Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 92

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 92 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Thomas a Kempis
Let all your thoughts be with the Most High, and direct your humble prayers unceasingly to Christ. If you cannot contemplate high and heavenly things, take refuge in the Passion of Christ, and love to dwell within His Sacred Wounds. For if you devoutly seek the Wounds of Jesus and the precious marks of His Passion, you will find great strength in all troubles.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The genuine and simple religion of Jesus will one day be restored: such as it was preached and practiced by Himself.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of St. Jerome
If a soul is not clothed with the teachings of the Church he cannot merit to have Jesus seated in him.
- St. Jerome
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas a Kempis
In Jesus and for Him, enemies and friends alike are to be loved.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas a Kempis
If you seek Jesus in all things you will surely find Jesus. And if you seek yourself, you will surely find yourself, but only to your ruin.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
It is not to be understood that I am with him (Jesus Christ) in all his doctrines. I am a Materialist; he takes the side of Spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance toward forgiveness of sin; I require a counterpoise of good works to redeem it.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of E. Stanley Jones
Whatever our creed, we stand with admiration before the sublime character of Jesus.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michael Jackson
I'm trying to imitate Jesus in the fact that he said to be like children, to love children, to be as pure as children and to make yourself as innocent and to see the world through eyes of wonderment and the whole magical quality of it all.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
In our Richmond there is much fanaticism, but chiefly among the women. They have their night meetings and prayer parties, where, attended by their priests, and sometimes by a hen-pecked husband, they pour forth the effusions of their love to Jesus, in terms as amatory and carnal, as their modesty would permit them to use a mere earthly lover.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Cling, therefore, to Jesus in life and death; trust yourself to the glory of Him who alone can help you when all others fail.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. D. Jakes
Besides, Jesus was a rich man. He had to have been, in order to have supported his disciples and their families during his ministry.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. D. Jakes
When Jesus says, 'Take, eat. This is my body that was broken for you,' He says, I want my body in you. (Pause. . . shouts and claps) I want my blood in you. And every time you celebrate this rite, it is a reminder that you belong to me, and I belong to you. And he said, 'I will drink no more wine until I drink it new with you and the kingdom of God. Communion is the most romantic ordinance. Eh, Eh, Eh. (He laughs. Pause. . . the audience shouts and claps.) It is the most romantic ordinance between two lovers.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas a Kempis
For they truly know their Lord in the breaking of bread, whose heart within them so vehemently burneth, whilst Thou, O blessed Jesus, dost walk and converse with them.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The religion-builders have so distorted and deformed the doctrines of Jesus, so muffled them in mysticism, fancies, and falsehoods.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The precepts of philosophy and of the Hebrew code, laid hold of actions only. (Jesus) pushed his scrutinies into the heart of man, erected his tribunal in the regions of his thoughts, and purified the waters at the fountain head.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michael Jackson
Like the Bible says. A child should be leader of them all, and to be led by that kind of innocence. Didnt Jesus say bring on the children? Be like the children. Not childish, but child-like. That kind of innocence.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Aldous Huxley
Jehovah, Allah, the Trinity, Jesus, Buddha, are names for a great variety of human virtues, human mystical experiences, human remorses, human compensatory fantasies, human terrors, human cruelties. If all men were alike, all the world would worship the same God.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Let this be thy whole endeavor, this thy prayer, this thy desire,-that thou mayest be stripped of all selfishness, and with entire simplicity follow Jesus only.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Her new powers surging, she went to have a long overdue Come-to-Jesus talk with the goddess. (Tory)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ivan Illich
Jesus was an anarchist savior. That's what the Gospels tell us.
- Ivan Illich
Collection: Jesus
Image of T. D. Jakes
The myth of the poor Jesus needs to be destroyed, because it's holding people back.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Jesus
Image of Margot Kidder
Mostly, in The Great Waldo Pepper I remember the lovely Ed Herrmann befriending me and taking care of me. I was crying a lot. I was a real mess when we made that. But this is all such ancient history, Jesus Lord. Was this before or after The Sting?
- Margot Kidder
Collection: Jesus
Image of Michael Jackson
With just a little love and a little caring, I have seen kids totally turn around. Where you can't find any cancer at all anymore in their body. I've done it a lot of times. I'm not trying to say I'm Jesus Christ. We should just give a little more attention to the power of love and caring and faith and prayer.
- Michael Jackson
Collection: Jesus
Image of E. Stanley Jones
Character is supreme in life, hence Jesus stood supreme in the supreme thing - so supreme that, when we think of the ideal, we do not add virtue to virtue, but think of Jesus Christ, so that the standard of human life is no longer a code but a character.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Jesus
Image of E. Stanley Jones
Some have said that the power of a Redeemer would depend upon two things: first, upon the richness of the self that was given; and second, upon the depths of the giving. Friend and foe alike are agreed on the question of the character of Jesus Christ.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bryan Fuller
Jesus Christ, being 2000 years old and some change, is a relatively "new" god of the older god category - and has done quite well for himself, in terms of worship.
- Bryan Fuller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bryan Fuller
If it is true that if you believe in something, you manifest it, there are many Jesus Christs in the universe, because there are many different cultural interpretations of Jesus.
- Bryan Fuller
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
Only by being both deity and humanity could Jesus Christ bridge the gap between where God is.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
Jesus continues to offer light, joy, and peace to today's generation.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
It's true the Holy Spirit alone can reproduce the character of our Lord Jesus, and we must always abide in Christ. But the Bible also makes us active partners in the process, and we must be diligent to do our part. "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed".
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of E. Stanley Jones
All coming to Jesus has the feeling of homecoming upon it. All going away from Him has the sense of estrangement upon it. The rich young ruler went away from Jesus "sorrowful." Everybody does. Not only estrangement from God, but also estrangement from oneself. And the universe! And from life! You are not at home with life, unless you are at home with Life. And Jesus is Life!
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The religion of Jesus is founded in the Unity of God, and this principle chiefly gave it triumph over the rabble of heathen gods then acknowledged. Thinking men of all nations rallied readily to the doctrine of one only God, and embraced it with the pure-morals which Jesus inculcated.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The truth is, that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those, calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in His genuine words.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Garrison Keillor
Jesus said the meek would inherit the earth, but so far all we've gotten is Minnesota and North Dakota.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Jesus
Image of Garrison Keillor
... and people are to march around the church to commemorate the event, Palm Sunday, when Jesus rode into Jerusalem and was greeted with applause and with palms. People thought he had come to overthrow the Romans, but ... no ... he had come to change THEM ... and that led to things turning bad.
- Garrison Keillor
Collection: Jesus
Image of John F. Kerry
Jesus did not help just the sick who could afford to pay for it.
- John F. Kerry
Collection: Jesus
Image of Eddie Izzard
Cause Jesus I do think did exist, and he was, I think, a guy who had interesting ideas in the Gandhi-type area, in the Nelson Mandela-type area, you know, relaxed and groovy; and the Romans thought, Relaxed and groovy?! No, no, no, no, no! So they murdered him. And kids eat chocolate eggs, because of the color of the chocolate, and the color of the... wood on the cross. Well, you tell me! It's got nothing to do with it, has it?
- Eddie Izzard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Arianna Huffington
Why worry about minor little details like clean air, clean water, safe ports and the safety net when Jesus is going to give the world an "Extreme Makeover: Planet Edition" right after he finishes putting Satan in his place once and for all?
- Arianna Huffington
Collection: Jesus
Image of Zora Neale Hurston
Please God, please suh, don't let him love nobody else but me. Maybe Ah'm is uh fool, Lawd, lak dey say, but Lawd, Ah been so lonesome, and Ah been waitin', Jesus. Ah done waited uh long time.
- Zora Neale Hurston
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for enslaving mankind and adulterated by artificial constructions into a contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy, in fact, constitute the real Anti-Christ.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Guy Kawasaki
To say that Windows 95 is just like the Mac is like finding a potato in the shape of Jesus and thinking you have witnessed the second coming
- Guy Kawasaki
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
If we could believe that Jesus...countenanced the follies, falsehoods and charlatanisms which his biographers father on him, ...the conclusion would be irresistible...that he was an imposter.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
[n regard to Jesus believing himself inspired] This belief carried no more personal imputation than the belief of Socrates that he was under the care and admonition of a guardian demon. And how many of our wisest men still believe in the reality of these inspirations while perfectly sane on all other subjects
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Jeremiah
Jesus became mortal to give you immortality; and today, through Him, you can be free.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Jesus
Image of Victor Hugo
If I were Jesus Christ, I would save Judas.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The doctrines of Jesus are simple and tend all to the happiness of man, that there is only one God and God is perfect. That God and man are one. That to love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself, is the sum of religion. These are the great points on which I endeavor to reform and live my life.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
Paul was the first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Jefferson
The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend to all the happiness of man.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Jesus