Alyson Hannigan

Image of Alyson Hannigan
My mom, Emilie, always taught me to think hard about marriage.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Marriage
Image of Alyson Hannigan
One of the most special moments was when my husband and I renewed our vows for our 10th anniversary. It was super small with just us, our girls, and a couple of the people we wanted to be there the most. It was so meaningful.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Anniversary
Image of Alyson Hannigan
As a mom, I think you always wonder if you could be doing more.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
Nerds are far more interesting human in later life.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
There's a very wild side to me, but it's calming down.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
No matter how much you love your spouse, you won't love them in the same way you do your baby. It's a different love, and everything changes. You have to figure out how to parent together.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I never got back to being a vegan, but now I'm super healthy. Once Keeva turned a year old, I thought, 'I should probably try to lose this baby weight.' It didn't come off as easily the second time around... so I went to nutritionist and got on a good program that's been working really well.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I know quickly whether a guy is boyfriend material. If I can have a good time doing absolutely nothing with him, then that's boyfriend material for me. Like if we're able to have fun at a gas station. I've had some really good times at gas stations.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
There should be a law that there's a pajama day every few weeks.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
You need to suffer to be interesting.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I want to stay true to who I am by trying to be in the moment.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
This is what I always wanted to do in my entire life, so I am not going to sit here and complain that it is so terrible to be in successful movies, because it becomes a trilogy!
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I love this profession, but God, it can just destroy people, and I don't want that to happen and become some monster.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I went to a regular school, not one of those fame academy things.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I would just as likely be doing soccer practice as filming commercials.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
My mom was a photographer and whenever they needed a baby for a modelling job, she'd stick me in front of the camera. That's how it started.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I've always just loved the Marshall/Lily relationship, and just exploring that, and the dynamic of a long-term relationship, and I just love our scenes together. I love it.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
When I got pregnant with my first child, I was vegan. And when I got pregnant, my body was craving meat so much. I started out slowly with eggs, then cheese, then I was like, 'OK, I need a steak!' I had to listen to my body - my cravings were so strong with the first one. When I got a craving for a food, I needed it five minutes ago.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I love that when I give my 4-year-old a cupcake, she takes a few licks of the frosting and takes a bite, but she has yet to finish a whole cupcake. She gets so excited about cake, but she never eats all of it. She would rather have a plate of fruit. I hope that sticks.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
'How I Met Your Mother' - I would do it again in a heartbeat. It was so much fun going to work every day... we laughed and laughed. It was just pure, lovely fun.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I don't like hospitals, and the idea of being in labor somewhere I don't like at all - wasn't how I wanted to bring my kids into the world.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
It's amazing what your body does to produce another human... you should thank your body for what it does.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
Everything seems like, 'If I don't change this diaper correctly, she won't go to college.' My advice is, know that the time does go by fast... it's a huge roller coaster; it's the hardest thing and most rewarding thing.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I definitely had to be talked into 'American Pie: Reunion.' I was hesitant because I'm on a show, and I felt, 'I'm happy. I've got my family.' But then I met the directors, who also wrote it, and once I read the script, I was like, 'OK, sign me up.'
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I always pined for the guys who didn't know I existed. Looking back now, the friendships are what mattered. My best friend is still a girl I met in junior high.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I don't mind being the funny character rather than the glamorous one, although I'm happy to do both.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I use foundation with sunscreen in it to save a step. It's just enough to look like I put makeup on. Then, I use a little blush, and that's it - I'm out the door.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I've had a career where people still remember all these shows I've been on. It's quite cool; I just want to do stuff that people like.
- Alyson Hannigan
Image of Alyson Hannigan
Don't ever put a guy in front of your friends. Friends are most important. And don't make a guy more important than yourself.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Guy
Image of Alyson Hannigan
Oh, I'm going to miss everything. It's been the most amazing and significant job of my life obviously and I'll always have it near and dear to my heart. I'm so grateful and appreciative that I worked with the best crew and the best writers and producers and cast and I love them all.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Jobs
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I can't stand when people use drugs as an escape. It's like, everybody suffers. Deal with your issues, you'll feel so much better.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Issues
Image of Alyson Hannigan
Don't ever spend more than three weeks apart. Two and a half weeks, maybe three, was the longest we ever did.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Two
Image of Alyson Hannigan
You can have all this mismatched Tupperware and lids, but you can never get them sealed quite right. That one edge always keeps popping up. It's supposed to fit, but it rarely does. You've gotta try a few lids before you find the one that actually snaps.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Trying
Image of Alyson Hannigan
My first TV crush was Elroy Jetson, because he was so cute. And I wanted to play with Astro on his automatic dog-walker thing.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Cute
Image of Alyson Hannigan
I don't like to know too much because I'm a terrible liar.
- Alyson Hannigan
Collection: Liars