Top focus Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of focus quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more focus quotes.

Image of Santino Fontana
Acting is my first focus, but at the core, I'm a storyteller, and however that comes out is fine with me.
- Santino Fontana
Collection: Focus
Image of Philip E. Berger
My colleagues have expressed confidence in my ability to articulate our conservative message and to provide new focus to our efforts in the General Assembly.
- Philip E. Berger
Collection: Focus
Image of Tim Hetherington
The best way to get Americans to focus on what's happening in Afghanistan is by using the example of their own.
- Tim Hetherington
Collection: Focus
Image of Rickson Gracie
Jiu-jitsu puts you completely in the moment, where you must have a complete focus on finding a solution to the problem. This trains the mind to build that focus, to increase your awareness, your capacity to solve problems.
- Rickson Gracie
Collection: Focus
Image of Rickson Gracie
In life, when presented with any situation, breathe, take your time, focus and then decide what to do.
- Rickson Gracie
Collection: Focus
Image of Regis McKenna
Marketing should focus on market creation, not market sharing
- Regis McKenna
Collection: Focus
Image of Thomas A. Edison
The secret of success is focus of purpose.
- Thomas A. Edison
Collection: Focus
Image of Thomas A. Edison
The first requisite for success is to develop the ability to focus.
- Thomas A. Edison
Collection: Focus
Image of Chris Weidman
When I get in there, everything gets blocked out. I just focus on the person in the cage with me. That's all my brain has room for at the time.
- Chris Weidman
Collection: Focus
Image of LaDainian Tomlinson
You don’t have the same type of focus when you are undefeated.
- LaDainian Tomlinson
Collection: Focus
Image of James Comey
Our focus is and should be on the leakers, not those that are obtaining it as part of legitimate newsgathering.
- James Comey
Collection: Focus
Image of James Comey
WikiLeaks is a important focus of our attention.
- James Comey
Collection: Focus
Image of Moses Hess
The focus of all life is its economy, the mode through which every living creature produces its material existence. I know no other criterion for the evaluation of social life except that of social economy. In society, just like anywhere else, the mode of production is the focus around which revolve all the modes of life: in the historical life of conscious beings, it is also the focus of all modes of consciousness.
- Moses Hess
Collection: Focus
Image of Karl Murray
Focus on growing your list all of the time as newer subscribers are more engaged adding to healthier open rates and ROI.
- Karl Murray
Collection: Focus
Image of Minnie Mortimer
I do know that I like what I am doing now. My focus right now is making the best daywear possible. When it feels right to expand into other areas, I will.
- Minnie Mortimer
Collection: Focus
Image of Ken Loach
The duty of a film director is to focus more on the soul of the spectator.
- Ken Loach
Collection: Focus
Image of An Na
A massive amount of quantity with a deliberate focus on improvement leads to the knowledge and experience of how to make quality.
- An Na
Collection: Focus
Image of James L. Farmer, Jr.
It's hard to pay attention and stay focused, especially when there is a lot going on around you.
- James L. Farmer, Jr.
Collection: Focus
Image of Carson Palmer
That's one thing you learn as a quarterback: focus. The better you are at focusing and the more you can continue to stay focused for a four-hour stage and really be zeroed in on what is happening, the better you play, the longer you play.
- Carson Palmer
Collection: Focus
Image of Nicole Williams
We shouldn't get hung up on the questions we can't answer because life, by definition, is confusing. We're never going to have all the answers. Never. We should focus on the questions we can answer and make peace with the ones we can't.
- Nicole Williams
Collection: Focus
Image of Padmasree Warrior
The important thing to remember is it's not about balance; it's about integration... to really focus on making sure you're integrating all four aspects of your work, your family, your community and yourself. And it's not about trying to spend equal amounts of time on everything you do each day on each of these things, but making sure you're paying attention to all the things that make it up as a whole human being.
- Padmasree Warrior
Collection: Focus
Image of Tommy Ramone
Eliminate the unnecessary and focus on the substance.
- Tommy Ramone
Collection: Focus
Image of Philip Emeagwali
My focus is not on solving nature's deeper mysteries. It is on using nature's deeper mysteries to solve important societal problems.
- Philip Emeagwali
Collection: Focus
Image of Suzanne Ciani
When I have a lot of work to do my life is very distracted, so for me to concentrate on music I need to create a structure where I can focus better.
- Suzanne Ciani
Collection: Focus
Image of Charles Duhigg
The more you focus, the more that focus becomes a habit.
- Charles Duhigg
Collection: Focus
Image of Astro Teller
Google[x]'s Focus on the Physical World
- Astro Teller
Collection: Focus
Image of Gabe Newell
We just always focus on quality, which can be frustrating during the wait, but which pays off when we're done (we hope).
- Gabe Newell
Collection: Focus
Image of Neville Brody
Its focus wasn't on the written word but how the word was written.
- Neville Brody
Collection: Focus
Image of Robert S. Kaplan
There are three main areas of focus: vision, priorities and alignment. It is critical to articulate a clear vision - how do we add value based on what key competences? Some leaders fail to be clear enough or fail to update the vision based on changes in their industry and in the world.
- Robert S. Kaplan
Collection: Focus
Image of James Carver
In comedy, beware the split focus. The audience should focus on the face of the actor. The audience must see the setup. If there is action elsewhere on the stage, the comic line can be lost.
- James Carver
Collection: Focus
Image of Kay WalkingStick
Collect stimulus, draw them. Focus, find out as much as you can. Stimulate yourself.
- Kay WalkingStick
Collection: Focus
Image of Bill McDermott
What you focus on expands. Focus on what you are best at and you will be unstoppable.
- Bill McDermott
Collection: Focus
Image of Arden Cho
There are more important things to focus on in life than how you look.
- Arden Cho
Collection: Focus
Image of Paul P. Enns
It is only as we focus our thoughts on heaven that we will correctly interpret life on earth.
- Paul P. Enns
Collection: Focus
Image of Anita Sarkeesian
I got to focus on my performance - learning how to perform is something I've been working on both personally and professionally.
- Anita Sarkeesian
Collection: Focus
Image of Derrick May
Wherever the music comes from, if there is no focus behind it then it's just noise
- Derrick May
Collection: Focus
Image of Jeff Gordon
Either you focus, or you hit something really hard.
- Jeff Gordon
Collection: Focus
Image of Lei Jun
The most important thing is to focus, focus, focus.
- Lei Jun
Collection: Focus
Image of David Rusenko
To gain paying customers you'll need to focus on attracting the right followers, and not just on attracting the most. Communicate often with useful information to increase your value, and focus on pitching your product in a genuine way. Make sure you have a professional web presence, and with any luck, you should start noticing your efforts pay off.
- David Rusenko
Collection: Focus
Image of Robin S
We need to sharpen our focus & live to the point just like a pencil.
- Robin S
Collection: Focus
Image of Andy Grove
You have to understand what it is that you are better at than anybody else and mercilessly focus your efforts on it.
- Andy Grove
Collection: Focus
Image of Elizabeth George
When you delight yourself in the Lord, His Word and His ways become the focus and foundation of your life.
- Elizabeth George
Collection: Focus
Image of James Kerr
Focus on the competition to diminish the time dedicated to internal politics.
- James Kerr
Collection: Focus
Image of Benjamin Watson
In any given marketplace, there's a triangle. There's a line of Dior goods at $25,000 that creates the sharp focus you need to sell $100 scarves to every woman. When [Design Miami] Basel popped on the scene, it proved there's a market for the top of the design triangle, which will lead the wide base beneath it.
- Benjamin Watson
Collection: Focus
Image of Randi Zuckerberg
May I so boldly suggest that this Thanksgiving, we focus on one-on-one conversations, instead of broadcasting our lives to the masses.
- Randi Zuckerberg
Collection: Focus
Image of Ben Chestnut
Instead of focusing on the work, you focus on the entropy and the chaos and you get a byproduct.
- Ben Chestnut
Collection: Focus
Image of Anthony de Jasay
Having gathered all power to itself, [the State] has become the sole focus of all conflict, and it must construct totalitarian defences to match its total exposure.
- Anthony de Jasay
Collection: Focus
Image of Bill Bartmann
If you chance your focus - you will change your life.
- Bill Bartmann
Collection: Focus