Top Jesus Quotes Collection - Page 61

Discover a curated collection of Jesus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 61 provides more Jesus quotes.

Image of Rajneesh
Jesus was not famous in his day. If there were no Bible, there would have been no record of him. The record belongs to his four disciples; nobody else has ever mentioned him, whether he existed or not. He was not famous. He was not successful. Can you think of a greater failure than Jesus? But, by and by, he became more and more significant; by and by, people recognized him. It takes time.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rajneesh
All Jesus' pictures are falsifications; they cannot be about the real Jesus. This real man must have been totally different, because we know he enjoyed drinking - it is impossible to think of a person who enjoys drinking and not laughing. He enjoyed women - it is difficult to think of a man who enjoys women and not laughing. He was friendly, almost in love, with a prostitute, Mary Magdalene. It is difficult to move with a prostitute - he was not moving with a Catholic monk, not with a priest, not with the Pope... with a prostitute! These were the condemnations against him.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rajneesh
Without Jesus they were the great priests of the temple; with Jesus suddenly they were nobodies. In the presence of Jesus there was God himself and all the priests felt their glory had been taken away.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rajneesh
Jesus was a lover of life, a very affirmative person, but Christianity is life-negative.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rajneesh
Jesus moved in a very poor world. People were seeking their own solutions. Many were helped - not that Jesus was helping - they were helped. And Jesus says again and again: "It is your faith that has healed you." When you have faith, compassion can pour into you. When you have faith, you are open to compassion.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rajneesh
Hence the Bible has no record of his years of preparation; the record is very abrupt. Something about his childhood is said, very fragmentary. And only once is he mentioned: when he was twelve years of age and he started arguing with the priests in the temple - that's all. Then there is a gap of eighteen years... nothing is mentioned.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Jesus
Image of Joyce Meyer
I can't do anything about my past, but I can do a lot to cooperate with my destiny. I am re-created in Christ Jesus, born anew, that I might do the good works that he laid out for me and live the good life.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Brad Warner
If he'd [Jesus] been a little more concerned for his own safety and well being he may have toned things down a little bit and probably at best he'd be remembered as a Rabbi who said some cool things but that nobody really reads anymore. There's tons of them.
- Brad Warner
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallin H. Oaks
Man unquestionably has impressive powers... But after all our obedience and good works, we cannot be saved from the effects of our sins without the grace extended by the atonement of Jesus Christ... Man cannot earn his own salvation.
- Dallin H. Oaks
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallin H. Oaks
The healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ-whether it removes our burdens or strengthens us to endure and live with them like the Apostle Paul-is available for every affliction in mortality.
- Dallin H. Oaks
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallin H. Oaks
Service is an imperative for those who worship Jesus Christ and a covenant obligation of those who belong to his Church.
- Dallin H. Oaks
Collection: Jesus
Image of Bethany Hamilton
I guess my faith in Jesus Christ is what kept me going day by day. I just trusted in him and I believe that he's the one who gives me the strength and ability to overcome struggles and problems day to day. I'm just grateful for him, as he has blessed me with just an amazing family that has supported me through every step of the way.
- Bethany Hamilton
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sinead O'Connor
This is how you know religion is failing because people think you're bonkers if you believe in God and also because it's so uncool believing in Jesus and everything.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sinead O'Connor
I don't want to go shoving what I believe down anyone's throat. Whatever I believe about Jesus is a personal thing, but it doesn't exclude all the others.
- Sinead O'Connor
Collection: Jesus
Image of Charles Spurgeon
Lord Jesus, cause me to know in my daily experience the glory and sweetness of Thy name, and then teach me how to use it in my prayer, so that I may be a prince prevailing with God.
- Charles Spurgeon
Collection: Jesus
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
In the New Testament, Thomas Jefferson cut out everything that was mystical, magical, miracle - physically with scissors - and then pasted in all that remained, such as Jesus's Sermon on the Mount.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Neil deGrasse Tyson
It's quite literally true that we are star dust, in the highest exalted way one can use that phrase. ...I bask in the majesty of the cosmos. I use words, compose sentences that sound like the sentences I hear out of people that had revelation of Jesus, who go on their pilgrimages to Mecca.
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rumi
The miracle of Jesus is himself, not what he said or did about the future. Forget the future. I'd worship someone who could do that.
- Rumi
Collection: Jesus
Image of R. C. Sproul
The gospel is the proclamation of the person and work of Jesus Christ and how those benefits can be applied to us by faith alone.
- R. C. Sproul
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sylvester Stallone
Some people maybe try to justify their laziness. You take out what you put in and the more I go to church and the more I turn myself over to the process of believing in Jesus, and to listening to his word and have him guide my hand I feel the pressure's off me.
- Sylvester Stallone
Collection: Jesus
Image of Henry Miller
Begin this moment, wherever you find yourself, and take no thought of the morrow. Look not to Russia, China, India, not to Washington, not to the adjoining county, city or state, but to your immediate surroundings. Forget Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and all the others. Do your part to the best of your ability, regardless of the consequences. Above all, do not wait for the next man to follow suit.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Markus Zusak
Oh, come on, Arthur." "I don't want to hear it, Andy." "Jesus Christ" "He doesn't want to hear it, either.
- Markus Zusak
Collection: Jesus
Image of Baruch Spinoza
The eternal wisdom of God ... has shown itself forth in all things, but chiefly in the mind of man, and most of all in Jesus Christ.
- Baruch Spinoza
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rick Warren
If your God doesn't look like Jesus, we don't worship the same God, sorry.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rick Warren
I want evangelicals to be known not for what they're against, but what they're for. Yes, there are some things that I believe are flat out wrong. There is no doubt about it, and I'm not wishy-washy about it. But my agenda is bigger than simply those issues. My agenda is to be as big as the agenda of Jesus.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Jesus
Image of Rick Warren
The problem is that tolerant has changed its meaning. It used to mean 'I may disagree with you completely, but I will treat you with respect. Today, tolerant means - 'you must approve of everything I do.' There's a difference between tolerance and approval. Jesus accepted everyone no matter who they were. He doesn't approve of everything I do, or you do, or anybody else does either. You can be accepting without being approving.
- Rick Warren
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
The world says you are loved because of what you do. Jesus says you can now do all things because you are loved.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
What you treasure will ultimately require you die for it, Jesus is the only treasure that died for you.
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Timothy Keller
Every treasure on this earth says, 'Give your life to purchase me.' Jesus says 'I'm the one treasure who died to purchase you.'
- Timothy Keller
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
Jesus is actually looking for people he can trust with his power.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
The key, then, to loving God is to see Jesus, to hold him before the mind with as much fullness and clarity as possible. It is to adore him.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
You cannot trust Jesus in areas in which you don't think him competent.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Dallas Willard
There is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.
- Dallas Willard
Collection: Jesus
Image of Philip Yancey
The camera follows a young woman as she makes her way through the stands to an area set aside for repentance and conversion. But Jesus' stories imply that far more may be going on out there: beyond that stadium scene, in a place concealed from all camera lenses, a great party has erupted, a gigantic celebration in the unseen world.
- Philip Yancey
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope John Paul II
If you really wish to follow Christ, if you want your love for him to grow and last, then you must be faithful to prayer. It is the key to the vitality of your life in Christ. Without prayer, your faith and love will die. If you are constant in daily prayer and in the Sunday celebration of Mass, your love for Jesus will increase. And your heart will know deep joy and peace, such as the world could never give.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope John Paul II
Do you think that there can be anything greater than to bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus?
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope John Paul II
Jesus Christ has taken the lead on the way of the cross. He has suffered first. He does not drive us toward suffering but shares it with us, wanting us to have life and to have it in abundance.
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
Jesus has a special, compassionate concern for those who are broken and needy.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Sinclair B. Ferguson
Christianity is Christ because there isn't anything else. There is no atonement that somehow can be detached from who the Lord Jesus is. There is no grace that can be attached to you transferred from Him. All there is, is Christ and your soul.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson
Collection: Jesus
Image of Jerry Bridges
The Bible is full of God's promises to provide for us spiritually and materially, to never forsake us, to give us peace in times of difficult circumstances, to cause all circumstances to work together for our good, and finally to bring us safely home to glory. Not one of those promises is dependent upon our performance. They are all dependent on the grace of God given to us through Jesus Christ.
- Jerry Bridges
Collection: Jesus
Image of Laini Taylor
My face responds without authorization from my brain, so the resulting smile feels like the biggest, most unguarded, goofiest smile I’ve ever unleashed in my entire life. I didn’t even know my face could do this. It’s like there were hidden zippers in my cheeks. Jesus. This must be what feelings are. This is why people write poems! I get it now. I get it, and I want more.
- Laini Taylor
Collection: Jesus
Image of Francis Schaeffer
God's Word will never pass away, but looking back to the Old Testament and since the time of Christ, with tears we must say that because of lack of fortitude and faithfulness on the part of God's people, God's Word has many times been allowed to be bent, to conform to the surrounding, passing, changing culture of that moment rather than to stand as the inerrant Word of God judging the form of the world spirit and the surrounding culture of that moment. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may our children and grandchildren not say that such can be said about us.
- Francis Schaeffer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Remember the words of Christ: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." These words are literally true, not figures or fiction. They were the outflow of the heart's blood of one of the greatest sons of God who have ever come to this world of ours; words which came as the fruit of realisation, from a man who had felt and realised God himself; who had spoken with God, lived with God, a hundred times more intensely than you or I see this building.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope John Paul II
The Church and the world have a great need of eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes of the world. May our adoration never cease
- Pope John Paul II
Collection: Jesus
Image of Zadie Smith
Our children will be born of our actions. Our accidents will become their destinies. Oh, the actions will remain. It is a simple matter of what you will do when the chips are down, my friend. When the fat lady is singing. When the walls are falling in, and the sky is dark, and the ground is rumbling. In that moment our actions will define us. And it makes no difference whether you are being watched by Allah, Jesus, Buddah, or whether you are not. On cold days a man can see his breath, on a hot day he can't. On both occasions, the man breathes.
- Zadie Smith
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
Jesus’ example of fidelity to prayer challenges us to examine the time and effort we devote to our own prayer. While prayer is a gift of God, it is also an art learned through constant practice. Jesus teaches us to pray constantly, but also to bear witness before others of the beauty of prayer, self-surrender and complete openness to God.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
Jesus, the Word incarnate, is always the center of our announcement, the point of reference for our evangelizing mission and for its methodology, because He is the human face of God, who wishes to meet all men and women so as to bring them into communion with Him, in His love.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Jesus
Image of Pope Benedict XVI
Consecrated life means going to the very root of the love of Jesus Christ with an undivided heart and putting nothing ahead of this love.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Collection: Jesus
Image of J. I. Packer
We meet God through entering into a relationship both of dependance on Jesus as our Saviour and Friend and of discipleship to Him as our Lord and Master.
- J. I. Packer
Collection: Jesus