Top Garden Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of Garden quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more Garden quotes.

Image of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Wherever the Legionary's hand and soul show up, a garden appears.
- Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Collection: Garden
Image of Tiffany Baker
A garden is where you can find a whole spectrum of life, birth and death
- Tiffany Baker
Collection: Garden
Image of Maryrose Wood
Only a fool takes offense at the truth, Jessamine. They are awful, of that there is no question. But they are also very charming. Purveyors of unspeakable suffering and indescribable delights. Performers of murders and miracles! You might grow to like them, if you got to know them as I do. But why has your beloved Crabgrass ventured into this garden of horrors, I wonder?
- Maryrose Wood
Collection: Garden
Image of Michael Horton
God's church is not a stage for us to perform on but a garden for us to grow in.
- Michael Horton
Collection: Garden
Image of Masanobu Fukuoka
The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.
- Masanobu Fukuoka
Collection: Garden
Image of Rick Nielsen
Madison Square Garden sounds like crap.
- Rick Nielsen
Collection: Garden
Image of George Harrison
Sometimes I feel like I’m actually on the wrong planet. It’s great when I’m in my garden, but the minute I go out the gate I think, ‘What the hell am I doing here?
- George Harrison
Collection: Garden
Image of Bob Sorge
Our devotional life with God is more like the planting of a garden. When we arise from sowing into the secret place, we will not usually be able to point to immediate results or benefits. What we sow today will require an entire season of growth before the results are manifest.
- Bob Sorge
Collection: Garden
Image of Nikki Yanofsky
The less help you have in a garden the more yours it is.
- Nikki Yanofsky
Collection: Garden
Image of Diane Ackerman
[On gardens:] I think they're sanctuaries for the mind and spirit. ... It's easy to feel wonder-struck in a garden, especially if you cultivate delight.
- Diane Ackerman
Collection: Garden
Image of James Hunter
As leaders we do not create growth. The best we can do is create an environment that is conducive to growth. It is like planting a garden. You do not cause the seeds to grow. To grow is their natural purpose in life.
- James Hunter
Collection: Garden
Image of Ruth Asawa
The best ideas come unexpectedly from a conversation or a common activity like watering the garden. These can get lost or slip away if not acted on when they occur.
- Ruth Asawa
Collection: Garden
Image of Debbie Harry
I do have fantasies of buying a helicopter and a lot of machine guns, but I don't know if I can do that. I'd like to have a lot of weapons, grenades and things. And I want to have a solar energy machine. And I want to have a sunken garden with a glass roof. I guess that's about it for now. I have a few other wants but I can't remember them.
- Debbie Harry
Collection: Garden
Image of Greg Peterson
No matter where you are you can grow something to eat. Shift your thinking and you'd be surprised at the places your food can be grown! Window sill, fire escape and rooftop gardens have the same potential to provide impressive harvests as backyard gardens, greenhouses and community spaces.
- Greg Peterson
Collection: Garden
Image of H. Peter Loewer
Like people, plants respond to extra attention.
- H. Peter Loewer
Collection: Garden
Image of David Bentley
It is true that a great deal of the rhetoric of the new atheism is often just the confessional rote of materialist fundamentalism (which, like all fundamentalisms, imagines that in fact it represents the side of reason and truth); but it is also true that the new atheism has sprung up in a garden of contending fundamentalisms.
- David Bentley
Collection: Garden
Image of David A. Clarke, Jr
The acquisition of True Temper broadens our lawn and garden product line with outstanding, highly respected brands, ... The purchase also expands USI Hardware and Tool's customer base and provides additional capacity for future growth.
- David A. Clarke, Jr
Collection: Garden
Image of Alfred Austin
No one can rightly call his garden his own unless he himself made it.
- Alfred Austin
Collection: Garden
Image of Thalassa Cruso
One of the pleasures of being a gardener comes from the enjoyment you get looking at other people's yards.
- Thalassa Cruso
Collection: Garden
Image of Thalassa Cruso
Once we become interested in the progress of the plants in our care, their development becomes a part of the rhythm of our own lives and we are refreshed by it.
- Thalassa Cruso
Collection: Garden
Image of Joanne Harris
Garden work clears the mind.
- Joanne Harris
Collection: Garden
Image of T. D. Jakes
Stop watering things that were never meant to grow in your life. Water what works, what's good, what's right. Stop playing around with those dead bones and stuff you can't fix, its over...leave it alone! You're coming into a season of greatness. If you water what's alive and divine, you will see harvest like you've never seen before. Stop wasting water on dead issues, dead relationships, dead people, a dead past. No matter how much you water concrete, you can't grow a garden.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Garden
Image of Helen Cresswell
Machines are the opium of the masses. If all the machines in England were thrown into the North Sea tomorrow, we should be back in the Garden of Eden. And the weather would probably improve.
- Helen Cresswell
Collection: Garden
Image of William Howard Adams
Gardens are our link with the divine.
- William Howard Adams
Collection: Garden
Image of Bryant Terry
All communities, and low-income communities especially because of food insecurity and lack of access to healthy foods, need more farmers markets, need more community gardens and urban farms. It would be great if people living in communities had the tools and resources to grow food in their own backyard - community-based food systems.
- Bryant Terry
Collection: Garden
Image of Al Jarreau
I did a concert at five years old in the garden of one of the church members, and we raised some money to buy a new piano in our little church.
- Al Jarreau
Collection: Garden
Image of Lady Bird Johnson
Almost every person, from childhood, has been touched by the untamed beauty of wildflowers.
- Lady Bird Johnson
Collection: Garden
Image of Mabel Osgood Wright
Neither a garden nor a gardener can be made in one year, nor in one generation even.
- Mabel Osgood Wright
Collection: Garden
Image of Mabel Osgood Wright
Let everyone who makes garden plans frequently insert the letters C.P. in them as a reminder, the same standing for climate permitting.
- Mabel Osgood Wright
Collection: Garden
Image of Mabel Osgood Wright
Surely there is no greater garden for human-nature study than the flotsam and jetsam of the hospital.
- Mabel Osgood Wright
Collection: Garden
Image of Mabel Osgood Wright
Why has no one written a November rhapsody with plenty of lilt and swing? The poets who are moved at all by this month seem only stirred to lamentation, giving us year end and 'melancholy days' remarks, thereby showing that theory is stronger than observation among the rhyming brotherhood, or else that they have chronic indigestion and no gardens to stimulate them.
- Mabel Osgood Wright
Collection: Garden
Image of Attila the Stockbroker
My wardrobe is like a garden oh, I don't know how I've got the gall! My wardrobe is just like a wardrobe it's not like a garden at all!
- Attila the Stockbroker
Collection: Garden
Image of Liberty Hyde Bailey
A garden is half made when it is well planned.
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
Collection: Garden
Image of Liberty Hyde Bailey
Tools of many kinds and well chosen, are one of the joys of a garden.
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
Collection: Garden
Image of Liberty Hyde Bailey
One must first seek to love plants and nature, and then to cultivate that happy peace of mind which is satisfied with little. He will be happier if he has no rigid and arbitrary ideals, for gardens are coquettish, particularly with the novice.
- Liberty Hyde Bailey
Collection: Garden
Image of Gertrude Jekyll
I do not envy the owners of very large gardens. The garden should fit its owner or his or her tastes, just as one's clothes do; it should be neither too large nor too small, but just comfortable.
- Gertrude Jekyll
Collection: Garden
Image of Gertrude Jekyll
The possession of a quantity of plants, however good the plants may be themselves and however ample their number, does not make a garden; it only makes a collection. Having got the plants, the great thing is to use them with careful selection and definite intention.
- Gertrude Jekyll
Collection: Garden
Image of Ken Kesey
Plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Garden
Image of William Kent
A garden is to be a world unto itself, it had better make room for the darker shades of feeling as well as the sunny ones.
- William Kent
Collection: Garden
Image of Wilhelm von Humboldt
Natural objects themselves, even when they make no claim to beauty, excite the feelings, and occupy the imagination. Nature pleases, attracts, delights, merely because it is nature. We recognize in it an Infinite Power.
- Wilhelm von Humboldt
Collection: Garden
Image of Mark Pesce
I very much consider the Internet a garden, and I'm a gardener, and I plant things in it and I work within the framework of the soil, the seasons, the climate, and the temperature, to produce plants.
- Mark Pesce
Collection: Garden
Image of Graham Stuart Thomas
A garden is mainly ...a space around which interests can be accumulated.
- Graham Stuart Thomas
Collection: Garden
Image of Stanley Kunitz
I associate the garden with the whole experience of being alive, and so, there is nothing in the range of human experience that is separate from what the garden can signify in its eagerness and its insistence, and in its driving energy to live -- to grow, to bear fruit.
- Stanley Kunitz
Collection: Garden
Image of Bee Dawson
When possums were introduced in 1837 to start a fur industry, no one predicted that these Australian neighbours would naturalize with destructive enthusiasm, wreaking havoc on gardens and bush alike. Up to 20 million possums a year were killed during the height of the fur trade, but this barely checked their rapid expansion.
- Bee Dawson
Collection: Garden
Image of Bee Dawson
For those dependent on their gardens for fresh food, it was often a case of feast or famine... (One settler wrote), "Strawberries were now so plentiful that... I made 287 lbs of jam..."
- Bee Dawson
Collection: Garden
Image of Bee Dawson
Not all introductions worked well. Rabbits were an unmitigated environmental disaster. Unchecked by any natural predator, they bred at a staggering rate and chewed their way across vast areas of pastureland as well as any garden that came their way. Attempts to control them by introducing ferrets, weasels and stoats did much more harm than good. Although these predators probably killed a reasonable number of rabbits, they also devastated populations of kiwi and raided the nests of flighted birds.
- Bee Dawson
Collection: Garden
Image of Ryan T. Murphy
I've known Jennifer [Salke] for so long. Before I was a writer, I did garden design, and I designed Jennifer's garden, many years ago. I've known her for a really long time. So the pitch was not really about that.
- Ryan T. Murphy
Collection: Garden
Image of Mr. Lee
If a garden is well maintained and neatly landscaped, there must be a dedicated and efficient gardener.
- Mr. Lee
Collection: Garden