Top home Quotes Collection - Page 70

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 70 provides more home quotes.

Image of Octavia Spencer
I gotta go home and feed my eels. They're not electric, but I have a plan.
- Octavia Spencer
Collection: Home
Image of Paramahansa Yogananda
You cannot make steel until you have made the iron white-hot in fire. It is not meant for harm. Trouble and disease have a lesson for us. Our painful experiences are not meant to destroy us, but to burn out our dross, to hurry us back Home. No one is more anxious for our release than God.
- Paramahansa Yogananda
Collection: Home
Image of Edward Abbey
How strange and wonderful is our home, our earth, with its swirling vaporous atmosphere, its flowing and frozen liquids, its trembling plants, its creeping, crawling, climbing creatures, the croaking things with wings that hang on rocks and soar through the fog, the furry grass, the scaly seas.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Home
Image of H. G. Wells
London, ... like a bowl of viscid human fluid, boils sullenly over the rim of its encircling hills and slops messily into the home counties.
- H. G. Wells
Collection: Home
Image of Ambrose Bierce
MONKEY, n. An arboreal animal which makes itself at home in genealogical trees.
- Ambrose Bierce
Collection: Home
Image of Lauren DeStefano
So how long do you think it’ll be?” he says. “Before the next hurricane comes along to take you home.” “Can I tell you my biggest fear?” I say. “Yes. Tell me.” “That it will be a very windless four years.
- Lauren DeStefano
Collection: Home
Image of Laozi
I am wearied, as if I lacked a home to go to.
- Laozi
Collection: Home
Image of Gordon Ramsay
My childhood favourite is mum's shepherd's pie, Yorkshire pudding and roasted potatoes. I remember coming home from school and going to the kitchen to help her. It's because of her that I discovered my love for cooking.
- Gordon Ramsay
Collection: Home
Image of Bjork
If travel is searching and home what's been found, I'm not stopping. I'm going hunting.
- Bjork
Collection: Home
Image of George Takei
Unfriending me when I didn’t even know we were friends? It’s like breaking wind when you’re home alone. If I can’t smell you, knock yourself out.
- George Takei
Collection: Home
Image of Margaret Thatcher
Whether at home or abroad, the task of statesman is to work with human nature warts and all, and to draw on instincts and even prejudices that can be turned to good purpose. It is never to try to recreate Mankind in a new image.
- Margaret Thatcher
Collection: Home
Image of Edward Abbey
Home is where, when you have to go there, you probably shouldn't.
- Edward Abbey
Collection: Home
Image of Carl Sagan
Modern science has been a voyage into the unknown, with a lesson in humility waiting at every stop. Many passengers would rather have stayed home.
- Carl Sagan
Collection: Home
Image of Orhan Pamuk
When you look into the faces of these quiet creatures who don't know how to tell stories--who are mute, who can't make themselves heard, who fade into the woodwork, who only think of the perfect answer after the fact, after they're back at home, who can never think of a story that anyone else will find interesting--is there not more depth and more meaning in them? You can see every letter of every untold story swimming on their faces, and all the signs of silence, dejection, and even defeat. You can even imagine your own face in those faces, can't you?
- Orhan Pamuk
Collection: Home
Image of Leo Tolstoy
With friends, one is well; but at home, one is better.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: Home
Image of J.R. Ward
Even when there were no more options for the body, the heart's wishes find a way out, and as with all warmth, love rises. Besides, the will to fly was in the nature of the soul, so its home had to be up above
- J.R. Ward
Collection: Home
Image of Francesca Lia Block
It was always a relief when she came home to him. Like water or food. Like music or that moment when you cut yourself with a knife and squeeze the skin and no blood oozes out.
- Francesca Lia Block
Collection: Home
Image of Dennis Ritchie
I've done a reasonable amount of travelling, which I enjoyed, but not for too long at a time. I'm a home-body and get fatigued by it fairly soon, but enjoy thinking back on experiences when I've returned and then often wish I'd arranged a longer stay in the somewhat exotic place.
- Dennis Ritchie
Collection: Home
Image of Iggy Pop
I thought that if I practiced doing melodies for a year or so at home, I would learn to think melodically, and when I went to work it would come out, and it did, on this album. What else was important to me...? I spend a lot of time in the grocery store, shopping.
- Iggy Pop
Collection: Home
Image of Stevie Wonder
Call up, ring once, hang up the phone to let me know you made it home. Don't want nothing to be wrong with my part time lover.
- Stevie Wonder
Collection: Home
Image of Elie Wiesel
Refugee today means somebody who has no home. No homeland. No security. No government to protect him or her. And it is of course one feels not only uprooted, one feels useless. One feels always surrounded by hostile forces. Arousing suspicion.
- Elie Wiesel
Collection: Home
Image of Kiera Cass
I had been so mad at him when I left, I'd given them back. All except for the one that stuck to the bottom of the jar. He smiled. "They're at home, waiting." "For what?" His eyes glittered. "That, I cannot say.
- Kiera Cass
Collection: Home
Image of Alan Shearer
When I go home every night, I can look in the mirror and say I have given 110 per cent for Newcastle United. If people aren't happy with that, I can't give any more.
- Alan Shearer
Collection: Home
Image of Dejan Stojanovic
We will go far away, to nowhere, to conquer, to fertilize until we become tired. Then we will stop and there will be our home.
- Dejan Stojanovic
Collection: Home
Image of Dejan Stojanovic
The farther away, the closer the home becomes.
- Dejan Stojanovic
Collection: Home
Image of Henry David Thoreau
No: until I want the protection of Massachusetts to be extended to me in some distant Southern port, where my liberty is endangered, or until I am bent solely on building up an estate at home by peaceful enterprise, I can afford to refuse allegiance to Massachusetts, and her right to my property and life. It costs me less in every sense to incur the penalty of disobedience to the State than it would to obey. I should feel as if I were worth less in that case.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Home
Image of Venus Williams
You learn so much from your parents. We grew up in a home where we were definitely taught to be confident. I definitely give me parents a lot of credit.
- Venus Williams
Collection: Home
Image of Terry Pratchett
Polly felt questing eyes boring into her. She was embarrassed, of course. But not for the obvious reason. It was for the other one, the little lesson that life sometimes rams home with a stick: you are not the only one watching the world. Other people are people; while you watch them they watch you, and they think about you while you think about them. The world isn’t just about you.
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Home
Image of Shannon Hale
Careful with the accusations of insanity, oh my lady whose home is a tower with windows of brick, all for the sake of some skinny-ankled, laugh-prone boy of a khan.
- Shannon Hale
Collection: Home
Image of John Ortberg
True repentance never leads to despair. Its leads home. It leads to grace.
- John Ortberg
Collection: Home
Image of Nas
I live in L.A. because my kids do. Home is where my kids are for me.
- Nas
Collection: Home
Image of Benazir Bhutto
I still want to return home whenever I get a chance.
- Benazir Bhutto
Collection: Home
Image of Michelle Alexander
To make matters worse, federal drug forfeiture laws allow state and local law enforcement agencies to keep, for their own use, up to 80 percent of the cash, cars, and homes seized from suspected drug offenders. You don't even have to be convicted of a drug offense; if you're just suspected of a drug offense, law enforcement has the right to keep the cash they find on you or in your home, or seize your car if drugs are allegedly found in it or "suspected" of being transported in the vehicle.
- Michelle Alexander
Collection: Home
Image of Henry Miller
Greece is the home of the gods; they may have died but their presence still makes itself felt. The gods were of human proportion: they were created out of the human spirit.
- Henry Miller
Collection: Home
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
How sadly things had changed since she had sat there the night after coming home! Then she had been full of hope and joy and the future had looked rosy with promise. Anne felt as if she had lived years since then, but before she went to bed there was a smile on her lips and peace in her heart. She had looked her duty courageously in the face and found it a friend--as duty ever is when we meet it frankly.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Home
Image of Gerard Way
I am in the jungle and I am too fast for you. You have teeth and stripes and things that tear. But I am much too fast… You want my flesh, but you don’t know where the jungle is… Only I know where the jungle is… Only I know… I am a gazelle. I am a gazelle and the jungle is my home.
- Gerard Way
Collection: Home
Image of Murray Walker
Thackwell really can metaphorically coast home now
- Murray Walker
Collection: Home
Image of Desmond Tutu
There would be no call for ecological campaigning had nature not been exploited and abused. We experience the ground now bringing forth thistles as soil erosion devastates formerly arable land and deserts overtake fertile farms. Rivers and the atmosphere are polluted thoughtlessly and we are fearful of the consequences of a depleted ozone layer and the devastation of the greenhouse effect. We are not quite at home in our world, and somewhere in each of us there is a nostalgia for a paradise that has been lost.
- Desmond Tutu
Collection: Home
Image of Rajneesh
Withdraw your awareness from everywhere and just let it rest within yourself, and you have arrived home.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Home
Image of Leon Uris
It all begins and ends in the same place, doesn't it? Conor and me in Ballyutogue. We all come home eventually.
- Leon Uris
Collection: Home
Image of Robert Louis Stevenson
When the teeth are shut the tongue is at home.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
Collection: Home
Image of Alice Sebold
Ruth hadn't talked to my sister since before my death, and then it was only to excuse herself in the hallway at school. But she'd seen Lindsey walking home with Samuel and seen her smile with him. She watched as my sister said yes to pancakes and no to everything else. She had tried to imagine herself being my sister as she had spent time imagining being me.
- Alice Sebold
Collection: Home
Image of Ronald Reagan
As long as there are guns, the individual that wants a gun for a crime is going to have one and going to get it. The only person who's going to be penalized and have difficulty is the law-abiding citizen, who then cannot have [it] if he wants protection -- the protection of a weapon in his home.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Home
Image of Robin Williams
There's this thing called freebasing. It's not free, it costs you your home. It should be called 'homebasing'.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Home
Image of Joseph B. Wirthlin
Our homes need to be more Christ-centered. We should spend more time at the temple and less time in the pursuit of pleasure. We should lower the noise level in our homes so that the noise of the world will not overpower the still, small voice of the Holy Ghost. One of our greatest goals as parents should be to enjoy the power and influence of the Holy Ghost in our homes.
- Joseph B. Wirthlin
Collection: Home
Image of Alexandra Adornetto
(Beth) "I don't care anymore." I turned my face up toward Heaven. "That's not my home anymore. You are.
- Alexandra Adornetto
Collection: Home
Image of Nora Roberts
It's not an exaggeration to say that they saved my life. Ray Quinn, then Cam and Ethan and Phil. They turned their world around for me, and because of it, turned mine around with it. Anna and Grace and Sybill, Aubrey too. They made a home for me, and nothing that happened before matters nearly as much as everything that came after.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Home
Image of Friedrich Schiller
Without a home must the soldier go, a changeful wanderer, and can warm himself at no home-lit hearth.
- Friedrich Schiller
Collection: Home
Image of David Whyte
The moment you’ve uttered the exact dimensionality of your exile, you’re already turning towards home.
- David Whyte
Collection: Home