Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 79

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 79 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Robert D. Hales
There is nothing that we are enduring that Jesus does not understand, and He waits for us to go to our Heavenly Father in prayer. If we will be obedient and if we are diligent, our prayers will be answered, our problems will diminish, our fears will dissipate, light will come upon us, the darkness of despair will be dispersed, and we will be close to the Lord.
- Robert D. Hales
Collection: Jesus
Image of Robert D. Hales
Your Heavenly Father needs you. His work, under the direction of our Savior Jesus Christ, needs what you are uniquely prepared to give.
- Robert D. Hales
Collection: Jesus
Image of G. Campbell Morgan
The whole life story of Jesus, on the human side, is the life story of One who lived by faith.
- G. Campbell Morgan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
The greatest word of Jesus to His disciples is abandon
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all noble things are difficult.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
The Cross did not happen to Jesus: He came on purpose for it. He is “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
To identify with the death of Jesus Christ means that we must die to everything that was never a part of Him.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Jesus Christ can afford to be misunderstood; we cannot. Our weakness lies in always wanting to vindicate ourselves.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
The one true mark of a saint of God is the inner creativity that flows from being totally surrendered to Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Madonna Ciccone
I'm sentimental about Jesus on the cross. Jesus was a Jew, and also I believe he was a catalyst, and I think he offended people because his message was to love your neighbour as yourself; in other words, no one is better than somebody else. He embraced all people, whether it was a beggar on the street or a prostitute, and he admonished a group of Jews who were not observing the precepts of the Torah. So he rattled a lot of people's cages.
- Madonna Ciccone
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sherman Alexie
We are taught to take the bread into our bodies as proof of Jesus's body.
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
Jesus still has a really great reputation and the Spirit is still moving. I've got a lot of hope for a generation that takes Jesus seriously, once again.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
Jesus is challenging that when addressing "who is your neighbor" and he has a lot of hard things to say about family, "unless you hate your own family you are not going to be a disciple." He is challenging the limits of our compassion and our love as if someone's kid suffers it should be as devastating to us as if it were our own kid. That is what the early church said.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
Jesus did not send us into the world to make believers but to make disciples.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
When the church takes affairs of the state more seriously than they do Jesus, Pax Romana becomes its gospel and the president becomes the Son of God.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
I'm just not convinced that Jesus is going to say, "When I was hungry, you gave a check to the United Way and they fed me.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
Today the logic goes something like this: 'Calling a ruler Son of God is out of style. No one really does that nowadays. We can support a president while also worshiping Jesus as the Son of God.' But how is this possible? For one says that we must love our enemies, and the other says we must kill them; one promotes the economics of competition, while the other admonishes the forgiveness of debts. To which do we pledge allegiance?
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
Our churches should attract the people Jesus attracted and frustrate the people Jesus frustrated.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
But what had lasting significance were not the miracles themselves but Jesus' love. Jesus raised his friend Lazarus from the dead, and a few years later, Lazarus died again. Jesus healed the sick, but eventually caught some other disease. He fed the ten thousands, and the next day they were hungry again. But we remember his love. It wasn't that Jesus healed a leper but that he touched a leper, because no one touched lepers.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
Jesus taught us a prayer of community and reconciliation, belonging to a new people who have left the land of 'me'.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas Carlyle
Democracy will prevail when men believe the vote of Judas as good as that of Jesus Christ.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
The greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Joy is the great note all through the Bible. We have the notion of joy that arises from good spirits or good health, but the miracle of joy of God has nothing to do with a man's life or his circumstances or the condition he is in. Jesus Christ does not come to a man and say, 'Cheer up.' He plants within a man the miracle of the joy of God's own nature.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Today Jesus Christ is being dispatched as the Figurehead of a Religion, a mere example. He is that, but he is infinitely more; He is salvation itself, He is the Gospel of God.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
The teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is not--Do your duty, but--Do what is not your duty. It is not your duty to go the second mile, to turn the other cheek, but Jesus says if we are His disciples we shall always do these things. There will be no spirit of--"Oh, well, I cannot do any more, I have been so misrepresented and misunderstood". . . Never look for right in the other man, but never cease to be right yourself. We are always looking for justice; the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount is--Never look for justice, but never cease to live it.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
A practical help in keeping your personal purity unblemished in your relations with other people is to begin to see them as God does. Say to yourself, “That man or that woman is perfect in Christ Jesus! That friend or that relative is perfect in Christ Jesus!
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Faith never knows where it is being led, it knows and loves the One Who is leading. Faith is not resignation to a power we do not know; faith is committal to One Whose character we do know because it has been revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Catherine Doherty
We do not go to mission lands to 'bring Jesus Christ' as much as to uncover him where he already is.
- Catherine Doherty
Collection: Jesus
Image of Robert D. Hales
Now is the time to become a disciple of Jesus Christ, which means accepting His invitation to 'come, follow me' (Luke 18:22). This is the decision we made in our premortal lives. Now we must make it again here in mortality, every day, in every situation by taking the Savior's name upon us, remembering His atoning sacrifice, and keeping His commandments. This we covenanted to do when we were baptized, and we have the opportunity to renew those covenants each week as we partake of the sacrament.
- Robert D. Hales
Collection: Jesus
Image of Robert D. Hales
I promise you in [Jesus] name that if you pray with a sincere desire to hear your Heavenly Father's voice in the messages of this conference, you will discover that He has spoken to you to help you, to strengthen you, and to lead you home into His presence.
- Robert D. Hales
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas De Witt Talmage
Bring the little ones to Christ. Lord Jesus, we bring them to-day, the children of our Sunday-schools, of our churches, of the streets. Here they are; they wait Thy benediction. The prayer of Jacob for his sons shall be my prayer while I live, and when I die: "The angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads."
- Thomas De Witt Talmage
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mr. T
I wanna feed 5,000 like Jesus, I wanna build a community center where the homeless and less fortunate can come take a shower, get a hot meal and a change of clothes. Maybe not new clothes but some clean clothes. Those are my goals, my raps and goals haven't changed. I'm about helping somebody, I use my celebrity status for the good of mankind. That's what I do, so for all the Hip-Hop people, if they just pull from me the gold, they're missing so much.
- Mr. T
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Bunyan
Grace can pardon our ungodliness and justify us with Christ's righteousness; it can put the Spirit of Jesus Christ within us; it can help us when we are down; it can heal us when we are wounded; it can multiply pardons, as we through frailty multiply transgressions.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Bunyan
I saw, moreover, that it was not my good frame of heart that made my righteousness better, nor my bad frame that made my righteousness worse; for my righteousness was Jesus Christ himself, the same yesterday and today and forever.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Bunyan
It is sad to see how the most of men neglect their precious souls, turning their backs upon the glorious gospel, and little minding a crucified Jesus, when, in the meanwhile, their bodies are well provided for, their estates much regarded, and the things of this present life are highly prized, as if the darling was of less value than a clod of earth; an immortal soul, than a perishing body; a precious Saviour, than unsatisfying creatures.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Berg
Those of us who have received Jesus Christ as our Saviour and our Lover and our King already have the Garden of Eden and Paradise restored in our hearts!
- David Berg
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Berg
We who have found Jesus and faith in God and love Him have found Heaven on Earth!
- David Berg
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Berg
Only you and I who love Jesus and have Him now before this life's death will be able to be among the special super-citizens of the Heavenly City, a special super-class of people!
- David Berg
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Berg
Hallelujah for the Heaven we have in our hearts with the Love of Jesus, His Spirit, and the Heaven we have in our Homes with each other and our love together and our work and service together for Him. It's really a little bit of Heaven right here and now!
- David Berg
Collection: Jesus
Image of David Berg
Our Heavenly bodies will be able to dematerialise, pass from dimension to dimension, walk right through walls and locked doors as Jesus did, appear and disappear at will and travel with the speed of thought!
- David Berg
Collection: Jesus
Image of Marion G. Romney the gospel of Jesus Christ is the price of-and the only way to-peace.
- Marion G. Romney
Collection: Jesus
Image of Marion G. Romney
The Holy Ghost converts [us] from carnality to spirituality. It cleanses, heals, and purifies the soul. . . . . Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and water baptism are all preliminary and prerequisite to it, but [the baptism of fire] is the consummation. To receive [this baptism of fire] is to have one's garments washed in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ.
- Marion G. Romney
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jimmy Carter
I think the most challenging thing for me in my life and in the Bible is that we worship Jesus as the Prince of Peace. And America is constantly at war.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kay Arthur
Why should I ever resist any delay or disapointment, any affliction or oppression or humiliation - when I know God will use it in my life to make me like Jesus and to prepare me for heaven?
- Kay Arthur
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kay Arthur
As I am generous towards others ... As I see a person in need and don't just say, 'God bless you.' I am proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Kay Arthur
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Pius XII
All men are brothered in Jesus Christ.
- Pope Pius XII
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Pius XII
The more pure and chaste is a soul, the more it hungers for this Bread [Jesus in the Eucharist], from which it derives strength to resist all temptations to sins of impurity, and by which it is more intimately united with the Divine Spouse; 'He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood, abides in Me and I in him'
- Pope Pius XII
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
The touchstone of the Holy Spirit’s work in us is the answer to our Lord’s question: “Who do men say that the Son of Man is?” Our Lord makes human destiny depend on that one thing, Who men say He is, because the revelation of Who Jesus is is only given by the Holy Spirit.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
My unrestrained commitment of myself to God gives the Holy Spirit the opportunity to grant to me the holiness of Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus