Shane Warne

Image of Shane Warne
With just about every player in Australia, his whole goal and ambition is to play for Australia. That's why they're playing first class cricket. It's just a different attitude.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Attitude
Image of Shane Warne
I think when two people get together, their past is their past. Their reputations are reputations. You can only take someone the way you find them... on face value. I think that was how we were both, the way we were.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
Being in love with somebody is a wonderful feeling.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
The public want to see people play an exciting brand of cricket.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
To me, cricket is a simple game. Keep it simple and just go out and play.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I'm proud of what I've achieved in cricket, as once I didn't think I was good enough.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I am no dummy, mate, that's for sure.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
You can't afford to live your life with regrets.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
We played well in Kenya. We didn't lose a game and we bowled Pakistan out for 100 twice. We don't need to change much from that for this tournament.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I still eat pizzas, I still like pies, I still have spaghetti hoops for breakfast... but it's in moderation now.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
People make mistakes and I've probably made a few more than others, but unfortunately mine are also a bit more public. That's the way it is. You've just got to get on with life. After all, it's not a rehearsal.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I think we have got the wood on South Africa, but that does not mean they are not a good team. They intimidate a lot of teams but we intimidate them. There is no disrespect for South Africa; they are a very good team.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I just play because I love playing and I try and take as many wickets as I can.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
My life was falling apart and then to come out and play and have my best ever - 40 wickets, 250 runs... But the only reason I could do that was because of the way I thought and I think I'm pretty strong mentally. I think I am anyway, pretty strong to get over whatever it is.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
All my coaches tell me that I have been under achieving.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
Four hundred wickets is 400 more than I thought I'd get.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I have been trying to lose weight for the last two-three months and it has gone really well. In the last 6-12 months I have been in the best form in quite a while.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I suppose my look, the way I play - you combine all that sort of stuff and that makes people interested in what I actually do. So then, when off-the-field stuff happens... I suppose it's one of those cocktail mixes.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I've slept with a couple of people and made some poor choices and put things in jeopardy with... what I was happy with, and that's my own fault. I've got no one else to blame about that stuff.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
It was bloody difficult getting followed around all the time.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
My only problem is the fear that opposition bowlers might go for my fingers and that's why I was scared of the short ball. Now I am struggling with the ball pitching up and swinging away. I just keep nicking that one.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
The first thing is to be patient, which is probably the hardest thing to do. Don't worry if blokes are whacking you out of the park because you still have the opportunity to get him out next ball, even if it's not the same ball.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
The reason why I have lost weight is that I looked at the international schedule and thought that I wanted to play for another two years. It is a very hectic schedule and if I want to get through that then I have to be in the best shape that I can.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
The wickets I have played on for my whole career, most of them have been to suit fast bowlers in Australia.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
We've just got to be careful - with all sports, let alone cricket - I think there's so much emphasis on doing the right thing all the time, but I think the public want to be entertained when they come to watch sport.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I also think there's too many players who say the same boring answers, they don't even have to turn up to interviews because journalists answer their own questions the way they ask them. Unfortunately the way it is now players are so afraid to say anything, but I'd like them to be honest.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
With Australians we're saying we're going to win before we start playing and pretty much keep on saying that.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
The IPL is just pure, intense. You don't need all the other stuff. I don't believe in coaches in international cricket.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
There are a lot more tabloids in England that like to report other things in your life, some of which are true and some of which are exaggerated and untrue. There have been stories where people claim to have seen me in one place and I wasn't even in that city then. The Aussie press is more judgmental and moralistic.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I can 100 percent tell you that I have not gone under the surgeon's knife or had a facelift.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I have always tried to move on from disappointments as fast as I can.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
If you ask anyone around the cricket grounds, they will say I always sign loads of autographs and thank the ladies for lunch and try to behave in the right way.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
The problem is there's still a big kid inside me who likes to have fun. I am passionate about my cricket and I love my family, but I'm also a kid and maybe I need to grow up... And maybe I don't.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I think when two people get together, their past is their past. Their reputations are reputations. You can only take someone the way you find them... on face value.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I have a responsibility to my children to be fit and healthy.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
I'm fitter than I've ever been, I'm actually very, very healthy and I'm happy.
- Shane Warne
Image of Shane Warne
Never give up; just absolutely never give up.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Giving Up
Image of Shane Warne
Part of the art of bowling spin is to make the batsman think something special is happening when it isn't.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Art
Image of Shane Warne
Sachin Tendulkar is in my time the best player without doubt - daylight second, Brian Lara third.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Player
Image of Shane Warne
Find a way to get back in to the game, find a way to build a partnership, find a way to catch a ball, find a way to stop it.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Games
Image of Shane Warne
When I turned 36 I realised - the likelihood is that in four years time I'll be 40.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Years
Image of Shane Warne
You have to watch India in India truly to appreciate the pressure that Sachin Tendulkar is under every time he bats. Outside grounds, people wait until he goes in before paying to enter. They seem to want a wicket to fall even though it is their own side that will suffer.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Fall
Image of Shane Warne
Rahul Dravid being known as 'The Wall' is pretty much spot on. 'The fortress' could also describe Rahul. Because once, Dravid was set, you needed the bowling equivalent of a dozen cannon firing all at once to blast him down.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Wall
Image of Shane Warne
I'll be going to bed having nightmares of Sachin just running down the wicket and belting me back over the head for six. He was unstoppable. I don't think anyone, apart from Don Bradman, is in the same class as Sachin Tendulkar. He is just an amazing player.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Running
Image of Shane Warne
With Sachin Tendulkar and Brian Lara, it was better to be friends and make them smile rather than wind them up.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Wind
Image of Shane Warne
I've slept with a couple of people and made some poor choices and put things in jeopardy with [...] what I was happy with, and that's my own fault. I've got no one else to blame about that stuff.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Couple
Image of Shane Warne
There are no secrets about England - they are searching for positives.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Secret
Image of Shane Warne
I think he lives in such a rarified bubble these days, he doesn't understand what reality is any more.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Reality
Image of Shane Warne
Sachin Tendulkar is the hardest batsman I've ever had to bowl to because he judges the length a lot quicker than anyone else.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Judging
Image of Shane Warne
In the space of one delivery so much had changed. My confidence was sky-high. I was pumped up and rock'n'rolling.
- Shane Warne
Collection: Change