Top imagination Quotes Collection - Page 18

Discover a curated collection of imagination quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 18 provides more imagination quotes.

Image of Rose Tremain
The imagination conjures gifts; what the ungrateful, unsentimental part of the mind has to do is to unwrap them, find fault with them, see them for what they are and then alter them.
- Rose Tremain
Collection: Imagination
Image of Paul Scott
Imagination is not enough. Knowledge is necessary.
- Paul Scott
Collection: Imagination
Image of C. Northcote Parkinson
Imagination is essential and it comes first, for without imagination we are aimless.
- C. Northcote Parkinson
Collection: Imagination
Image of Giambattista Vico
Imagination is more robust in proportion as reasoning power is weak.
- Giambattista Vico
Collection: Imagination
Image of Patrick White
If truth is not acceptable, it becomes the imagination of others.
- Patrick White
Collection: Imagination
Image of Steve Wozniak
Imagination is something you do alone.
- Steve Wozniak
Collection: Imagination
Image of Anthony Storr
Imagination flourishes best in solitude.
- Anthony Storr
Collection: Imagination
Image of Anthony Storr
The ecstatic state of wholeness is bound to be transient because it has no part in the total pattern of ‘adaptation through maladaptation’ which is characteristic of our species…the hunger of imagination, the desire and pursuit of the whole, take origin from the realization that something is missing, from awareness of incompleteness.
- Anthony Storr
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ludwig Feuerbach
The power of miracle is the power of imagination.
- Ludwig Feuerbach
Collection: Imagination
Image of Barbara Hambly
Imagination is what has driven human progress since very early times.
- Barbara Hambly
Collection: Imagination
Image of Martha C. Nussbaum
Business leaders love the humanities because they know that to innovate you need more than rote knowledge. You need a trained imagination.
- Martha C. Nussbaum
Collection: Imagination
Image of Sarah Strohmeyer
The imagination is a wonderful thing; it allows for all manner of undiscoverable sins.
- Sarah Strohmeyer
Collection: Imagination
Image of Francois Truffaut
Life has more imagination than we do.
- Francois Truffaut
Collection: Imagination
Image of Vivienne Westwood
Intelligence is composed mostly of imagination, insight, things that have nothing to do with reason.
- Vivienne Westwood
Collection: Imagination
Image of Vivienne Westwood
The most erotic zone is the imagination.
- Vivienne Westwood
Collection: Imagination
Image of Rumiko Takahashi
Is it my imagination, or is there some kind of jealousy thing going on here?"-Inuyasha (gives Inuyasha a really bad look)"It's your imagination."-Sango (Inuyasha tries to hide behind Kagome) "Whatever you say."-Kagome
- Rumiko Takahashi
Collection: Imagination
Image of Maria Mitchell
We especially need imagination in science. Question everything.
- Maria Mitchell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Arthur Wing Pinero
A financer is a pawnbroker with an imagination.
- Arthur Wing Pinero
Collection: Imagination
Image of Sijie Dai
Our imagination is dictated by who we are. (198)
- Sijie Dai
Collection: Imagination
Image of Anita Shreve
Is imagination dependent upon experience, or is experience influenced by imagination?
- Anita Shreve
Collection: Imagination
Image of Thomas Moore
Usually, the main problem with life conundrums is that we don't bring to them enough imagination
- Thomas Moore
Collection: Imagination
Image of Denise Levertov
Mediocrity is perhaps due not so much to lack of imagination as to lack of faith in the imagination, lack of the capacity for this abandon.
- Denise Levertov
Collection: Imagination
Image of Melanie Benjamin
I certainly incorporate facts into my fiction. I take the basic facts from the life of my subject and I pick and choose what to use to construct a really interesting novel. I don't let facts get in the way of my imagination and my exploration of the subject's emotions and relationships.
- Melanie Benjamin
Collection: Imagination
Image of George Berkeley
A ray of imagination or of wisdom may enlighten the universe, and glow into remotest centuries.
- George Berkeley
Collection: Imagination
Image of William Butler Yeats
By logic and reason we die hourly; by imagination we live.
- William Butler Yeats
Collection: Imagination
Image of Tahir Shah
A little imagination goes a long way in Fes.
- Tahir Shah
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ann Patchett
Using your imagination is the one time in life you can really go anywhere.
- Ann Patchett
Collection: Imagination
Image of Mary Balogh
Sometimes even the imagination lets one down.
- Mary Balogh
Collection: Imagination
Image of Ivan Klíma
I realised the amazing power of literature and of the human imagination generally: to make the dead live and to stop the living from dying.
- Ivan Klíma
Collection: Imagination
Image of Constantin Stanislavski
The actor must use his imagination to be able to answer all questions (when, where, why, how). Make the make-believer existence more definite.
- Constantin Stanislavski
Collection: Imagination
Image of Azar Nafisi
That, of course, is what great works of imagination do for us: They make us a little restless, destabilize us, question our preconceived notions and formulas.
- Azar Nafisi
Collection: Imagination
Image of Christopher Moore
Faith isn't an act of intelligence, it's an act of imagination.
- Christopher Moore
Collection: Imagination
Image of Alfred Nobel
Justice is to be found only in the imagination.
- Alfred Nobel
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wallace Stevens
God and the imagination are one.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wallace Stevens
Imagination is the power of the mind over the possibilities of things.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wallace Stevens
The imagination is one of the forces of nature.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Imagination
Image of Wallace Stevens
Imagination applied to the whole world is vapid in comparison to imagination applied to a detail.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Imagination
Image of Martial
It is feeling and force of imagination that make us eloquent.
- Martial
Collection: Imagination
Image of Mary Caroline Richards
And with listening, too, it seems to me, it is not the ear that hears, it is not the physical organ that performs the act of inner receptivity. It is the total person who hears. Sometimes the skin seems to be the best listener, as it prickles and thrills, say to a sound or a silence; or the fantasy, the imagination: how it bursts into inner pictures as it listens and then responds by pressing its language, its forms, into the listening clay. To be open to what we hear, to be open in what we say. .
- Mary Caroline Richards
Collection: Imagination
Image of Tony DiTerlizzi
Never abandon imagination
- Tony DiTerlizzi
Collection: Imagination
Image of Dion Fortune
What you contemplate, you touch. What you enter into in imagination, you make yourself one with.
- Dion Fortune
Collection: Imagination
Image of Cressida Cowell
There's no such thing as im-POSSIBLE, Hiccup, only im-PROBABLE. The only thing that limits us are the limits to our imagination
- Cressida Cowell
Collection: Imagination
Image of Peter Weir
It doesn't take any imagination at all to feel awed
- Peter Weir
Collection: Imagination
Image of Hugh Howey
I'd rather excite the imagination of a legion of readers and make pennies from each of them than hold off for a larger chunk of change from only a handful of fans.
- Hugh Howey
Collection: Imagination
Image of Martin Filler
Experimental architecture by its very nature is more prone to the depredations of time and natural elements than buildings made from conventional materials through traditional methods. Avant-garde architects often simply do not know how the products of their imagination will perform when implemented, especially if untested components are involved.
- Martin Filler
Collection: Imagination
Image of Josef Albers
Learn to see and to feel life; that is, cultivate imagination, because there are still marvels in the world, because life is a mystery and always will be. But be aware of it.
- Josef Albers
Collection: Imagination
Image of Algernon Blackwood
When common objects in this way be come charged with the suggestion of horror, they stimulate the imagination far more than things of unusual appearance; and these bushes, crowding huddled about us, assumed for me in the darkness a bizarre grotesquerie of appearance that lent to them somehow the aspect of purposeful and living creatures. Their very ordinariness, I felt, masked what was malignant and hostile to us.
- Algernon Blackwood
Collection: Imagination
Image of Michael Tilson Thomas
This extraordinary group has absolutely captivated my imagination, knocked my socks off - what more can I say?
- Michael Tilson Thomas
Collection: Imagination