Top Garden Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Garden quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Garden quotes.

Image of Allen Lacy
I suppose that for most people one of the darker joys of gardening is that once you've got started it's not at all hard to find someone who knows a little bit less than you.
- Allen Lacy
Collection: Garden
Image of Allen Lacy
But there is one place where a person can make choices that will lead in a small way toward greater sanity in dealing with the natural order. That place is the private garden.
- Allen Lacy
Collection: Garden
Image of Allen Lacy
The gardens I love best are those that are still affectionately tended by the people who own them and who made them - who planned and planted and replanned and replanted them, who dug in the dirt and moved hoses and watched the gardens change with the cycle of the seasons and over the passage of years.
- Allen Lacy
Collection: Garden
Image of Allen Lacy
In a well-made garden every day is new.
- Allen Lacy
Collection: Garden
Image of Allen Lacy
Democracy is fine in politics. It should stay there, and we need more of it. But its political virture is no reason to practice it in the garden.
- Allen Lacy
Collection: Garden
Image of Ian Hamilton Finlay
Certain gardens are described as retreats when they are really attacks.
- Ian Hamilton Finlay
Collection: Garden
Image of Paul Saffo
As recently as the '70s, people were forced to see information that they didn't agree with in newspapers and the like. Now there is so much information you really can build your own walled garden that just has the stuff that reinforces your view. I think it applies to all of us. People are really going into these separate camps, and that's the big social challenge in this age of too much information. How do we crack that and create a common dialogue?
- Paul Saffo
Collection: Garden
Image of David Almond
She finds tales everywhere, in grains of sand she picks up from the garden, in puffs of smoke that drift out from the chimneys of the village, in fragments of smooth timber or glass in the jetsam. She will ask them, "Where did you come from? How did you get here?" And they will answer her in voices very like her own, but with new lilts and squeaks and splashes in them that show they are their own.
- David Almond
Collection: Garden
Image of Peter Cundall
It's the sheer joy of seeing things grow and helping them to grow, even harvesting the stuff that you've grown yourself, no matter how old you are.
- Peter Cundall
Collection: Garden
Image of Peter Cundall
Old gardeners never die; they just very slowly turn into the most magnificent compost. But what a marvellous, active brew it is!
- Peter Cundall
Collection: Garden
Image of Lord Buckley
There is a great power within that when used in beauty and immaculate purity can cure and heal and cause miracles. When you use it it spreads like a magic garden and when you do not use it it recedes from you.
- Lord Buckley
Collection: Garden
Image of Pete Munro
Backyards are as Australian as the Hills Hoists they host, and as individual as those who work and play in them. Whether haven, pantry or playground, they all tell a story.
- Pete Munro
Collection: Garden
Image of Susun Weed
Every breath is a giveaway dance between you and the plants.
- Susun Weed
Collection: Garden
Image of Richardson Wright
Go out by yourself, face the wind, hold up your head and thank God for this gardening year.
- Richardson Wright
Collection: Garden
Image of Richardson Wright
Plants, like people, are social or anti-social: the good plant has to be able to live amicably with other plants in the border.
- Richardson Wright
Collection: Garden
Image of Abigail Disney
I get very close to people when I'm shooting them. We would go and shoot a scene with Lucy, and I would spend the whole time telling her about Rob. Then I would go shoot a scene with Rob and tell him all about Lucy. Eventually they wanted to know each other. These are two people who would never have overlapped in any other way or context. We brought to the garden at Rob's office and just sat and watched what unfolded. I remember weeping behind the camera, because I was so moved by the way they connected.
- Abigail Disney
Collection: Garden
Image of Stephen Gardiner
The garden, by design, is concerned with both the interior and the land beyond the garden
- Stephen Gardiner
Collection: Garden
Image of Doug Casey
There's no doubt in my mind that we'll have a mania in gold. And because the gold and especially silver markets are so tiny, the rush into them will be like trying to push the contents of Hoover Dam through a garden hose. Our positions will go absolutely ballistic.
- Doug Casey
Collection: Garden
Image of Hazel Hawke
The Garden Was My Delight. I grew up with gardeners and I just love gardens. I was always very much aware that gardens were important and they were for sharing.
- Hazel Hawke
Collection: Garden
Image of Li Bai
The birds have vanished into the sky, and now the last cloud drains away. We sit together, the mountain and me, until only the mountain remains.
- Li Bai
Collection: Garden
Image of Michelle Cliff
To garden is a solitary act.
- Michelle Cliff
Collection: Garden
Image of Darren Hayes
I said (to Daniel Jones), 'You realise I'm always going to be The Guy From Savage Garden'. He said, 'How do you think I feel? I'm The Other One From Savage Garden!'
- Darren Hayes
Collection: Garden
Image of John de Ruiter
It isn't the kind of profession that you have that makes you flourish; it's what you are coming from, within, that makes you flourish. Then everything that you step into turns into your garden.
- John de Ruiter
Collection: Garden
Image of Juan Carlos I of Spain
Europe cannot confine itself to the cultivation of its own garden.
- Juan Carlos I of Spain
Collection: Garden
Image of Jeremiah
Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce.
- Jeremiah
Collection: Garden
Image of Cassandra Danz
As a married woman, I know perfectly well what six or eight inches looks like, so it's easy to make a good estimate. This mental measurement makes planting time much more interesting than it might be otherwise.
- Cassandra Danz
Collection: Garden
Image of Margaret Carlson
The Greatest Generation got to save old tires, dig a Victory Garden and forgo sugar. The Richest Generation is being asked to shop.
- Margaret Carlson
Collection: Garden
Image of Antonio Lobo Antunes
Asylums are nothing more than gardens of human cabbages, of miserable, grotesque, repugnant human beings watered with the fertilizer of injections.
- Antonio Lobo Antunes
Collection: Garden
Image of Arthur Zajonc
Imagine that half the world is hidden from you. Half of the person sitting across from you has never been appreciated, half of the garden has never been seen or smelled, half of your own life has never been truly witnessed and appraised.
- Arthur Zajonc
Collection: Garden
Image of Margaret Drabble
I confidently predict the collapse of capitalism and the beginning of history. Something will go wrong in the machinery that converts money into money, the banking system will collapse totally, and we will be left having to barter to stay alive. Those who can dig in their garden will have a better chance than the rest. I'll be all right; I've got a few veg.
- Margaret Drabble
Collection: Garden
Image of Alan Chadwick
There is one rule in the garden that is above all others. You must give to nature more than you take. Obey it, and the earth will provide you in glorious abundance.
- Alan Chadwick
Collection: Garden
Image of Alan Chadwick
It is not the gardener that makes the garden. It is the garden that makes the gardener.
- Alan Chadwick
Collection: Garden
Image of Alan Chadwick
The Gardener does not create the Garden. The Garden creates the Gardener.
- Alan Chadwick
Collection: Garden
Image of Caecilius Statius
He plants to benefit another generation.
- Caecilius Statius
Collection: Garden
Image of Toby Hemenway
The plants we've chosen will collect and cycle Earth's minerals, water, and air; shade the soil and renew it with leafy mulch; and yield fruits and greens for people and wildlife.
- Toby Hemenway
Collection: Garden
Image of Mary Travers
It was like a miracle. I'm just feeling fabulous. What's incredible is someone has given your life back. I'm out in the garden today. This time last year I was looking out a window at a hospital.
- Mary Travers
Collection: Garden
Image of Edna Ferber
But always, to her, red and green cabbages were to be jade and burgundy, chrysoprase and prophyry. Life has no weapons against a woman like that.
- Edna Ferber
Collection: Garden
Image of Joy Kogawa
Language to me is a tool a very clumsy tool. And words are garden tools with which to till the soil of one's life.
- Joy Kogawa
Collection: Garden
Image of Beatrix Farrand
The essence of the enjoyment of a garden is that things should look as though they like to grow in it.
- Beatrix Farrand
Collection: Garden
Image of Beatrix Farrand
Should it not be remembered that in setting a garden we are painting a picture?
- Beatrix Farrand
Collection: Garden
Image of J. J. C. Smart
Indeterminism does not confer freedom on us: I would feel that my freedom was impaired if I thought that a quantum mechanical trigger in my brain might cause me to leap into the garden and eat a slug
- J. J. C. Smart
Collection: Garden
Image of John Densmore
If you're playing live, I like to think of the ensemble, whether it's the duet or a forty piece orchestra, as one person. And the entire audience, whether it's twelve people or twelve thousand at Madison Square Garden, is the other person. The two of you are going to dance together tonight.
- John Densmore
Collection: Garden
Image of Dannie Abse
Praying is another way of singing.You plant in the tree the soul of lemons.You plant in the gardens the spirit of roses.
- Dannie Abse
Collection: Garden
Image of David Rusenko
Facebook has focused on the conversation, but not really on absorbing the Web into its walled garden.
- David Rusenko
Collection: Garden
Image of Carolina Maria de Jesus
I classify Sao Paolo this way: The Governor's Palace is the living room. The mayor's office is the dining room and the city is the garden. And the favela is the back yard where they throw the garbage.
- Carolina Maria de Jesus
Collection: Garden
Image of Natalie Cook
NO PROCESSED FOODS! Natural is best. Straight from the garden. Avoid the tins.
- Natalie Cook
Collection: Garden
Image of Tom Turner
Garden design theory explains, or should explain, the 'What, Where, Why and How' of making gardens.
- Tom Turner
Collection: Garden
Image of Tom Turner
Many of the world's best-designed cities have been inspired by garden concepts.
- Tom Turner
Collection: Garden