Jared Fogle

Image of Jared Fogle
I had no intention of anyone ever finding out what I had done.
- Jared Fogle
Collection: Done
Image of Jared Fogle
I tell children from all over the country that it's good to eat healthy and nothing to be ashamed about. They know me from the Subway commercials and can relate to what I'm saying.
- Jared Fogle
Collection: Country
Image of Jared Fogle
I know how long it took me to lose my weight, and people have got to understand it?s not always easy. If all this can help one child, we are doing our job.
- Jared Fogle
Collection: Jobs
Image of Jared Fogle
If people didn't give a damn, I wouldn't be in the position I'm in. I try not to lose sight of that.
- Jared Fogle
Collection: Sight