Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 78

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 78 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Bill Hybels
We will probably have to pay a price for devoting our lives to building the kingdom of God. Jesus did.
- Bill Hybels
Collection: Jesus
Image of A. B. Simpson
Difficulties and obstacles are God's challenges to faith. When hindrances confront us in the path of duty, we are to recognize them as vessels for faith to fill with the fullness and all-sufficiency of Jesus.
- A. B. Simpson
Collection: Jesus
Image of A. B. Simpson
God never can use any man very much till he has grace enough to forget himself entirely while doing God's work; for He will not give His glory to another nor share with the most valued instrument the praise that belongs to Jesus Christ alone.
- A. B. Simpson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
No matter who or what we are, God restores us to right standing with Himself only by means of the death of Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
When I was born again, I received the very life of the risen Lord from Jesus Himself.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
There is nothing more certain in Time or Eternity than what Jesus Christ did on the Cross.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Barbara Marx Hubbard
We know in history that great individuals have totally changed everything, whether it be Jesus Christ or Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill or Albert Einstein. I actually think every person can make a difference.
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Clayton Christensen
Every time you take someone figuratively by the hand and introduce him or her to Jesus Christ, you will feel how deeply our Savior loves you and loves the person whose hand is in yours.
- Clayton Christensen
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Bunyan
Doth Jesus Christ stand up to plead for us with God, to plead with him for us against the devil? Let this teach us to stand up to plead for him before men, to plead for him against the enemies of his person and gospel.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Slavoj Žižek
In the electoral campaign, President Bush named as the most important person in his life Jesus . Now he has a unique chance to prove that he meant it seriously: for him, as for all Americans today, "Love thy neighbor!" means "Love the Muslims!" OR IT MEANS NOTHING AT ALL.
- Slavoj Žižek
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jimmy Carter
I believe those passages in the New Testament, not by Jesus, but by Paul, that say women should not adorn themselves, they should always wear hats or color their hair in church - things like that - I think they are signs of the times and should not apply to modern-day life.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Jesus
Image of James Allen
Jesus brooded upon the Divine imminence until at last he could declare, 'I and my Father are One.'
- James Allen
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dan Brown
At this gathering [Council of Niceau in 324 AD] many aspects of Christianity were debated and voted upon ― the date of Easter, the role of the bishops, the administration of sacraments, and, of course, the divinity of Jesus... until that moment in history, Jesus was viewed by His followers as a mortal prophet... a great and powerful man, but a man nonetheless. A mortal.
- Dan Brown
Collection: Jesus
Image of Christian Finnegan
Jesus is a powerful guy in Hollywood. Not quite as powerful as Vin Diesel, but powerful.
- Christian Finnegan
Collection: Jesus
Image of William Ellery Channing
War will never yield but to the principles of universal justice and love, and these have no sure root but in the religion of Jesus Christ.
- William Ellery Channing
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Let the attitude of your life be a continual willingness to "go out" in dependence upon God, and your life will have a sacred and inexpressible charm about it that is very satisfying to Jesus. You must learn to "go out" through your convictions, creeds, or experiences until you come to the point in your faith where there is nothing between yourself and God.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Jesus said, 'Go ... and make disciples,' not converts to your opinions.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Jesus Christ demands the same unrestrained, adventurous spirit in those who have placed their trust in Him that the natural man exhibits. If a person is ever going to do anything worthwhile, there will be times when he must risk everything by his leap in the dark.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
If for one whole day, quietly and determinedly, we were to give ourselves up to the ownership of Jesus and to obeying his orders, we should be amazed at its close to realize all he had packed into that one day.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louie Giglio
Life is chaotic. It's messy. That's what Jesus was stepping into.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louie Giglio
Life comes from death. To the degree that I can live in the death of Jesus - to that degree I can channel God's life to others.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louie Giglio
God always gets the glory when Jesus comes.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Jesus
Image of Louie Giglio
Hear Jesus as a family and serve Him. Care about people and love people.
- Louie Giglio
Collection: Jesus
Image of Johnny Cash
Well, I take great comfort in the words of the apostle Paul who said, ‘What I will to do, that I do not practice. But what I hate, that I do.’ And he said, ‘It is no longer I who do it, but the sin that dwells within me. But who,’ he asks, ‘will deliver me from this body of death?’ And he answers for himself and for me, ‘Through Jesus Christ the Lord.'
- Johnny Cash
Collection: Jesus
Image of Johnny Cash
Why me, Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the blessings I've known? Why me, Lord? What did I ever do that was worth love from you and the kindness you've shown? Lord, help me, Jesus, I've wasted it so. Help me, Jesus. I know what I am. Now that I know that I've needed you so, help me, Jesus. My soul's in your hand.
- Johnny Cash
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jack Hyles
Jesus makes you happy in reality. The world makes you happy escaping from reality.
- Jack Hyles
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Henrik Clarke
The southern white Baptists now want to integrate with the black Baptist church. I say that would be the end of it. In the first place, most white southern Baptists can't preach, their intentions are not that good and we make a different joyful noise unto the Lord than white people. When we say, "Lord Jesus, personal savior", we may not mean the same thing as what they mean.
- John Henrik Clarke
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
If you are going to walk with Jesus Christ, you are going to be opposed by everything in the world and by the great majority of evangelicals. You're going to be opposed.
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
Then they ask, "Do you want Jesus to come into your heart?" Does it bother anyone that this formula or language is not found in the New Testament?
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
How could we have such a low view of the gospel of Jesus Christ that we have to manipulate men psychologically to get them to come down and pray a prayer? …How many times have I heard evangelists say, “It’ll only take five minutes.”? No my dear friend, it will take your life–all of it!
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
The true gospel is radically exclusive. Jesus is not a way; He is the way, and all other ways are no way at all. If Christianity would only move one small step toward a more tolerant ecumenicalism and exchange the definite article the for the indefinite article a, the scandal would be over, and the world and Christianity could become friends. However, whenever this occurs, Christianity ceases to be Christianity, Christ is denied, and the world is without a Savior.
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
The greatest heresy in the American Evangelical and Protestant church is that if you pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart, He will definitely come in!
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
Oh, that God would raise up missionaries. I don't wish the same things your parents want for you. They want for you security and insurance and nice homes. They want for you cars and respect. I want for you the same thing I want for my son, that one day he takes a banner, the banner of Jesus Christ, and he places it on a hill where no one has ever placed a banner before, and he cries out, 'Jesus Christ is Lord,' even if it costs my son his life.
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Paul Washer
When you refuse to teach on the radical depravity of men, it is an impossibility that you bring glory to God, His Christ, and His cross, because the cross of Jesus Christ and the glory thereof is most magnified when it's placed in front of the backdrop of our depravity!
- Paul Washer
Collection: Jesus
Image of R. A. Torrey
We are not saved by denying self, or taking up our cross, or doing anything else, we are saved by simply believing in Jesus.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Jesus
Image of R. A. Torrey
Those who truly believe on Jesus Christ are saved from all fear.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Jesus
Image of R. A. Torrey
The failure to return thanks for definite blessings received is a manifestation of ingratitude that grieves Jesus Christ.
- R. A. Torrey
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
The honour of Jesus Christ is at stake in your bodily life. Are you remaining loyal to the Son of God in the things which beset His life in you? Do you continue to go with Jesus? The way lies through Gethsemane, through the city gate, outside the camp; the way lies alone, and the way lies until there is no trace of a footstep left, only the voice, 'Follow Me.'
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
God never estimates what we give from impulse. We are given credit for what we determine in our hearts to give; for the giving that is governed by a fixed determination. The Spirit of God revolutionises our philanthropic instincts. Much of our philanthropy is simply the impulse to save ourselves an uncomfortable feeling. The Spirit of God alters all that. As saints our attitude towards giving is that we give for Jesus Christ's sake, and from no other motive.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
Jesus Christ out-socialists the socialists. He says that in His Kingdom he that is greatest shall be the servant of all. The real test of the saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples' feet, that is, doing the things that do not count in the actual estimate of men but count everything in the estimate of God.
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Oswald Chambers
There is only one way by which I can get right with God, and that is through the death of Jesus Christ. I must get rid of the underlying idea that I can ever be right with God because of my obedience. Who of us could ever obey God to absolute perfection!
- Oswald Chambers
Collection: Jesus
Image of Shane Claiborne
How ironic is it to see a bumper sticker that says 'Jesus is the answer' next to a bumper sticker supporting the war in Iraq, as if to says 'Jesus is the answer - but not in the real world.
- Shane Claiborne
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Pius XII
The key to seeing why there should be a Eucharistic worship distinct from the Mass is that the Eucharist is Jesus Christ. No less than His contemporaries in Palestine adored and implored Him for the favors they needed, so we should praise, thank Him, and implore Him for what we need.
- Pope Pius XII
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Calvin
Joy is a quiet gladness of heart as one contemplates the goodness of God's saving grace in Christ Jesus.
- John Calvin
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Calvin
How do we know that God has elected us before the creation of the world? By believing in Jesus Christ.
- John Calvin
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jimmy Carter
Homosexuality was massively practiced in some of the conflicting religions at the time of Christ and even at the time of Christ, in Roman times show that homosexuality was widely prevalent. I think it's quite significant that Jesus never did mention it.
- Jimmy Carter
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dan Brown
The Bible represents a fundamental guidepost for millions of people on the planet, in much the same way the Koran, Torah, and Pali Canon offer guidance to people of other religions. If you and I could dig up documentation that contradicted the holy stories of Islamic belief, Judaic belief, Buddhist belief, pagan belief, should we do that? Should we wave a flag and tell the Buddhists that the Buddha did not come from a lotus blossom? Or that Jesus was not born of a literal virgin birth? Those who truly understand their faiths understand the stories are metaphorical.
- Dan Brown
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Bunyan
Be of good cheer, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dale Carnegie
Obviously, circumstances alone do not make us happy or unhappy. It is the way we react to circumstances that determines our feelings. Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is within you. That is where the kingdom of hell is, too.
- Dale Carnegie
Collection: Jesus