Top Girl Quotes Collection - Page 8

Discover a curated collection of Girl quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 8 provides more Girl quotes.

Image of Kevin Nealon
I remember the first date I ever went out on. It was in high school. Her name was Marguerite. She was kind of a heavyset girl... I took her out on one date. We went out for dinner and a movie and a dinner.
- Kevin Nealon
Collection: Girl
Image of Carroll O'Connor
People see Archie Bunker everywhere. Particularly girls; poor girls, rich girls, all kinds of girls are always coming up to me and telling me that Archie is just like their dad.
- Carroll O'Connor
Collection: Girl
Image of Joey Comeau
Kissing girls is easy, like breaking windows.
- Joey Comeau
Collection: Girl
Image of Marissa Meyer
I'm sure I'll feel much more grateful when I find a guy who thinks complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on.
- Marissa Meyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Marissa Meyer
He was the fantasy of every girl in the country. He was so far out of realm, her world, that she should have stopped thinking about him the second the door had closed. Should stop thinking about him immediately. Should never think about him again, except maybe as a client - and her prince. And yet, the memory of his fingers against her skin refused to fade.
- Marissa Meyer
Collection: Girl
Image of Kate Bornstein
‘Is it a boy or a girl?’ There is a great answer to that one going around: ‘We don’t know; it hasn’t told us yet’.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Girl
Image of Kate Bornstein
The first question we usually ask new parents is : “Is it a boy or a girl ?”. There is a great answer to that one going around : “We don’t know ; it hasn’t told us yet.” Personally, I think no question containing “either/or” deserves a serious answer, and that includes the question of gender.
- Kate Bornstein
Collection: Girl
Image of Maureen Medved
He'll pinch a cigarette between his fingers. He'll take a drag, blow that drag between his lips. He'll look at the firl with eyes the colour of the sky before it turns black and he will see heaven, and the pictures of all those other girls floating inside his head will blow away like the clouds of the cigarette and he'll see only the girl inside himself and the world will stop.
- Maureen Medved
Collection: Girl
Image of Tiffanie DeBartolo
We’re all searching for something to fill up what I like to call that big, God-shaped hole in our souls. Some people use alcohol, or sex, or their children, or food, or money, or music, or heroin. A lot of people even use the concept of God itself. I could go on and on. I used to know a girl who used shoes. She had over two-hundred pairs. But it’s all the same thing, really. People, for some stupid reason, think they can escape their sorrows.
- Tiffanie DeBartolo
Collection: Girl
Image of Mary Pipher
Girls have long been evaluated on the basis of appearance and caught in myriad double binds: achieve, but not too much, be polite,but be yourself, be feminine and adult; be aware of our cultural heritage, but don't comment on the sexism. . . . Girls are trained to be less than who they really are. They are trained to be what the culture wants of its young women, not what they themselves want to become.
- Mary Pipher
Collection: Girl
Image of Mary Pipher
Girls developed eating disorders when our culture developed a standard of beauty that they couldn't obtain by being healthy. When unnatural thinness became attractive, girls did unnatural things to be thin.
- Mary Pipher
Collection: Girl
Image of Lisa Ling
The Girl Scouts is where I became acquainted with the idea that a woman can do anything. Learning that early on has a tremendous impact on the development of a young girl's personality. It had a huge impact on me. Girl Scouts is where I first learned about philanthropy and fell in love with the concept of helping others-in my troop this was very important. We did a lot of community service like picking up trash and feeding the homeless. Loving humankind was something that echoed throughout my time at Girl Scouts.
- Lisa Ling
Collection: Girl
Image of Dweezil Zappa
If you only ever heard "Valley Girl," or "Don't Eat The Yellow Snow," or a song that has a comedic narrative, you would get some impression that that was novelty music, but that's the only stuff that ever got on the radio. You can make the argument that that's what has confused generations as to what his music's about.
- Dweezil Zappa
Collection: Girl
Image of Gerald Morris
The next day brought more visitors. Sarah was eating a simple luncheon with Charis, Ariel, and Guinevere and was experiencing for the first time in her life the pleasure of talking freely with other girls she trusted. It wasn't that they talked about anything of importance. Indeed, most of their conversation was hopelessly trivial- Mordecai would have shaken his head sadly over such frivolity, Sarah reflected with an inward smile. But to talk so openly, and to laugh so unrestrainedly, was somehow far more significant than any single thing that was said.
- Gerald Morris
Collection: Girl
Image of Chloe Sevigny
I am a Scorpio, and playing the seductress appeals to me. There are a lot of women throughout film history, like Marlene Dietrich or Mae West - those are the women I was always attracted to. The bad girls.
- Chloe Sevigny
Collection: Girl
Image of Chad Michael Murray
A guy friend and I went to California Pizza Kitchen, and a group of pretty girls came over to us and said, 'You guys are gay, right?
- Chad Michael Murray
Collection: Girl
Image of Betty Smith
All my life I've been lonely. I've been lonely at crowded parties. I've been lonely in the middle of kissing a girl and I've been lonely at camp with hundreds of fellows around. But now I'm not lonely any more.
- Betty Smith
Collection: Girl
Image of Paul Orfalea
Boys do not have the language skills of little girls. Boys go to school feeling like idiots. We wonder why fifty-six percent of the enrollment at universities is female. I might consider having same-sex education. Boys from day one are pampered and feel good about themselves and then when they go to school, they feel like idiots. I would have exercise in the morning at eight. They clearly learn better after they open up their brain. Why can't we accommodate the brain and not the school?
- Paul Orfalea
Collection: Girl
Image of Ilsa J. Bick
As the dog sprinted back, Jack said to the girl, "Sweetheart,honey, why do you have to be so hateful?" "Why not?" Ellie said. "It's not like being good ever got me anywhere.
- Ilsa J. Bick
Collection: Girl
Image of Ilsa J. Bick
She's got the kind of ethereal, unselfconscious beauty some young girls possess that breaks your heart. Or theirs.
- Ilsa J. Bick
Collection: Girl
Image of Eleanor Catton
What’s the likelihood? That the one girl who makes my heart race is the one girl who wants me in return? That the accident of my attraction coincides with the accident of hers?
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Girl
Image of Eleanor Catton
She is a loner, too bright for the slutty girls and too savage for the bright girls, haunting the edges and corners of the school like a sullen disillusioned ghost
- Eleanor Catton
Collection: Girl
Image of F. Sionil José
The obscenities of this country are not girls like you. It is the poverty which is obscene, and the criminal irresponsibility of the leaders who make this poverty a deadening reality. The obscenities in this country are the places of the rich, the new hotels made at the expense of the people, the hospitals where the poor die when they get sick because they don't have the money either for medicines or services. It is only in this light that the real definition of obscenity should be made.
- F. Sionil José
Collection: Girl
Image of Michelle Rodriguez
This crazy little party girl who loves to enjoy life actually has a purpose. So, that's really the core of why I've survived so many years and I can go and I can fall down and I can get back up. Why? Because I know why I'm here. That's the question that a lot of people need to answer when they do fall is, 'Why am I here?' If you can answer that question, you'll be able to dust yourself off and shine like a phoenix out of ashes.
- Michelle Rodriguez
Collection: Girl
Image of Pittacus Lore
I smile at her. "You're an angel." "Nah," she says. "I'm just a girl crazy in love.
- Pittacus Lore
Collection: Girl
Image of Tamora Pierce
Why do boys say someone acts like a girl as if it were an insult?
- Tamora Pierce
Collection: Girl
Image of Andrew Sean Greer
When you were a little girl, Madam.....was this the woman you dreamed of becoming?
- Andrew Sean Greer
Collection: Girl
Image of Big Sean
Girls only say I hate you to the guys that they love
- Big Sean
Collection: Girl
Image of Phil Robertson
If you can find a nice pretty country girl that can cook and carries her bible, now there's a woman.
- Phil Robertson
Collection: Girl
Image of Janette Rallison
You can't wish for more wishes or for vague generalities like happiness that are impossible to grant. Your wish has to be something specific enough that I can use my wand to make it happen. Oh, and recently there's been a ban on inserting yourself into the Twilight series. The Cullens are tired of different teenage girls pinging into their story every time they turn around.
- Janette Rallison
Collection: Girl
Image of Scott Speer
Will you listen to me just this once?” he nearly yelled. “I . . . I like you, Maddy. I mean, more than just as a friend. Are you so stubborn you can’t see that? Maybe last night meant nothing to you, but it meant something to me.” His eyes were vulnerable, almost tortured. “Did you ever even consider that I might love you, you stubborn, impossible girl?
- Scott Speer
Collection: Girl
Image of Charles Portis
People do not give it credence that a fourteen-year-old girl could leave home and go off in the wintertime to avenge her father's blood but it did not seem so strange then, although I will say it did not happen every day. I was just fourteen years of age when a coward going by the name Tom Chaney shot my father down in Fort Smith, Arkansas, and robbed him of his life and his horse and $150 in cash money plus two California gold pieces that he carried in his trouser band.
- Charles Portis
Collection: Girl
Image of Kirby Larson
Why couldn't I be more like other girls my age? Take Mrs. Brown's niece. She spent every waking hour sizing up this beau or that, stitching tea towels and petticoats and putting aside a little each month for a set of Spode Buttercup dishes.
- Kirby Larson
Collection: Girl
Image of Billy Boyd
I was probably about fourteen I think, and probably like every boy who's fourteen that writes a song, it was about a girl. It was about a girl who I really liked, but she didn't like me as much as I liked her. I think most guys go through that.
- Billy Boyd
Collection: Girl
Image of Lynne Sharon Schwartz
Getting away from being 'a good girl' is important because it's impossible to be a 'good girl' and a writer at the same time.
- Lynne Sharon Schwartz
Collection: Girl
Image of Laura Prepon
So, I went to Germany and ended up parasailing around this castle. I was in Germany sightseeing, eating Bratwurst and hanging out in beer gardens. And then, I got back from Germany and got a call where they were like, "We need to fly you to New York tomorrow to read with Taylor [Schilling]." I was like, "Wait, for Alex, the manipulative drug-smuggling lesbian girl?!," and they were like, "Yeah."
- Laura Prepon
Collection: Girl
Image of Donald Ray Pollock
Look, girls don't care how many push-ups you can do. They just want to get high and wear flowers in their hair. Maybe steal a car.
- Donald Ray Pollock
Collection: Girl
Image of David Benioff
You don't like the girl. You don't know what color eyes she has, you don't like her.
- David Benioff
Collection: Girl
Image of Tiffeny Milbrett
The game of soccer has been able to give me what I wanted out of life. I just remember being a total Tomboy and athlete as a girl, but never having a lack of opportunity.
- Tiffeny Milbrett
Collection: Girl
Image of Mary Ann Shaffer
Will Thisbee gave me The Beginner's Cook-Book for Girl Guides. It was just the thing; the writer assumes you know nothing about cookery and writes useful hints - "When adding eggs, break the shells first.
- Mary Ann Shaffer
Collection: Girl
Image of Frank Portman
Girls have all the same parts, basically, and so much of how they look depends on the attitude, expectations, and obsessions of those who are looking at them.
- Frank Portman
Collection: Girl
Image of Paul Cornell
The brilliant escape, the funny line to cap it, despite the lack of timing. And the girl was still dead. The last act had not materialised. The world, and himself, remained so far from what they should be: so imperfect.
- Paul Cornell
Collection: Girl
Image of Berenice Abbott
I'm not a nice girl; I'm a photographer. (On being told by a Federal Art Project official, after she photographed the Bowery, that a nice girl should not go into such neighborhoods )
- Berenice Abbott
Collection: Girl
Image of Berenice Abbott
I'm not a nice girl. I'm a photographer.
- Berenice Abbott
Collection: Girl
Image of Anna Wintour
Create your own individual style. I'm not interested in the girl who walks into my office in a HEAD-to-TOE LABEL look that's straight off the runway. I'm interested in a Girl who puts herself together in an ORIGINAL INDEPENDENT Way
- Anna Wintour
Collection: Girl
Image of Anna Wintour
I'm interested in seeing just the girl on the street because she is unlike any other. I'm inspired by whatever it is she might be wearing.
- Anna Wintour
Collection: Girl
Image of Taylor Momsen
I'm a promoter of masturbation. Don't sleep around...learn yourself first! Guys do it, but girls don't. They should.
- Taylor Momsen
Collection: Girl
Image of Peter Lerangis
When the guy turned around, Amy began stuttering. Silently. It was a feat only Amy could manage, and only Dan could notice. And it only happened in front of boys who looked like this one. He had brown hair and caramel-colored eyes, like Dan's friend Nick Santos, who made all the sixth-grade girls turn into blithering idiots when he looked their way--in fact, would even say Watch, lean make them turn into blithering idiots, and then he'd do it. Only older. "He. Is. Hot," Nellie said under her breath. "You too?" Dan hissed.
- Peter Lerangis
Collection: Girl
Image of Maggie Smith
Little girls, I am in the business of putting old heads on young shoulders, and all my pupils are the crème de la crème. Give me a girl at an impressionable age and she is mine for life.
- Maggie Smith
Collection: Girl