Top home Quotes Collection - Page 20

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 20 provides more home quotes.

Image of Edwin Way Teale
The long fight to save wild beauty represents democracy at its best. It requires citizens to practice the hardest of virtues--self-restraint. Why cannot I take as many trout as I want from a stream? Why cannot I bring home from the woods a rare wildflower? Because if I do, everybody in this democracy should be able to do the same. My act will be multiplied endlessly. To provide protection for wildlife and wild beauty, everyone has to deny himself proportionately. Special privilege and conservation are ever at odds.
- Edwin Way Teale
Collection: Home
Image of Jonathan Winters
I'm from the Delbert Home for the Unusual.
- Jonathan Winters
Collection: Home
Image of Bess Truman
I was born on Delaware Street. We have never desired another home.
- Bess Truman
Collection: Home
Image of Janet Chapman
If you come home with your panties still on, I am never speaking to you again.
- Janet Chapman
Collection: Home
Image of Rachel Caine
Home," he repeated. "Home is where the heart is. Why don't you leave yours here? I'll take very good care of it.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Home
Image of Kobo Abe
A tower of illusion, all of it, made of illusory bricks and full of holes. If life were made up only of imporant things, it really would be a dangerous house of glass, scarcely to be handled carelessly. But everyday life was exactly like the headlines. And so everybody, knowing the meaninglessness of existence, sets the centre of his compass at his own home.
- Kobo Abe
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Vilsack
Very few people know that my department is responsible for 1.2 million home loans since I have been secretary. That's 1.2 million families that are living in homes in rural America that would never have homeownership, but for the United States Department of Agriculture's programs. We have to do more of educating people about the partnership that does exist between rural America and their government.
- Tom Vilsack
Collection: Home
Image of Saoirse Ronan
I try as best as I can to have a normal life. People recognise you, of course, and that's very strange. But I sort of leave my working life behind when I go home. That's my other world.
- Saoirse Ronan
Collection: Home
Image of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
Seeing that nothing is solid or permanent you begin to make yourself at home in the unknown.
- Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
Collection: Home
Image of Helene Hanff
I wanted to see London the way old people want to see home before they die.
- Helene Hanff
Collection: Home
Image of Boethius
Every man must be content with that glory which he may have at home.
- Boethius
Collection: Home
Image of Michelle Sagara
Maybe home is something we have to make, and remake, over and over.
- Michelle Sagara
Collection: Home
Image of Dan B. Allender
A leader - whether in the home, church, business, community, or government - has authority due to her role, but her positional power will not bring about good for individuals or organizations unless it is backed up by the capital of character.
- Dan B. Allender
Collection: Home
Image of Edith Sitwell
Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.
- Edith Sitwell
Collection: Home
Image of Lea Michele
A lighthouse doesn't save the ships; it doesn't go out and rescue them, it's just this pillar that helps to guide people home.
- Lea Michele
Collection: Home
Image of William George Jordan
If there is a little sand in the sugar of home happiness, it really seems better to concentrate on the sweetness that remains than to carry around samples of the grit in envelopes of conversational confidence.
- William George Jordan
Collection: Home
Image of Haven Kimmel
...she waited until she and my grandfather Anthel were just home from their honeymoon, and then sat him down and told him this: "Honey, I know you like to take a drink, and that's all right, but be forewarned that I ain't your maid and I ain't your punching bag, and if you ever raise your hand to me you'd best kill me. Because otherwise I'll wait until you're asleep; sew you into the bed; and beat you to death with a frying pan." Until he died, I am told, my grandfather was a gentle man.
- Haven Kimmel
Collection: Home
Image of S.J. Watson
I closed my eyes and he kissed my eyelids, barely brushing them with his lips. I felt safe, at home. I felt as if here, against his body, was the only place in which I belonged. The only place I had ever wanted to be. We lay in silence for a while, holding each other, our skin merging, our breathing synchronized. I felt as if silence might allow the moment to last for ever, which would still not be enough.
- S.J. Watson
Collection: Home
Image of Carrot Top
I have a home in Orlando. That's kind of my default "getaway" city.
- Carrot Top
Collection: Home
Image of Katherine Boo
Don't correct me, you don't have any rights over me." "What kind of life is this? So I sit at home , entirely dependent on this man, and then it turns out his heart was never with me. How is it possible to force someone to love me?
- Katherine Boo
Collection: Home
Image of Robin Jones Gunn
In Africa we having a saying, 'If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.' ...Before I go back home, I want you to consider us, Katie. Ponder what it would be like if we went together. Not alone and fast but together and far.
- Robin Jones Gunn
Collection: Home
Image of Elizabeth von Arnim
Home is the best place when life begins to wobble.
- Elizabeth von Arnim
Collection: Home
Image of Hilary McKay
Darling Daddy, This is Rose. The shed needs new wires now it has blown up. Caddy is bringing home rock-bottom boyfriends to see if they will do for Mummy. Instead of you. Love, Rose.
- Hilary McKay
Collection: Home
Image of Alasdair Gray
Are there many people without illness or disability who sit at home in the evening with clenched fists, continually changing the channel of a television set and wishing they had the courage to roll over the parapet of a high bridge? I bet there are millions of us.
- Alasdair Gray
Collection: Home
Image of Paul Tsongas
Lowell is my home. It is where I drew my first breath. It is where I will always derive a sense of place and a sense of belonging
- Paul Tsongas
Collection: Home
Image of Malcolm Muggeridge
The only ultimate disaster that can befall us is to feel ourselves at home on this earth.
- Malcolm Muggeridge
Collection: Home
Image of Ambeth R. Ocampo
It is ironic that many Filipinos learn to love the Philippines while abroad, not at home.
- Ambeth R. Ocampo
Collection: Home
Image of Strom Thurmond
I wanna tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that there's not enough troops in the army to force the Southern people to break down segregation and admit the nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches.
- Strom Thurmond
Collection: Home
Image of Strom Thurmond
All the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, into our schools, our churches and our places of recreation and amusement.
- Strom Thurmond
Collection: Home
Image of Spencer W. Kimball
Home: The place to save society.
- Spencer W. Kimball
Collection: Home
Image of Spencer W. Kimball
A mission is not just a casual thing-it is not an alternative program in the Church. Neither is a mission a matter of choice any more than tithing is a choice, any more than sacrament meeting is a choice, any more than the Word of Wisdom is a choice. Of course, we have our free agency, and the Lord has given us choices. We can do as we please. We can go on a mission or we can remain home. But every normal young man is as much obligated to go on a mission as he is to pay his tithing, attend his meetings, keep the Sabbath day holy, and keep his life spotless and clean.
- Spencer W. Kimball
Collection: Home
Image of Maria Semple
I'll see something awful on the street and I'll come home and say to my boyfriend, "I just saw the funniest thing on the street." It's a stance. It's the way I was born, or the way I was damaged.
- Maria Semple
Collection: Home
Image of Toby Young
It's very different doing a food show in America and doing one in Britain. I did a 20-part series for the BBC series called 'Eating With the Enemy.' The budget for all 20 episodes was probably the budget for a single episode of 'Top Chef.' It's the difference between making a home movie in your backyard and going to Hollywood.
- Toby Young
Collection: Home
Image of Sister Parish
Home, the idea of home, is my principal purpose. If people have bought a house as an investment or chosen the furniture because they'll be able to sell it for more, you can tell in two minutes. You know, our parents didn't buy a house as an investment. They bought it as a place to bring you up, to give you roots.
- Sister Parish
Collection: Home
Image of Duncan Sheik
I'd have these weird experiences where I'd just be walking down the street with this chord progression in my head, this happened more than a few times, and I'd walk home and find a fax in my machine and it would match the music in my head
- Duncan Sheik
Collection: Home
Image of Carl T. Rowan
We must reverse this psychology (of needing guns for home defense). WE can do it by passing a law that says anyone found in possession a handgun except a legitimate officer of the law goes to jail-period!
- Carl T. Rowan
Collection: Home
Image of Eric Roth
It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realize what’s changed, is you.
- Eric Roth
Collection: Home
Image of Esa-Pekka Salonen
I feel that this is my artistic home, and I'm very happy to be a California artist together with many others who are not from here originally but who decided to make this the center of their activities. There's something about that that I find very inspiring and satisfying.
- Esa-Pekka Salonen
Collection: Home
Image of Lynne Truss
The main advantage of working at home is that you get to find out what cats really do all day.
- Lynne Truss
Collection: Home
Image of Anurag Kashyap
If you get validation from outside, then suddenly everything you do at home is justified.
- Anurag Kashyap
Collection: Home
Image of Wendelin Van Draanen
All of a sudden I didn't fit in anywhere. Not at school, not at home...and every time I turned around, another person I'd known forever felt like a stranger to me. Even I felt like a stranger to me.
- Wendelin Van Draanen
Collection: Home
Image of Big Boi
I never thought that alcohol could ease the notion of the sadness, Now what used to be a happy home done turned into some bad sh!t
- Big Boi
Collection: Home
Image of Rob Thurman
Home is where the heart is or where you bury the ones you want to eat later.
- Rob Thurman
Collection: Home
Image of Christine Warren
Didn't anyone tell you that size doesn't matter?" "Yes, but I told him to put his pants back on and go home.
- Christine Warren
Collection: Home
Image of Leonard Peltier
At this writing I can't even shut my lower jaw because of inadequate health care. I can't chew my food, I have trouble walking...the list goes on. But more than anything I want to go home. If you follow the laws at the time of my conviction I should have been released already.
- Leonard Peltier
Collection: Home
Image of Annette Bening
You end up loving every character that you play but a lot of the people I've played, I should just say for myself, I played, I wouldn't necessarily want to continue playing them. I've done them. It's like going on a trip. You go, you're amazed, you're glad you're there but you're glad to get home. And that's how I feel most of the time.
- Annette Bening
Collection: Home
Image of Zakk Wylde
Every night I get up on stage, I love it. I never get like, 'Oh, I'm bored, I want to go home.' I never, ever get like that.
- Zakk Wylde
Collection: Home
Image of Roy Blount, Jr.
Cats have intercepted my footsteps at the ankle for so long that my gait, both at home and on tour, has been compared to that of a man wading through low surf.
- Roy Blount, Jr.
Collection: Home
Image of Andrea Gibson
I’d cut my soul into a million different pieces just to form a constellation to light your way home. I’d write love poems to the parts of yourself you can’t stand. I’d stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you I’m not afraid of your dark.
- Andrea Gibson
Collection: Home