Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 80

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 80 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Oswald Chambers
By the supernatural miracle of God's grace I stand justified, not because I am sorry for my sin, not because I have repented, but because of what Jesus has done.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Madonna Ciccone
'Jesus' message was to love your neighbour as yourself, and there are people in need. I hope that people got that message.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Henrik Clarke
I think that Jesus-dependency has taken over our minds, and too many of our institutions.
- John Henrik Clarke
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
If you want to follow Jesus because He'll fix your marriage, if you want to follow Jesus because He'll give you a better life, that's idolatry. Follow Christ for the sake of Christ; He is worthy!
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
It’s absolutely absurd to say you are a disciple of Jesus Christ yet not bear the fruit of Jesus Christ.
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
If following Jesus Christ doesn't cost you anything, it's because you've bought into 'American Christianity.'
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Johnny Cash
Help me, Jesus. I know what I am.
- Johnny Cash
Collection: Jesus
Image of Noam Chomsky
Jesus himself, and most of the message of the Gospels, is a message of service to the poor, a critique of the rich and the powerful, and a pacifist doctrine. And it remained that way, that's what Christianity was up... until Constantine. :Constantine shifted it so the cross, which was the symbol of persecution of somebody working for the poor, was put on the shield of the Roman Empire. It became the symbol for violence and oppression, and that's pretty much what the church has been until the present.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louie Giglio
The only wounds that define us are the wounds of Jesus Christ.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louie Giglio
The Word of God spoke into the dry bones. His breath filled them, put tendons (repair), and put skin on...Then you will know I am God...When Jesus comes that will happen.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Jesus Christ has undertaken by His redemption to put in me a heart so pure that God can see nothing to censure.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Trust yourself in God's hands. Maintain your relationship to Jesus Christ by the patience of faith. 'Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.'
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
One of the greatest hindrances in coming to Jesus is the excuse of temperament. We make our temperament and our natural affinities barriers to coming to Jesus. The first thing we realize when we come to Jesus is that He pays no attention whatever to our natural affinities. We have the notion that we can consecrate our gifts to God. You cannot consecrate what is not yours; there is only one thing you can consecrate to God, and that is your right to yourself (Romans 12:1). If you will give God your right to yourself, He will make a holy experiment out of you. God’s experiments always succeed
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Madonna Ciccone
My father was very strict with me, and I kept seeing a disparity between their freedom and my lack of it, or how I had all the responsibilities and they had none. And the Catholic Church, all of the rules, and why did I have to wear a dress when they could wear pants? I would say to my dad: 'Will Jesus love me less if I wear pants? Am I going to hell?'
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Jesus
Image of Isabel Allende
My son, the Holy Church is on the right, but Jesus Christ was always on the left.
- Isabel Allende
Collection: Jesus
Image of Edward McKendree Bounds
We can do nothing without prayer. All things can be done by importunate prayer. That is the teaching of Jesus Christ
- Edward McKendree Bounds
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bernard Lewis
Moses led his people through the wilderness and he wasn't permitted to enter the Promised Land. Jesus was crucified. Mohammad founded a state which soon became an empire, so that Islam from the very beginning is involved with government, with politics. And therefore there is a very clear strong political tradition in Islam.
- Bernard Lewis
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Cassian
It is by means of these that we attain perfect love, through the grace and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory through all the ages. Amen.
- John Cassian
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charlie Chaplin
I am known in parts of the world by people who have never heard of Jesus Christ.
- Charlie Chaplin
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rachel Held Evans
You can't get too far into the Gospels without noticing that Jesus made a pretty lousy apologist.
- Rachel Held Evans
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
Your accord and harmonious love is a hymn to Jesus perfect harmony, and taking your pitch from God, you may sing in unison and in one voice to the Father through Jesus Christ.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
It is outrageous to utter the name of Jesus Christ and live in Judaism.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
It is better for me to die in behalf of Jesus Christ, than to reign over all the ends of the earth.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
I no longer take pleasure in perishable food or in the delights of this world. I want only God's bread, which is the Flesh of Jesus Christ, formed of the seed of David, and for drink I crave His Blood which is love that cannot perish.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
Wherever the bishop shall appear, let the multitude of also be, just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the catholic [i.e., universal] church. It is not lawful either to baptize or to celebrate a love feast without the bishop, but whatever he approves of, that is also pleasing to God.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
I would rather die and come to Jesus Christ than be king over the entire earth. Him I seek who died for us; Him I love who rose again because of us.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
Let fire and the cross; let the crowds of wild beasts; let tearings ... let shatterings of the whole body; and let all the evil torments of the devil come upon me: only let me attain to Jesus Christ.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
Now I begin to be a disciple. Let fire and cross, flocks of beasts, broken bones, dismemberment come upon me, so long as I attain to Jesus Christ.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
Be obedient to the bishop and to one another, as Jesus Christ was in the flesh to the Father, and the apostles to Christ and to the Father and to the Spirit, so that there may be unity in flesh and in spirit.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ignatius of Antioch
Now I begin to be a disciple. I care for nothing, of visible or invisible things, so that I may but win Christ. Let fire and the cross, let the companies of wild beasts, let breaking of bones and tearing of limbs, let the grinding of the whole body, and all the malice of the devil, come upon me; be it so, only may I win Christ Jesus!
- Ignatius of Antioch
Collection: Jesus
Image of James MacDonald
Jesus washing the disciples feet is the most supreme act of humility in all of God’s word.
- James MacDonald
Collection: Jesus
Image of Billy Crystal
Two thousand years ago Jesus is crucified, three days later he walks out of a cave and they celebrate with chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps and beautifully decorated eggs. I guess these were things Jesus loved as a child.
- Billy Crystal
Collection: Jesus
Image of Richard Dawkins
Jesus was not content to derive his ethics from the scriptures of his upbringing. He explicitly departed from them. [...] Since a principal thesis of this chapter is that we do not, and should not, derive our morals from scripture, Jesus has to be honoured as a model for that very thesis.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Jesus
Image of Ali Sina
There is a fundamental difference between Jesus and Muhammad and their teachings. When the Jews brought a prostitute to Christ and asked him what to do with her because the law says stone her, Jesus said, let the one who has not committed any sin throw the first stone. This is a great teaching. To be happy as human beings, we don't need lots of laws. All we need are few good teachings and this is one of them.
- Ali Sina
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rich Mullins
So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf. You have been King of my glory won't You be my Prince of Peace.
- Rich Mullins
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dorothy Day
Christ is God or He is the world's greatest liar and imposter.
- Dorothy Day
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paulo Coelho
I read the Bible and know little of its history, but the human beings who wrote it were instruments of Divine Power, and Jesus forged a far stronger bond than the ten commandments: love. Birds and monkeys, or any of God's creatures, obey their instincts and merely do what they're programmed to do. In the case of the human being, things are more complicated because we know about love and its traps.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Jesus
Image of Martin Amis
Oh man sometimes I wake up feel like a cat runover. Are you familiar with the stoical aspects of hard drinking, of heavy drinking? Oh it's heavy. Oh it's hard. It isn't easy. Jesus, I never meant me any harm. All I wanted was a good time.
- Martin Amis
Collection: Jesus
Image of C. J. Mahaney
To learn true humility, we need more than a redefinition of greatness; we need even more than Jesus' personal example of humble service. What we need is His death.
- C. J. Mahaney
Collection: Jesus
Image of Stephen Colbert
Researchers from Britain's Keele University have found that swearing after an injury may help alleviate pain. Evidently, the pain that you feel is inversely proportional to the number of middle names you give Jesus.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul the Apostle
Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, Jesus himeself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil.
- Paul the Apostle
Collection: Jesus
Image of Marina Abramovic
Do you know what's most interesting? Working with the very strong restrictions of the institution. In the Renaissance, the aristocrats would order paintings from the artist. They would order the Crucifixion of Jesus. The restrictions were amazing. Jesus had to be in the middle, three apostles on the left, four apostles on the right - and still you had masterpieces. It's really interesting to work within restriction, and see what you can do with restriction.
- Marina Abramovic
Collection: Jesus
Image of Lysa TerKeurst
I want to honor Jesus with the things I say and the things I choose not to say. Lord, help us all be so careful with sharing opinions as if they are truth.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Collection: Jesus
Image of Lysa TerKeurst
Spending some time getting quiet can really be the best remedy for tangled situations. Taking a step back from all the emotion, frustration, and exhaustion to sit quietly with Jesus will do more to untangle a mess than anything else I've ever found.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Collection: Jesus
Image of Richard Dawkins
Matthew and Luke handle the problem differently, by deciding that Jesus must have been born in Bethlehem after all. But they get him there by different routes.
- Richard Dawkins
Collection: Jesus
Image of Lysa TerKeurst
There is power in simply speaking the name Jesus.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Collection: Jesus
Image of Stephen Colbert
Yes, Dr. King is pro-gun just as surely as Jesus would be pro-nails.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Jesus