Top home Quotes Collection - Page 21

Discover a curated collection of home quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 21 provides more home quotes.

Image of Kevin Hearne
There are some sights that, once seen, can never be unseen. They replay themselves on a loop in your mind’s home-theatre system with Dolby surround sound until you’re so desperate to be rid of them that you’ll resort to other loops simply to dislodge them for a while.
- Kevin Hearne
Collection: Home
Image of Bud Abbott
It gets boring at home. How many reruns of Abbott and Costello movies can a guy watch on TV?
- Bud Abbott
Collection: Home
Image of Martin Scorsese
You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it in the streets. You do it at home. The rest is bullshit and you know it.
- Martin Scorsese
Collection: Home
Image of Tom Bodett
That's what the American odyssey is really about: Leaving home. Leaving home and coming home, and trying to understand the difference.
- Tom Bodett
Collection: Home
Image of Lara Stone
It's not like I'm sitting at home coming up with some secret beauty plan. I try to eat fruit and be healthy. If I'm feeling a bit sickly, I usually get a good spray tan.
- Lara Stone
Collection: Home
Image of Janette Oke
Home is where you will always have a place, where you will always feel loved, and you will never be alone.
- Janette Oke
Collection: Home
Image of Mary Webb
But when you dwell in a house you mislike, you will look out of a window a deal more than those that are content with their dwelling.
- Mary Webb
Collection: Home
Image of Nadeem Aslam
How keen everyone is to make this world their home forgetting its impermanence It's like trying to see and name constellations in a fireworks display.
- Nadeem Aslam
Collection: Home
Image of Susanna Moodie
Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
- Susanna Moodie
Collection: Home
Image of Tony Parsons
Home is oneness, home is my original nature. It is right here, simply in what is. There is nowhere else I have to go, and nothing else I have to become.
- Tony Parsons
Collection: Home
Image of Anne Fortier
as a bird swoops down on it's prey, and assumes this land bound wretch into heaven, so did romeo steal her lips before they fled him again. suspended somewhere between cherubs and devils, his quarry ceased to buck, and he spread his wings wide and let the rising wind carry them off across the sky, until even the predator himself had lost every hope of returning home. within that one embrace, [he] became aware of a feeling of certainty he had not thought possible for anyone - even the virtuous. with her in his arms, all other women, past, present, and future, simply ceased to exist.
- Anne Fortier
Collection: Home
Image of George Monbiot
Thinking like ethical people, dressing like ethical people, decorating our homes like ethical people makes not a damn of difference unless we also behave like ethical people.
- George Monbiot
Collection: Home
Image of Obert Skye
Then, there are the places you would rather not go-a tax collectors' convention, a sewage treatment plant, or maybe the home of someone who keeps spiders as pets and insists on taking them out of their cages and making you hold them.
- Obert Skye
Collection: Home
Image of Nicole Richie
Oh my god. I just hung around with an unpretty person. Excuse me while I go home to scrub myself with expensive body wash and a pink loofah, to rid myself of the unpretty germs.
- Nicole Richie
Collection: Home
Image of Ingrid Newkirk
We are not in the home finding business, although it is certainly true that we do find homes from time to time for the kind of animals people are looking for. Our service is to provide a peaceful and painless death to animals who no one wants.
- Ingrid Newkirk
Collection: Home
Image of Roger Scruton
Through the pursuit of beauty we shape the world as a home, and in doing so we both amplify our joys and find consolation for our sorrows.
- Roger Scruton
Collection: Home
Image of Edith Schaeffer
If you *stop* putting off homemaking until your hope of marriage develops into a reality, and *start* to develop an interesting home right now, it seems to me two things will happen: first, you will develop into the person you could be as you surround yourself with things that express your own tastes and ideas; and second, as you relax and become interested in areas of creativity, you will develop into a more interesting person to be with.
- Edith Schaeffer
Collection: Home
Image of Charles Yu
nostalgia, underlying cosmological explanation for Weak but detectable interaction between two neighboring universes that are otherwise not causally connected. Manifests itself in humans as a feeling of missing a place one has never been, a place very much like one’s home universe, or as a longing for versions of one’s self that one will never, and can never know.
- Charles Yu
Collection: Home
Image of Jacob Grimm
Evil is also not anything small or close to home, and not the worst; otherwise one could grow accustomed to it.
- Jacob Grimm
Collection: Home
Image of Ron Perlman
My whole mantra is, "Go big or go home." I don't want to just play a guy who dresses up. I want to play the person who threw down.
- Ron Perlman
Collection: Home
Image of Alexandra Adornetto
But don’t let them talk you into anything you don’t feel comfortable with.” “They’re my friends.” “So what?” He shrugged. “If your friends walked off a cliff, would you do it too?” “Why would they walk off a cliff?” I asked in alarm. “Is someone having problems at home?
- Alexandra Adornetto
Collection: Home
Image of Alan K. Simpson
A society like ours, which professes no one religion and has allowed all religions to decay, which indulges freedom to the point of license and individualism to the point of anarchy, needs all the support that responsible, cultivated homes can furnish. I hope your generation will provide a firmer shelter for civilized standards.
- Alan K. Simpson
Collection: Home
Image of Herta Muller
Some people speak and sing and walk and sit and sleep and silence their homesickness, for a long time, and to no avail. Some say that over time homesickness loses its specific content, that it starts to smolder and only then becomes all-consuming, because it’s no longer focused on a concrete home. I am one of the people who say that.
- Herta Muller
Collection: Home
Image of Jim Thome
Not playing every day, I kind of healed up a little bit from the little injuries that I had the year before. Then, when I got home this winter and my body wasn't beat up, I said, 'Wait a minute, this may work out.'
- Jim Thome
Collection: Home
Image of Warren Spahn
Home plate is 17 inches wide, but I ignore the middle 12 inches. I pitch to the two-and-a-half inches on each side.
- Warren Spahn
Collection: Home
Image of Scott Westerfeld
I'd watched too many schoolmates graduate into mental institutions, into group homes and jails, and I knew that locking people up was paranormal - against normal, not beside it. Locks didn't cure; they strangled.
- Scott Westerfeld
Collection: Home
Image of Joanna Newsom
I'm not a wanderer, which is funny because I'm on tour half the time. I'm a home, hearth and family kind of person.
- Joanna Newsom
Collection: Home
Image of John Fante
It was a bad one, the Winter of 1933. Wading home that night through flames of snow, my toes burning, my ears on fire, the snow swirling around me like a flock of angry nuns, I stopped dead in my tracks. The time had come to take stock. Fair weather or foul, certain forces in the world were at work trying to destroy me.
- John Fante
Collection: Home
Image of Bill Burr
Some guy workin' at Home Depot, he wants to f-k just as many women as a celebrity. But he can't do it, because whores don't care about lumber.
- Bill Burr
Collection: Home
Image of Roma Tearne
Once you have been tortured, you can never belong in this world. There is no place that ever be your home.
- Roma Tearne
Collection: Home
Image of Patricia A. McKillip
I thought of you with your hair silver as snow all through that cold, slow journey from Sirle. I felt you troubled deep within me, and there was no other place in the world I would rather have been than in the cold night riding to you. When you opened your gates to me, I was home.
- Patricia A. McKillip
Collection: Home
Image of Don McCullin
Sometimes it felt like I was carrying pieces of human flesh back home with me, not negatives. It's as if you are carrying the suffering of the people you have photographed.
- Don McCullin
Collection: Home
Image of George Lincoln Rockwell
We must have an America in which White men and women can live and work, in their homes and in the streets of our cities, without fear.
- George Lincoln Rockwell
Collection: Home
Image of N. Scott Momaday
Once in his life a man ought to concentrate his mind upon the remembered earth. He ought to give himself up to a particular landscape in his experience; to look at it from as many angles as he can, to wonder upon it, and dwell upon it.
- N. Scott Momaday
Collection: Home
Image of Jerry Spinelli
We long to be found, hoping our searchers have not given up and gone home.
- Jerry Spinelli
Collection: Home
Image of Jerry Spinelli
Home is everything you can walk to.
- Jerry Spinelli
Collection: Home
Image of Gloria E. Anzaldúa
I had to leave home so I could find myself, find my own intrinsic nature buried under the personality that had been imposed on me.
- Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Collection: Home
Image of Peter V. Brett
Let people hide in their homes, caged like chickens. Cowards deserve no better.
- Peter V. Brett
Collection: Home
Image of Clare Vanderpool
Finding your way doesn't mean you always know where you're going. It's knowing how to find your way back home that's important.
- Clare Vanderpool
Collection: Home
Image of Marilynne Robinson
Weary or bitter of bewildered as we may be, God is faithful. He lets us wander so we will know what it means to come home.
- Marilynne Robinson
Collection: Home
Image of Donita K. Paul
Most uncomfortable! Did we lose anyone? Head count! Lee Ark, Leetu, and Brunstetter. Three. Should we count the meech egg? No, I think not. Don't drop it, Brunstetter. I'm to take it home and raise it. Ridiculous. Being a parent at my age. Where were we? Oh, yes, three. One o'rant, two kimens, two minor dragons. Eight. A librarian and a diplomat. Ten.
- Donita K. Paul
Collection: Home
Image of Potter Stewart
For the Fourth Amendment protects people, not places. What a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection. But what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected.
- Potter Stewart
Collection: Home
Image of Roger Waters
Everybody's got somewhere they call home.
- Roger Waters
Collection: Home
Image of Jamie Bamber
I wanted to acknowledge my U.S. heritage and to belong to it more closely. Having said that I am certainly British by formation and education and readily think of London as home. I had never lived in the U.S. till 2007.
- Jamie Bamber
Collection: Home
Image of Paul Theroux
Home is always the impossible subject, multilayered and maddening.
- Paul Theroux
Collection: Home
Image of Alexandra Ivy
This is a private home." "And?" "And I can't enter without an invitation." She jerked her head up. "You're kidding me?" "No." "You don't live in a crypt and you can't turn into a bat, but you have to have an invitation to enter a house?" Abby hissed. A reluctant amusement softened the flat eyes. "You wanted me to be vampirish." "Not when it's inconvenient.
- Alexandra Ivy
Collection: Home
Image of Anthea Turner
Maybe, instead of paying so much in tax, the very rich could be incentivised to help their local community and young people who do not have a home.
- Anthea Turner
Collection: Home
Image of James Patterson
Home is wherever we all are together.
- James Patterson
Collection: Home
Image of Elsie de Wolfe
You will express yourself in your house whether you want to or not.
- Elsie de Wolfe
Collection: Home