Top home Quotes Collection - Page 79

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 79 provides more home quotes.

Image of Jeffrey Rosen
He [Louis Brandeis] would have not had any patience with that great debate which you're right to kind of signal between Justice Scalia and Justice Alito about do you need a physical trespass into the home or onto the carriage in order to trigger the values of the Fourth Amendment.
- Jeffrey Rosen
Collection: Home
Image of Jeffrey Rosen
We need to protect the same amount of cognitive liberty in an age where you can invade people's thoughts without physically intruding into their homes than you did at the time of the framing.
- Jeffrey Rosen
Collection: Home
Image of Chris Christie
Finally, here at home, in one of her first decisions as Secretary of State, she set up a private e-mail server in her basement in violation of our national security. Let's face the facts: Hillary Clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she cared about protecting America's secrets.
- Chris Christie
Collection: Home
Image of Warren Buffett
With housing it's something even more dramatic than that, because most people aspire to own their own home.If you really think that houses prices are going to go up next year and the year after, you feel if I don't buy it this year, I'm going to have to buy it next year.That's not true of an Internet stock. But it's true of a home.
- Warren Buffett
Collection: Home
Image of Carolyn Hax
Separation is where you see if it works better with the adults in two different homes.
- Carolyn Hax
Collection: Home
Image of Carolyn Hax
There has been, for some reason (or more likely an unfortunate accumulation of reasons) a trend over the past several decades for parents to do the work of parenting in the isolation of their own homes - and not only that, this trend has overlapped with the other trend of much deeper parent involvement in raising kids. That you also represent trend No. 3, more people raising kids solo, has only exacerbated a close-to-no-win situation.
- Carolyn Hax
Collection: Home
Image of Melanie Brown
England is my home. I could never leave. I'd miss my family and friends too much.
- Melanie Brown
Collection: Home
Image of John Bunyan
A saint abroad, and a devil at home.
- John Bunyan
Collection: Home
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
If you'd take your head home and boil it for a turnip it might be useful. I can't say. But it might.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Home
Image of Elias Canetti could I, fool that I am, go on sitting in my office, or here at home, instead of leaping onto a train with my eyes shut and opening them only when I am with you?
- Elias Canetti
Collection: Home
Image of Elias Canetti
Travelling, one accepts everything; indignation stays at home. One looks, one listens, one is roused to enthusiasm by the most dreadful things because they are new. Good travellers are heartless.
- Elias Canetti
Collection: Home
Image of A. B. Simpson
Unless I am sure I am doing more at home to send the gospel abroad than I can do abroad, I am bound to go.
- A. B. Simpson
Collection: Home
Image of Woody Allen
When you make the film, there's a big difference between when you're in your own home at the typewriter, and when you're standing on a mountain, or on a street corner, and buses are coming by-it's a different reality. You make a million changes that were never in the script, but that reality dictates.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Home
Image of Woody Allen
For some reason I'm more appreciated in France than I am back home. The subtitles must be incredibly good.
- Woody Allen
Collection: Home
Image of Ferran Adria
I never cook at home. After 15 hours at work, I don't have much of a desire to cook at home. I do eat at home, but it's always something simple. Raw nuts. Almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts--these are marvelous products. I am, however, the type that likes to go out to eat a lot. I never tire of it.
- Ferran Adria
Collection: Home
Image of Bruce Campbell
Evil Dead" needs a very specific home. Movies are mostly unrated, but on television who the heck was doing that stuff? And now the doors opened a little bit with companies like Starz. They were the only suitor that was going to let us have content that was unrestricted.
- Bruce Campbell
Collection: Home
Image of Winston Churchill
Advertising mourishes the consuming power of men. It sets up before a man the goal of a better home, better clothing, better food for himself and his family. It spurs individual exertion and greater production.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Home
Image of Benjamin Carson
Let`s teach those people that when they go to work, they get skills, they meet people, they get opportunities, they get to climb the ladder, they get much better off than the person who`s just sitting at home receiving those things.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Home
Image of William J. Clinton
I figured if I could get really good people who were going to be able to have a big impact in the world over the next decade to come together once a year for ten years and actually sign a pledge to take action themselves, if we did that every year for ten years we could do a lot of good in the world. That's the difference between my meeting and any other. If you don't want to promise to do something, don't come to my meeting, stay home.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Home
Image of Jack White
Playing drums feels like coming home for me. Even during the White Stripes I thought: 'I'll do this for now, but I'm really a drummer.' That's what I'll put on my passport application.
- Jack White
Collection: Home
Image of Jack White
Technology is a big destroyer of emotion and truth. Auto-tuning doesn’t do anything for creativity. Yeah, it makes it easier and you can get home sooner; but it doesn’t make you a more creative person. That’s the disease we have to fight in any creative field: ease of use.
- Jack White
Collection: Home
Image of Lord Byron
The premises are so delightfully extensive, that two people might live together without ever seeing, hearing or meeting.
- Lord Byron
Collection: Home
Image of Wilfrid Sheed
As things now stand, the office is a slightly meaner battleground than the home. Male bosses seem to dominate their women underlings as they would never dominate their wives.
- Wilfrid Sheed
Collection: Home
Image of Frederick Buechner
For some people, going to church is going home. In a very profound sense, I would say the same thing. Home is where Christ is.
- Frederick Buechner
Collection: Home
Image of Winston Churchill
We shape our homes and then our homes shape us.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Home
Image of Red Buttons
Nostradamus, who predicted that Billy Bailey would not come home. Never got a dinner!
- Red Buttons
Collection: Home
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
Every one in his own house and God in all of them.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Home
Image of Margaret Deland
Home is the best place to be sick in.
- Margaret Deland
Collection: Home
Image of David Byrne
I have something to say about the difference between American and European cities, but I forgot what it was. I have it written down at home somewhere.
- David Byrne
Collection: Home
Image of Brian Tracy
It's quantity of time at home and quality of time at work that counts; don't mix them up!
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Home
Image of Peter Buffett
Well, when people ask where I'm from, I usually say the Midwest, because that covers both homes, in a way. Obviously I was born in Omaha, but when people say, "Where do you come from," we'll say Milwaukee. I mean Jennifer was certainly born in Milwaukee, and that's where I spent a big chunk of my adult life, so we usually say we came here from Milwaukee. That's usually how it's referenced is we're from Milwaukee, yeah.
- Peter Buffett
Collection: Home
Image of Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Home is the seminary of all other institutions.
- Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Collection: Home
Image of Tyler Hoechlin
I literally would have been the guy that would have played pro ball until they came to me and said, "Go home, you don't work here anymore."
- Tyler Hoechlin
Collection: Home
Image of Woody Allen
I think, on both sides of the camera or the novel: Distraction. I'm obsessed with: Can I get this actress or my third act to work? I'm distracted. I'm interested in that so I don't sit home and think, "Gee, life is meaningless. We're all going to die. The universe is pulling apart at breakneck speed."
- Woody Allen
Collection: Home
Image of George W. Bush
By promoting liberty abroad, we will build a safer world. By encouraging liberty at home, we will build a more hopeful America.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Home
Image of George W. Bush
The crew of the shuttle Columbia did not return safely to Earth; yet we can pray that all are safely home.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Home
Image of Emile M. Cioran
Is it possible that existence is our exile and nothingness our home?
- Emile M. Cioran
Collection: Home
Image of George W. Bush
We passed law that encouraged consumption through different purchasing habits like, you know, hybrid vehicles. You buy hybrid, you get a tax credit. We've encouraged the spread of ethanol as an alternative to crude oil. We have asked for Congress to pass regulatory relief so we can build more refineries to increase the supply of gasoline, hopefully taking the pressure off of price. And so the strategy is to recognize that dependency upon crude oil, in a global market, affects us economically here at home. And, therefore, we need to diversify away as quickly as possible.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Home
Image of George Carlin
A lot of the people who keep a gun at home for safety are the same ones who refuse to wear a seat belt
- George Carlin
Collection: Home
Image of William Ellery Channing
Home - the nursery of the Infinite.
- William Ellery Channing
Collection: Home
Image of William Ellery Channing
The domestic relations precede, and in our present existence are worth more than all our other social ties. They give the first throb to the heart, and unseal the deep fountains of its love. Home is the chief school of human virtue. Its responsibilities, joys, sorrows, smiles, tears, hopes, and solicitudes form the chief interest of human life.
- William Ellery Channing
Collection: Home
Image of Vinton Cerf
My belief is that there will be very large numbers of Internet-enabled devices on the Net - home appliances, office equipment, things in the car and maybe things that you carry around. And since they're all on the Internet and Internet-enabled, they'll be manageable through the network, and so we'll see people using the Net and applications on the Net to manage their entertainment systems, manage their, you know, office activities and maybe even much of their social lives using systems on the Net that are helping them perform that function.
- Vinton Cerf
Collection: Home
Image of Steve Case
Nobody should have to be a systems integrator to make a convergence network work in their home
- Steve Case
Collection: Home
Image of Hillary Clinton
I intend to be a leader of America that people can count on, both here at home and around the world, to make decisions that will further peace and prosperity, but also stand up to bullies, whether they're abroad or at home.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Home
Image of John Henrik Clarke
The population of African people in the United States is far in excess of six small European nations. Where we are going? We have to go back as best we can to where slavery and colonialism took us from. And they took us from a concept of nation management and nation maintenance. We have been so long away from home we unfortunately have forgotten how we ruled states before the foreigners got there.
- John Henrik Clarke
Collection: Home
Image of Barbara Holland
We're a shifty, sliding population. ... What we refer to as 'home' may be a place we haven't seen in years; a place where there's no one left who knows our name.
- Barbara Holland
Collection: Home
Image of Barbara Holland
Visiting is a pleasure; being visited is usually a mixed or ambivalent joy. ... The visitor can always go home; the visitee is already home, trapped like a rat in a drainpipe.
- Barbara Holland
Collection: Home
Image of Hillary Clinton
Unfortunately, dozens of toddlers injure themselves, even kill people with guns, because, unfortunately, not everyone who has loaded guns in their homes takes appropriate precautions.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Home
Image of Sogyal Rinpoche
The whole of meditation practice can be essentialized into these 3 crucial points: Bring your mind home. Release. And relax!
- Sogyal Rinpoche
Collection: Home