Top Golf Quotes Collection - Page 19

Discover a curated collection of Golf quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 19 provides more Golf quotes.

Image of Henry Louis Gates
I give a speech to the black freshmen at Harvard each year, and I say, "You can like Mozart and ice hockey..." - and then I used to say "golf," but Tiger took over golf! - "and Picasso and still be as black as the ace of spades."
- Henry Louis Gates
Collection: Golf
Image of Jean Giraudoux
A golf course is the epitome of all that is purely transitory in the universe, a space not to dwell in, but to get over as quickly as possible.
- Jean Giraudoux
Collection: Golf
Image of Thomas Friedman
Everyone needs to get together and say: "Our objective is to preserve and enhance the game and the planet on which it's played. To make golf a leader in greening the world."
- Thomas Friedman
Collection: Golf
Image of Jim Gaffigan
You didn't question - kind of like, you would go to college. You would wear a tie to work. You would, you know, you would work for 40 years. And then you would play golf for three years, and then you would die. That was how I was raised.
- Jim Gaffigan
Collection: Golf
Image of Elizabeth Gilbert
You have the opposite of poker face. You have like.. miniature golf face.
- Elizabeth Gilbert
Collection: Golf
Image of Morgan Freeman
The bigger point here is that golf is a good metaphor for one's life. The challenge of golf for me is trying to learn new rules. It's something you always have to work at; you don't get perfect at golf. It's the never-ending quest for betterment.
- Morgan Freeman
Collection: Golf
Image of Paul Harvey
All my life I wanted to play golf like Jack Nicklaus, and now I do.
- Paul Harvey
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
President Eisenhower has given up golf for painting. It takes fewer strokes.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
The last time I played golf with President Ford he hit a birdie. And an eagle, a moose, an elk, an aardvark...
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
I'll shoot my age if I have to live to be 105.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
Gerry Ford is easy to spot on the course. He drives the cart with the red cross painted on top.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Mitch Hedberg
I played golf... I did not get a hole in one, but I did hit a guy. That's way more satisfying.
- Mitch Hedberg
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
That's life. The older you get, the tougher it is to score.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
It's not hard to find Gerry Ford on a golf course - you just follow the wounded.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
He hits the ball 130 yards and his jewelry goes 150.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
Arnold Palmer is the biggest crowd pleaser since the invention of the portable sanitary facility.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
On one hole, I hit an alligator so hard, he's now my golf bag.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
It was a great honour to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. I didn't know they had a caddie division.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of S. I. Hayakawa
We live in a highly competitive society, each of us trying to outdo the other in wealth, in popularity or social prestige, in dress, in scholastic grades or golf scores. One is often tempted to say that conflict, rather than cooperation, is the great governing principle of human life.
- S. I. Hayakawa
Collection: Golf
Image of Stephen Curry
Golf's for everybody.
- Stephen Curry
Collection: Golf
Image of Stephen Curry
I'm a golf junkie. I watch every tournament pretty much. I watch interviews. I watch warm-up routines. All that stuff.
- Stephen Curry
Collection: Golf
Image of Winifred Holtby
[On golf:] One of the most distressing defects of civilization.
- Winifred Holtby
Collection: Golf
Image of Stephen Curry
I still have a Lydia Ko-signed golf ball in my sock drawer that I'll keep for a while.
- Stephen Curry
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
Certainly, if you can't manage your game, you can't play tournament golf. You continually have to ask yourself what club to play, where to aim it, whether to accept a safe par or to try to go for a birdie. You can't play every hole the same way. I never could.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
Like most professional golfers, I have a tendency to remember my poor shots a shade more vividly than the good ones.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
If the Masters offered no money at all, I would be here trying just as hard.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
Hit the ball up to the hole... You meet a better class of people up there.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
I went to play golf and tried to shoot my age, but I shot my weight instead.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Hal Holbrook
I don't play golf. Mark Twain is golf to me.
- Hal Holbrook
Collection: Golf
Image of O. Henry
Beauty is Nature in perfection; circularity is its chief attribute. Behold the full moon, the enchanting golf ball, the domes of splendid temples, the huckleberry pie, the wedding ring, the circus ring, the ring for the waiter, and the "round" of drinks.
- O. Henry
Collection: Golf
Image of Walter Hagen
I don't want to be a millionaire; just live like one.
- Walter Hagen
Collection: Golf
Image of Walter Hagen
Hurry up Gene, I got a date tonight.
- Walter Hagen
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
Jimmy Stewart could have been a good golfer, but he speaks so slowly that by the time he yells 'Fore!' the guy he's hit is already in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
I do try to work out a little. I go swimming twice a day. It beats buying golf balls.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
All other things being equal, greens break to the west.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
I don't like the glamour. I just like the game.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
Good golf begins with a good grip.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
I have always felt and said that a man who can be a champion in one era could be a champion in any other era because he has what it takes to reach the top.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
Golf was my life. I didn't want to give it up. So I went to work!
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
I dreamed one night that I had 17 holes-in-one and one two, and when I woke up I was so goddam mad.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
If a man can shoot 10 birdies, there's no reason why he can't shoot 18. Why can't you birdie every hole on the course?
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Ben Hogan
Selecting a stroke is like selecting a wife. To each his own.
- Ben Hogan
Collection: Golf
Image of Robert Harris
In a generation or two, or maybe sooner, young golfers of true sporting instinct will wonder why all this handling of the ball is necessary. It will seem to them that the game is not as good as it might be.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Golf
Image of Don Herold
Nobody ever looked up and saw a good shot.
- Don Herold
Collection: Golf
Image of Don Herold
Golf is not sacred, and there is no use getting so gosh-darned solemn about it.
- Don Herold
Collection: Golf
Image of Merle Haggard
Guitar playing is very important to me. It's like golf to some other people; it's important to me that I play good.
- Merle Haggard
Collection: Golf
Image of Mia Hamm
Golf is social. It brings a lot of people together. And the great thing about a scramble, there's less pressure because you don't feel like every shot has to be your shot.
- Mia Hamm
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
Vice President Spiro Agnew can not cheat on his score : because all you have to do is look back down the fairway and count the wounded.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf
Image of Bob Hope
Golf is my profession Show business is just to pay the green fees.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Golf