers
Collection: Leadership
Image of Chris Argyris
Success in the marketplace increasingly depends on learning. Yet most people don't know how to learn.
- Chris Argyris
Collection: Leadership
Image of Robert Ley
A leader who loses his connection to his people soon loses the ability to lead them.
- Robert Ley
Collection: Leadership
Image of Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux
Education makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
- Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux
Collection: Leadership
Image of Lawrence M. Miller
Excellence is not an accomplishment. It is a spirit, a never-ending process.
- Lawrence M. Miller
Collection: Leadership
Image of Abbott Lawrence Lowell
A tale is told of a man in Paris during the upheaval in 1948, who saw a friend marching after a crowd toward the barricades. Warning him that these could not be held against the troops, that he had better keep way, he received this reply, " I must follow them. I am their leader."
- Abbott Lawrence Lowell
Collection: Leadership
Image of Abbott Lawrence Lowell
I must follow them. I am their leader.
- Abbott Lawrence Lowell
Collection: Leadership
Image of Frank Layden
I don't know, but I stepped on a scale that gives fortunes and the card read Come back in 15 minutes alone.
- Frank Layden
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ricardo Semler
There is no contest between the company that buys the grudging compliance of its work force and the company that enjoys the enterprising participation of its employees
- Ricardo Semler
Collection: Leadership
Image of John Haynes Holmes
There must appear a spiritual and moral leadership rising above economic and political situations. Governments in both their domestic and foreign policies appeal for popular support by promises of material gain. We cannot make peace by mere appeal to greed. We must give the peoples of the world something to live for as well as something to live on.
- John Haynes Holmes
Collection: Leadership
Image of Sarah Weddington
For a lot of women, one of the hardest things about leadership is the desire to be liked by everyone. That's often inconsistent with leadership. It's certainly inconsistent with taking positions on very controversial issues.
- Sarah Weddington
Collection: Leadership
Image of James Fisher
The main characteristics of effective leadership are intelligence, integrity or loyalty, mystique, humor, discipline, courage, self sufficieny and confidence.
- James Fisher
Collection: Leadership
Image of Steve Squyres
My style of leadership is to lead with the lightest touch that I possibly can.
- Steve Squyres
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jean Driscoll
Disability is a characteristic like hair color; it's not a defining principle.
- Jean Driscoll
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bob Cousy
In whatever sport of field of endeavor you are interested, you should do whatever is necessary to compliment your God-given talent with proper mental preparation so as to do "the best you can." The criterion should be to fully exploit your potential rather than to win at any cost. What more could anyone ever ask of you than to be the best you possibly can?
- Bob Cousy
Collection: Leadership
Image of Thomas Lansing Masson
To feel themselves in the presence of true greatness many find it necessary only to be alone.
- Thomas Lansing Masson
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eric Shinseki
Without leadership, command is a hollow experience, a vacuum often filled with mistrust and arrogance.
- Eric Shinseki
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eric Shinseki
I can't explain the lack of integrity among some of the leaders of our health care facilities. This is something I rarely encountered during 38 years in uniform. And so I will not defend it because it is indefensible. But I can take responsibility for it and I do.
- Eric Shinseki
Collection: Leadership
Image of Eric Jensen
There is no separation of mind and emotions; emotions, thinking, and learning are all linked.
- Eric Jensen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Shoshana Zuboff
Learning has replaced control as the fundamental role of management.
- Shoshana Zuboff
Collection: Leadership
Image of Brian Sipe
I learned a long time ago that one way to maximize potential for performance is to be calm in my mind. What I try to achieve during the season is a relaxed state of concentration. I simply try to cleanse my mind of the pressures that people are trying to heap on me.
- Brian Sipe
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kerry Packer
He wasn't very lovable but he was bloody efficient. (Packer talking about Genghis Khan)
- Kerry Packer
Collection: Leadership
Image of Darrell Royal
Football doesn't build character. It eliminates the weak ones.
- Darrell Royal
Collection: Leadership
Image of Benjamin Hooks
If you think you are leading and turn around to see no one following, then you are just taking a walk.
- Benjamin Hooks
Collection: Leadership
Image of Rosalynn Carter
If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can't accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through.
- Rosalynn Carter
Collection: Leadership
Image of George Madison Adams
We should seize every opportunity to give encouragement. Encouragement is oxygen to the soul. The days are always dark enough. There is no need for us to emphasize the fact by spreading further gloom.
- George Madison Adams
Collection: Leadership
Image of Antony Jay
The only real training for leadership is leadership.
- Antony Jay
Collection: Leadership
Image of Antony Jay
You can judge a leader by the size of the problem he tackles... Other people can cope with the waves, it's his job to watch the tide.
- Antony Jay
Collection: Leadership
Image of Vilfredo Pareto
In any series of elements to be controlled, a selected small fraction, in terms of numbers of elements, always accounts for a large fraction in terms of effect.
- Vilfredo Pareto
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ordway Tead
Leadership is the activity of influencing people to cooperate towards some goal which they come to find desirable and which motivates them over the long haul.
- Ordway Tead
Collection: Leadership
Image of Konosuke Matsushita
A person who sins neither in thought nor deed, and is fair and just, gains enormous courage and strength. As a leader, you need courage born of integrity in order to be capable of powerful leadership. To achieve this courage, you must search your heart, and make sure your conscience is clear and your behavior is beyond reproach.
- Konosuke Matsushita
Collection: Leadership
Image of Jackie Huggins
We have reached a pivotal time in Indigenous affairs when for the first time, national attention is being paid to the horror of Indigenous family violence in this country. For the first time, an Australian Prime Minister has held a summit in the national capital to listen to concerns and ideas on this issue from a group of Indigenous leaders.
- Jackie Huggins
Collection: Leadership
Image of Herb Kelleher
If you create an environment where the people truly participate, you don't need control. They know what needs to be done and they do it. And the more that people will devote themselves to your cause on a voluntary basis, a willing basis, the fewer hierarchies and control mechanisms you need.
- Herb Kelleher
Collection: Leadership
Image of Herb Kelleher
If you don't treat your own people well, they won't treat other people well.
- Herb Kelleher
Collection: Leadership
Image of Elizabeth Dole
The best public policy is made when you are listening to people who are going to be impacted.
- Elizabeth Dole
Collection: Leadership
Image of Shailender Singh
Harry is my elder brother. He is the wiser one who leads Percept, he shows us the path. My job is to run it, create the relationships, and run the business as profitably as I can. Harry acquires, merges, expands he is responsible for Percept's growth.
- Shailender Singh
Collection: Leadership
Image of Mary Robinson
If we took away barriers to women's leadership, we would solve the climate change problem a lot faster
- Mary Robinson
Collection: Leadership
Image of David Gergen
At the heart of leadership is the leader's relationship with followers. People will entrust their hopes and dreams to another person only if they think the other is a reliable vessel.
- David Gergen
Collection: Leadership
Image of Donna de Varona
I found out from my own experience that the best way to involve my daughter, Joanna, in sports is to participate with her. Recently, a mother asked me how I got my children to swim laps. The truth is, I've never asked my children to do laps. They see me do laps and want to do it with me. Parental participation is one way.
- Donna de Varona
Collection: Leadership