Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 62

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 62 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Kevin DeYoung
Just about everybody in America likes Jesus, but few like him for who he truly is.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kevin DeYoung
...,the will of God for your life is pretty straightforward: Be holy like Jesus, by the power of the Spirit, for the glory of God.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kevin DeYoung
To build your house on the rock is to hear what Jesus says and obey. To be foolish and build your house on the sand is to hear and ignore.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kevin DeYoung
No one can hate you in this life more than Jesus was hated.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Jesus
Image of Kevin DeYoung
Everything before Jesus is preface. Everything after Jesus is appendix. Jesus is the story.
- Kevin DeYoung
Collection: Jesus
Image of Desmond Tutu
Jesus could weep. Sometimes when you look at the ugliness that makes you weep, you know that the heart of God is also weeping. Jesus is for real. He does not give up on anyone, least of all on me.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Jesus
Image of Desmond Tutu
In most, when you go to church, most churches when they have images of the good shepherd, they show Jesus carrying a nice fluffy lamb. Now fluffy little lambs don't stray from their mommy's. The sheep that will stray is the most obstreperous, troublesome one.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Jesus
Image of Henry David Thoreau
Christ is the prince of Reformers and Radicals.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Jesus
Image of Andy Stanley
Believe what you want But don't dumb down what Jesus said.
- Andy Stanley
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rick Warren
Jesus has not promised to build your ministry; he has promised to build his church.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Jesus
Image of George Washington
What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.
- George Washington
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles Spurgeon
We are convinced that all of our race who die in infancy partake in the redemption wrought out by our Lord Jesus. Whatever some may think, we believe that the whole spirit and tone of the Word of God, as well as the nature of God Himself, lead us to believe that all who leave this world as babes are saved.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Jesus has borne the death penalty on our behalf. Behold the wonder! There He hang upon the cross!
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles Spurgeon
But the best argument of all [for evangelism] is to be found in the wounds of Jesus. You want to honor Him, you desire to put many crowns upon His head, and this you can best do by winning souls for Him. These are the spoils that He covets, these are the trophies for which He fights, these are the jewels that shall be His best adornment.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
If his suffering did not make Jesus give up on us, nothing will.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
When Jesus got the big questions, he didn't present arguments. He presented himself.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
We are so evil and sinful and flawed that Jesus had to die for us... But we are so lobed and valued that he was willing to due for us.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
In the New Testament outside the Gospels and the beginning of Acts, again and again, the fact of Jesus’ resurrection is closely linked to our own ultimate resurrection, which isn’t life after death – it’s life after life after death.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
That is what worship is all about. It is the glad shout of praise that arises to God the creator and God the rescuer from the creation that recognizes its maker, the creation that acknowledges the triumph of Jesus the Lamb. That is the worship that is going on in heaven, in God's dimension, all the time. The question we ought to be asking is how best we might join in.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of N. T. Wright
Christ's resurrection doesn't mean escaping from the world; it means mission to the world based on Jesus's lordship over the world.
- N. T. Wright
Collection: Jesus
Image of Saint Basil
I cannot persuade myself that without love to others, and without, as far as rests with me, peaceableness toward all, I can be called a worthy servant of Jesus Christ.
- Saint Basil
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dillon Burroughs
Many overlook the fact that Jesus was homeless. He did not only teach the poor; He lived among them.
- Dillon Burroughs
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
That's the secret of Jesus. You watch Jesus and you see he never did "withdraw" and then "attack." All of the time people wanted him to do it and in many ways, but he would not. Then to the body of believers he said, "This will show everyone that you are my disciples, if you love one another," but he had already said, "Love one another as I have loved you." So that's the model.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
Jesus is the human face on the kingdom of God. He makes it concretely accessible.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Vladimir Nabokov
Dear Jesus, do something.
- Vladimir Nabokov
Collection: Jesus
Image of Warren W. Wiersbe
Remember, your worth is founded in Jesus Christ.
- Warren W. Wiersbe
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
A testimony is a most precious possession because it is not acquired by logic or reason alone, it cannot be purchased with earthly possessions, and it cannot be given as a present or inherited from our ancestors. We cannot depend on the testimonies of other people. We need to know for ourselves. President Gordon B. Hinckley said, ‘Every Latter-day Saint has the responsibility to know for himself or herself with a certainty beyond doubt that Jesus is the resurrected, living Son of the living God.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
First doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
There are those among you who, although young, have already suffered a full measure of grief and sorrow. My heart is filled with compassion and love for you. How dear you are to the Church. How beloved you are of your Heavenly Father. Though it may seem that you are alone, angels attend you. Though you may feel that no one can understand the depth of your despair, our Savior, Jesus Christ, understands. He suffered more than we can possibly imagine, and He did it for us; He did it for you. You are not alone.
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The gospel of Jesus Christ has the divine power to lift you to great heights from what appears at times to be an unbearable burden or weakness. The Lord knows your circumstances and your challenges. He said to Paul and to all of us, 'My grace is sufficient for thee.' And like Paul we can answer: 'My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me'(2 Corinthinans 12:9)".
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Collection: Jesus
Image of Marquis de Sade
Lycurgus, Numa, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, all these great rogues, all these great thought-tyrants, knew how to associate the divinities they fabricated with their own boundless ambition.
- Marquis de Sade
Collection: Jesus
Image of Henri Nouwen
Lord Jesus, master of both the light and the darkness, send your Holy Spirit upon our preparations for Christmas. We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence. We are your people, walking in darkness, yet seeking the light. To you we say, 'Come Lord Jesus!'
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Jesus
Image of Henri Nouwen
The Church will always be renewed when our attention shifts from ourselves to those who need our care. The blessing of Jesus always comes to us through the poor. The most remarkable experience of those who work with the poor is that, in the end, the poor give more than they receive. They give food to us.
- Henri Nouwen
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
Jesus is mysterious not just because of what we don't know about him, but because of what we do know about him.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
Jesus ... associated with the outcasts; he spoke with them, touched them, ate with them, loved them.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
The entire life of Jesus isn't the story of somebody climbing up a ladder; it's a picture of someone coming down-a series of demotions. The problem with spending our lives climbing up the ladder is that we will go right past Jesus, for He's coming down.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of John Ortberg
The Holy Spirit will lead you to be with people as Jesus would be with them if He were in your place.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Jesus
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Faith is not a once-done act, but a continuous gaze of the heart at the Triune God. Believing, then, is directing the hearts' attention to Jesus. It is lifting the mind to 'behold the Lamb of God,' and never ceasing that beholding for the rest of our lives.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Randy Alcorn
How can we recognize if we're falling into materialism's trap? Christ's words were direct and profound: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" . What we do with our possessions is a sure indicator of what's in our hearts. Jesus is saying, "Show me your checkbook, your credit card statement, and your receipts for cash expenditures, and I'll show you where your heart is." What we do with our money doesn't lie. It is a bold statement to God of what we truly value.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Jesus
Image of Randy Alcorn
I believe the only way to break the power of materialism is first, to see ourselves as stewards that God has entrusted these money and possessions to, and second, to give. Jesus says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive". As long as I still have something, I believe I own it. But when I give it away, I relinquish the control, power, and prestige that come with wealth.
- Randy Alcorn
Collection: Jesus
Image of B. F. Skinner
The severest trial of oppression is the constant outrage which one suffers at the thought of the oppressor. What Jesus discovered was how to avoid the inner devastations. His technique was to practice the opposite emotion... a man may not get his freedom or possessions back, but he's less miserable. It's a difficult lesson.
- B. F. Skinner
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
We have control over our prayer life, our relationship with Jesus.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
I confess to you guys, I confess to the church, I know I have backed away from certain things because of my arrogance. I thought I could attract more people to Jesus by hiding certain things about him.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Amos Oz
When I say compromise I do not mean capitulation. When I say compromise I definitely do not mean what Jesus Christ meant when he offered us to turn our other cheek to our enemies. Compromise means, try to meet the other somewhere half-way. And, this can only happen if the other is willing to go half-way in order to meet you. That is the very strict line between compromise and capitulation.
- Amos Oz
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bill O'Reilly
If you are a kid in America, and you live in a secular home and go to public school, you know nothing about Jesus of Nazareth. The only time you hear the word Jesus is when somebody's yelling at you - Jesus, okay?
- Bill O'Reilly
Collection: Jesus
Image of Mother Teresa
God will never, never, never let us down if we have faith and put our trust in Him. He will always look after us. So we must cleave to Jesus. Our whole life must simply be woven into Jesus.
- Mother Teresa
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
Jesus asks for everything, but we try to give Him less.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Chan
Lukewarm people call 'radical' what Jesus expected of all His followers.
- Francis Chan
Collection: Jesus