Top fun Quotes Collection - Page 57

Discover a curated collection of fun quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 57 provides more fun quotes.

Image of Bob Saget
I love telling stories and acting and entertaining people. I don't want to make fun of people.
- Bob Saget
Collection: Fun
Image of Katy Perry
I am never usually taking myself too seriously and I think that people when they read stuff from me, they have to realise that I'm having fun.
- Katy Perry
Collection: Fun
Image of Charles M. Schulz
What happened to fun?" "Our insurance doesn't cover it!
- Charles M. Schulz
Collection: Fun
Image of Wolfgang Puck
I used to write cookbooks. It was passion to try to bring healthy and fun recipes to people's homes. It was a way to bring my home to theirs.
- Wolfgang Puck
Collection: Fun
Image of Taylor Swift
I like things that make me feel seven again. I don't ever look down on people for the way they choose to have fun; it's just not necessarily the way I like to have fun.
- Taylor Swift
Collection: Fun
Image of Julie Benz
I had to do some emergency cram sessions with the dialogue coach on set [of the Punisher: War Zone]. But it was fun, because every actor on that movie had to do an accent, so we were all talking the whole time in our accents.
- Julie Benz
Collection: Fun
Image of Julie Benz
I was sad the show [Payne] only lasted one season. It was a big undertaking. It'd be fun to revisit, but it'll probably never happen.
- Julie Benz
Collection: Fun
Image of Julie Benz
I love doing sitcoms and I love performing in front of a live audience, so [Payne] was a really fun experience.
- Julie Benz
Collection: Fun
Image of Julie Benz
Working with Dario [Argento] was a lot of fun. He's a larger-than-life character, and with an Italian accent.
- Julie Benz
Collection: Fun
Image of Julie Benz
That movie [Jawbreaker] was so much fun to shoot. We were all in our mid-20s at the time, playing high school students. Which was the point. It was the point of the film to hire older actors to play high school students. But we had a blast.
- Julie Benz
Collection: Fun
Image of Gretchen Rubin
A blog is something that, everyday there's a new thing and that's part of the fun of it, you're just constantly moving forward. A book really gives you more time to reflect and think hard on things very, very deep.
- Gretchen Rubin
Collection: Fun
Image of Ilona Andrews
I thought of telling him that if it wasn't for Oklahoman cowboys and Mexican whores having a bit of fun, there would've been no Texans, but that would be counterproductive.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Fun
Image of Betty White
I love straight-face comedy or relatively subtle comedy. And then I turn around and I find myself doing very broad comedy but it's all fun and you have to keep your sense of humor and not take yourself seriously.
- Betty White
Collection: Fun
Image of Mickey Rooney
I'm 74 but I feel like I'm 35. And it isn't work. You know what it is? It's fun, absolute fun. I don't know many people who are fortunate enough to be in a business like that.
- Mickey Rooney
Collection: Fun
Image of Gary Oldman
To be honest, Im a little tired of playing bad guys. I long to do a comedy. But it was fun knocking Indiana Jones around.
- Gary Oldman
Collection: Fun
Image of Garth Brooks
I asked if I could read for the role of Kevin Costner's caddy in Tin Cup. It was a fun learning experience, even though Cheech Marin got the part.
- Garth Brooks
Collection: Fun
Image of Sarah Silverman
I dress normal because I want people to treat me regular. And their brains explode. It's really fun.
- Sarah Silverman
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeff Bezos
We've got thousands of investors counting on us. And we're a team of thousands of employees all counting on each other. That's fun.
- Jeff Bezos
Collection: Fun
Image of Dolly Parton
I don't listen to music for fun. I ain't got enough time for fun! I'm always busy writing my own music. I don't try to compete or see what other people are doing.
- Dolly Parton
Collection: Fun
Image of Steven Morrissey
I would never, ever do anything as vulgar as having fun.
- Steven Morrissey
Collection: Fun
Image of Amy Poehler
You can't look stupid if you're having fun.
- Amy Poehler
Collection: Fun
Image of Liev Schreiber
I've always been more interested in the audience than I have in the plays. I like that idea of all those people sitting in the dark together. It's kind of fun.
- Liev Schreiber
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Hardwick
We're gonna have fun, god***it!
- Chris Hardwick
Collection: Fun
Image of Chris Hardwick
I'm not fun to bowl with. I take it way too seriously. I have high expectations for myself.
- Chris Hardwick
Collection: Fun
Image of Marjane Satrapi
Start [the movie] in color. Color is always attributed as fun, and black and white is very sad.
- Marjane Satrapi
Collection: Fun
Image of Harold Ramis
When you're young and you first see the extent and depth of the world's hypocrisy, it's fun to go after it. But by the time you're sixty, it's so commonplace. What's the point in ridiculing people anymore? Their existence itself is a sort of sick joke.
- Harold Ramis
Collection: Fun
Image of Joyce Meyer
I don't really have many hobbies but one of my favorite things to do is spend time with my family. We have fun together, and building those relationships is very important to me.
- Joyce Meyer
Collection: Fun
Image of Marge Piercy
I don't apologize for being sexually adventurous. Why not? It was often fun. When it wasn't - I didn't continue what wasn't pleasant.
- Marge Piercy
Collection: Fun
Image of Marge Piercy
The ruling class isn't dissatisfied: they are healthy, well-fed, live in beauty, enjoy their own importance: fun-loving cannibals.
- Marge Piercy
Collection: Fun
Image of Arnold Palmer
Trouble is bad to get into but fun to get out of. If you're in trouble, eighty percent of the time there's a way out. If you can see the ball, you can probably hit it; and if you can hit it, you can move it; and if you can move it, you might be able to knock it in the hole. At least it's fun to try.
- Arnold Palmer
Collection: Fun
Image of Arnold Palmer
As long as I can stay competitive and have fun doing what I'm doing, I guess I'll keep doing it.
- Arnold Palmer
Collection: Fun
Image of Lee Trevino
It's the most fun I've had with my clothes on.
- Lee Trevino
Collection: Fun
Image of Joel Osteen
We keep a lot of humor and laughter in the home. A lot of times these days, people let the stress of life take the joy from the home. When you can laugh and you can have joy, that's very healthy. Victoria is easy going. She's very spontaneous and fun. I can hear her laughter all through the house. It sets the tone for the house. I like someone who can laugh. The second thing is respect. We just do our best. We don't always agree with each other but we make the decision that we want to treat each other with respect.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Fun
Image of Cheryl Strayed
Healing is a small and ordinary and very burnt thing. And it's one thing and one thing only: it's doing what you have to do.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Fun
Image of Kristen Bell
I crave the diversity because I'm an actor and it's more fun to play different types of characters, but I'm pretty spontaneous as well, so I don't rule anything out.
- Kristen Bell
Collection: Fun
Image of Twyla Tharp
This is the hard part. Knowing and admitting a problem are not the same as solving it. But executing a solution is also the fun part, because the solution save you and gets you moving again.
- Twyla Tharp
Collection: Fun
Image of Meryl Streep
Acting is my way of investigating human nature and having fun at the same time
- Meryl Streep
Collection: Fun
Image of Tiger Woods
Golf is a very serious part of my life, but when you stop having fun at it, that's when it's time to hang it up.
- Tiger Woods
Collection: Fun
Image of Jeremy Renner
I've done movies that nobody's seen, and that's no fun.
- Jeremy Renner
Collection: Fun
Image of Mark Shields
Campaigns are fun. Campaigns are police escorts, they're airplanes, they're crowds, they're balloons, they're bands, a lot of fun. You speak in vague generalities. You get applause for slogans. And then governing comes. And governing is tedious and it's difficult an it's time-consuming and it demands your attention. And policy isn't vague generalities. It's specifics and it's based on knowledge.
- Mark Shields
Collection: Fun
Image of The Notorious B.I.G.
When you read magazines and you see everybody having fun, you think, ‘okay, that’s where I want to be.’ But once you get in it and you achieve the success that you want, it seems like that’s where the player hating starts. You know that’s where everybody’s like, ‘Well it’s not all that
- The Notorious B.I.G.
Collection: Fun
Image of Halle Berry
I never even think about the physicality of roles, until honestly I get the gig and I think, 'OK, now what do I have to do in this one?' Like, I approach it thinking more about the character - do I respond to it? Is it something I think I can play? Does it seem like it'll be fun?
- Halle Berry
Collection: Fun
Image of Geoff Mulgan
Computing should be taught as a rigorous - but fun - discipline covering topics like programming, database structures, and algorithms. That doesn't have to be boring.
- Geoff Mulgan
Collection: Fun
Image of Geoff Mulgan
Courses can, and should, incorporate the excitement and fun of programming games, apps or even real digital devices.
- Geoff Mulgan
Collection: Fun
Image of Rita Rudner
I work for myself, which is fun. Except when I call in sick, I know I'm lying.
- Rita Rudner
Collection: Fun
Image of Gordon Ramsay
Eating out doesn't have to be a formula. Eating out is about having fun. I get really frustrated when it's badly done.
- Gordon Ramsay
Collection: Fun
Image of Robert Rodriguez
There are real issues going on in just about any movie that's got fun elements to it.
- Robert Rodriguez
Collection: Fun
Image of Dr. Seuss
Look at me! Look at me! Look at me NOW! It is fun to have fun But you have to know how.
- Dr. Seuss
Collection: Fun
Image of Gwyneth Paltrow
I'm never going again on Met Gala. It was so un-fun. It was boiling. It was too crowded. I did not enjoy it at all.
- Gwyneth Paltrow
Collection: Fun