Top Keys Quotes Collection - Page 12

Discover a curated collection of Keys quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 12 provides more Keys quotes.

Image of P. J. O'Rourke
The key ingredient of politics is the idea that all of society's ills can be cured politically. It's like a cookbook where the recipe for everything is to fry it. The fruit cocktail is fried.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Keys
Image of Mike Birbiglia
The key is to do what you love.
- Mike Birbiglia
Collection: Keys
Image of Derek Landy
This is your one chance. Tell me where the key is." "Okay." Serpine raised an eyebrow. "Really?" "No, only joking. Do your worst.
- Derek Landy
Collection: Keys
Image of Maggie Stiefvater
You look like a puppy. Like I'm jingling my keys and you're jumping by the door waiting for your walk" "Woof.
- Maggie Stiefvater
Collection: Keys
Image of Mother Teresa
There is no key to happiness; the door is always open
- Mother Teresa
Collection: Keys
Image of Anton Szandor LaVey
One of the keys to success is an unflinching belief that there are no rules. Anyone who's ever succeeded has gone on that premise; not buying established procedures, business or otherwise. The naysayers are inevitably left behind amid shouts of 'it cannot be done' and "should not be done'."
- Anton Szandor LaVey
Collection: Keys
Image of Marco Rubio
Let me begin by saying that we have to understand who ISIS is. ISIS is a radical Sunni group. They cannot just be defeated through air strikes. Air strikes are a key component of defeating them, but they must be defeated on the ground by a ground force. And that ground force must be primarily made up of Sunni Arabs themselves, Sunni Arabs that reject them ideologically and confront them militarily.
- Marco Rubio
Collection: Keys
Image of Mark Batterson
The key to getting out of the boat is hearing the voice of God.
- Mark Batterson
Collection: Keys
Image of James Bovard
The key question for many voters is: How much is the candidate offering for my vote?
- James Bovard
Collection: Keys
Image of Craig Groeschel
The things that make us sad, the things that make us righteously angry, or the things we care about that others don’t are often a key that unlocks our reason for living. It’s our burden.
- Craig Groeschel
Collection: Keys
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
"Perceive" is the word that became in the '72 campaign what "charisma" was for the 1960, '64 and even the '68 campaigns. "Perceive" is the new key word. When you say perceive you imply the difference between what the candidate is and the way the public or the voters see him.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Keys
Image of Gayle Forman
Because you don’t ever find things when you’re looking for them. You find them when you’re not.” “If that were true, nobody would ever find their keys.
- Gayle Forman
Collection: Keys
Image of Jim Rohn
The major key to your better future is you.
- Jim Rohn
Collection: Keys
Image of Jeaniene Frost
I was sitting cross-legged in bed, trying without success to pretend I'd misunderstood the image I'd glimpsed. Yeah, right. Because Vlad had been between my legs looking for a set of keys he'd lost.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Keys
Image of Andrea Gibson
and I wonder if Beethoven held his breath the first time his fingers touched the keys the same way a soldier holds his breath the first time his finger clicks the trigger. We all have different reasons for forgetting to breathe.
- Andrea Gibson
Collection: Keys
Image of Sharon Salzberg
The key to cultivating confidence in ourselves is understanding our right to make the truth our own.
- Sharon Salzberg
Collection: Keys
Image of Mark Skousen
Balance in life is the key, as Aristotle taught us. Nobody likes a naive Pollyanna, but neither do we like to be around people who are constantly complaining and finding fault.
- Mark Skousen
Collection: Keys
Image of Rumi
Place a padlock on your throat and hide the key.
- Rumi
Collection: Keys
Image of Tom Petty
Redemption comes to those who wait, forgiveness is the key.
- Tom Petty
Collection: Keys
Image of Elvis Presley
I'll be a fool or a wiseman, my darling, you hold the key. Anyway you want me, that's how I will be.
- Elvis Presley
Collection: Keys
Image of Libba Bray
Learn to master yourself-to understand both your fears and your desires. That's the key to magic. Then, no one shall have any hold over you. Remember... the magic (sic)... is a living thing, joined to whomever it touches and changed by them as well... You must come to know everything-even your darkest corners. Especially those...Everything has its price.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Keys
Image of John Wooden
The importance of repetition until automaticity cannot be overstated. Repetition is the key to learning.
- John Wooden
Collection: Keys
Image of Kenneth Branagh
Sometimes it comes out in what I call tricksy behavior. That's not always easy to deal with, but it's fascinating. The key thing is to make sure that somebody's tricks don't trip up somebody else.
- Kenneth Branagh
Collection: Keys
Image of Gordon Korman
The key to the city of Florence was about two feet long, and painted a garish gold. Hamilton was fascinated by it. "Wow! How big is the lock?" Jonah laughed. "There is no lock, cuz. It's an honorary gig. Back in my crib in LA, I've got a whole shed full of keys from different cities. Want to know the kicker? I can't get at them. The gardener lost the key to the shed.
- Gordon Korman
Collection: Keys
Image of Iyanla Vanzant
The key to success is not what you do, it is how you feel about what you are doing.
- Iyanla Vanzant
Collection: Keys
Image of Robert Greene
The key then to attaining this higher level of intelligence is to make our years of study qualitatively rich. We don't simply absorb information - we internalize it and make it our own by finding some way to put this knowledge to practical use.
- Robert Greene
Collection: Keys
Image of Barack Obama
International inspectors are on the ground and Iran is being subjected to the most comprehensive, intrusive inspection regime ever negotiated to monitor a nuclear program. Inspectors will monitor Iran's key nuclear facilities 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For decades to come, inspectors will have access to Iran's entire nuclear supply chain. In other words, if Iran tries to cheat - if they try to find build a bomb covertly, we will catch them.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Keys
Image of Marco Rubio
The key that opens that door is proving to the American public that illegal immigration is under control. And at this point, that argument cannot be made because it is not true, it is not under control.
- Marco Rubio
Collection: Keys
Image of Anita Roddick
One of the key problems of the business world is that greed has become culturally acceptable.
- Anita Roddick
Collection: Keys
Image of Timothy Keller
For indeed, grace is the key to it all. It is not our lavish good deeds that procure salvation, but God's lavish love and mercy. That is why the poor are as acceptable before God as the rich. It is the generosity of God, the freeness of his salvation, that lays the foundation for the society of justice for all. Even in the seemingly boring rules and regulations of tabernacle rituals, we see that God cares about the poor, that his laws make provision for the disadvantaged. God's concern for justice permeated every part of Israel's life. It should also permeate our lives.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Keys
Image of John Milton
Yet some there be that by due steps aspire To lay their just hands on that golden key That opes the palace of Eternity.
- John Milton
Collection: Keys
Image of Thomas S. Monson
Testimony bearing is the key to missionary work
- Thomas S. Monson
Collection: Keys
Image of Thomas S. Monson
I testify that when we do all we can to accomplish the work that is before us, the Lord will make available to us the sacred key needed to unlock the treasure which we so much seek.
- Thomas S. Monson
Collection: Keys
Image of Rick Warren
The key is really just saying my brain isn't big enough to figure out why everything happens. It would be like an ant trying to understand the internet.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Keys
Image of Cynthia Ozick
very bright teeth as big and orderly as piano keys.
- Cynthia Ozick
Collection: Keys
Image of Vladimir Nabokov
And she was mine, she was mine, the key was in my fist, my fist was in my pocket, she was mine.
- Vladimir Nabokov
Collection: Keys
Image of Julie Anne Peters
What I know is you can't go back. You can't press delete and re-key your life.
- Julie Anne Peters
Collection: Keys
Image of Boyd K. Packer
Repentance is the key with which we can unlock the prison from inside. We hold that key within our hands, and agency is ours to use it.
- Boyd K. Packer
Collection: Keys
Image of Marianne Williamson
The key to happiness is the decision to be happy
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Keys
Image of Marianne Williamson
Forgiveness is the key to inner peace because it is the mental technique by which our thoughts are transformed from fear to love.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Keys
Image of Marianne Williamson
It is our own thoughts that hold the key to miraculous transformation.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Keys
Image of Thomas de Quincey
Thou hast the keys of Paradise, oh, just, subtle, and mighty opium!
- Thomas de Quincey
Collection: Keys
Image of David A. Bednar
Sometimes we overcomplicate living the gospel. Consistency in acting in accordance with the Lord’s will is key.
- David A. Bednar
Collection: Keys
Image of Bill Vaughan
The familiar childhood admonition of 'counting to 10' before taking action works because it emphasizes the two key elements of anger management -- time and distraction.
- Bill Vaughan
Collection: Keys
Image of Andy Stanley
When you make giving a priority, something happens inside of you. Especially when it's financially challenging to do so. It's like you loosen your grip on a value system whose motto says, "Money is the key to life and happiness and safety."
- Andy Stanley
Collection: Keys
Image of Karen Marie Moning
People treat you as badly as you let them treat you. Key word there: let.
- Karen Marie Moning
Collection: Keys
Image of Steven Soderbergh
My experience over the years with working with people who are not actors or not trained actors is that you have to get to know them well enough to see what they have that's translatable onto the screen. So you're constantly calibrating to play to their strengths. And the key is to never ask them to do things that are beyond their abilities or are really far away from who they are at their core.
- Steven Soderbergh
Collection: Keys
Image of Victor Borge
The elephant smoked too much.(explaining why the keys of his piano were so yellow)
- Victor Borge
Collection: Keys
Image of Dolly Parton
Adjusting to the passage of time is a key to success and to life: just being able to roll with the punches.
- Dolly Parton
Collection: Keys