Carson Palmer

Image of Carson Palmer
Crowds, I'm not good in crowds. I almost had a mental breakdown, I almost lost my cool at Disneyland one time when the park was closing, and I turn around and saw just a sea of people coming at me and a stroller full of kids.
- Carson Palmer
Collection: Cool
Image of Carson Palmer
You don't have a real rivalry unless both sides are great teams.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
You can't win the big game until you win it.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
You can make that money off the field that you're missing on the field by doing endorsements with Sleep Number and Nike and Campbell's Chunky Soup and all the other ones you see Dak doing.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I have buddies who say, 'Where are you living ? Wyoming or something? Don't you still have a house in California?' I tell them we live in Idaho, and you can see it on their face and sense it in their voice: 'Um... O... K.'
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
It's amazing that we can even do this - to use part of the body of someone who has passed on to help someone else walk or run or even keep their dream alive of playing sports again.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I fell in love with having my feet in the water and a fly rod in my hands.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Playing quarterback is a glamorous job. It's awesome. It's everything I dreamed it would be. But after a while, it loses its glamour. Somewhere along those 15 years, it becomes a job. Especially at the end, it became work. Game day was awesome, but all the rest of it was work.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
You're judged on Super Bowls, and that's the standard.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
You can't just hope you draft well and not go after free agents and you end up in the Super Bowl. You got to go get it.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I actually don't listen to CDs very often. I listen to the radio or if I do listen to a CD, it'll be a mix.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
The best part of gameday is when kickoff finally happens. The worst part is going through all warmups and stretching and waiting and waiting for the game.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I'd like to play free safety. It would be fun to read things out and break on the ball. I definitely would not want to play on the defensive line. I wouldn't want to be down there in the trenches.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
If I could be anything, it would be a professional basketball player.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I love the preparation, the excitement of game day, the nervousness of game day. But I enjoy the day-to-day stuff. Game day is a great day but I enjoy Mondays and Tuesdays, watching yourself on film, watching the next opponent, getting the game plan.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I've always kind of been even-keeled. I think that's a good trait for a quarterback to have.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I don't like getting into hot cars when it's been sitting outside. You're already sweating and you get into the car and you're profusely sweating.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Everyone talks about the good old days, when guys were tough and quarterbacks got crushed all the time, but back in the day, there weren't defensive ends that were Mario Williams - 6-7, 300 pounds, 10 percent body fat, running a 4.7 40.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
The truth of the matter is... somebody is going to die here in the NFL. It's going to happen.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Guys are getting so big, so fast, so explosive. The game's so violent.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
The game has changed, the game is getting bigger, faster, stronger, and there needs to be more protection.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Nobody gets hit in college. You get hit onevery single play in the NFL.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
In this league you have to throw sidearm sometimes; you're going to have to drop your arm, move while shuffling your feet. You're never going to be set.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
The thing with diva receivers is, they're productive. It's not like they're the third-string receiver who catches 40 balls for 612 yards a year.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Fear of failure always drives me.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I don't have to play football for money.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I've spent a number of years hoping and wanting to get somewhere, where an organization is willing to do whatever it takes to win because it's not like that everywhere.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Extra thick skin is something every Bruce Arians' quarterback needs to have because the stuff he says to media is rated G compared to the stuff he says to your face on the sideline and after the game in the locker room and throughout the week.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I love Dak's game. I think he's great.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
You can make as much as the top-paid quarterback in the league when you're the Dallas Cowboys quarterback if you do take less.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I cannot stand the Buckeyes, and having to live in Ohio and hear those people talk about their team, it drives me absolutely nuts.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
There's a lot of people that care for me and I'm very fortunate for that.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I love the fans in Cincy. I want them to see their dreams and get what they want. They're as loyal as any fans in the country.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Over the years, I've had teammates who decided to hang it up and I would ask them how they knew when it was time to walk away. The answer was almost always the same: You just know.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I love playing. I want to win a Super Bowl.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I enjoy working to prove doubters wrong.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Playing quarterback in the National Football League, getting to the Super Bowl is an incredible challenge.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I'm not a negative person.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I'm not a glass-is-half-empty person.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
You can't let one game define you. You just have to move on.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
There's nothing like adversity to fuel the fire.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I could throw a million hitches.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
At some point, you're going to be in third-and-13 or third-and-9 and you have to throw the ball down the field.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I think it's really difficult for a young team to beat an experienced quarterback like Philip Rivers twice in one season.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
Especially after age like 34 or 35, the gym stuff I do not miss.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I do not miss the hours you have to spend preparing for the upcoming season in July, in March, April. I do not miss half my day being in the gym... to get ready to play.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I'm great at retirement. I'm excelling at retirement... I've loved every second of it.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I'm a Hall of Famer at retirement.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I'm a wide-open book. I talk to guys coming out in the draft every year. I'm a wide-open book. I'll give you my experiences. And I'll tell you what I went through. But I would never project on another player that you should do this or you should do that.
- Carson Palmer
Image of Carson Palmer
I mean that's most guys' dream is to play for their childhood team.
- Carson Palmer