Nathaniel Parker Willis

Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The innocence that feels no risk and is taught no caution, is more vulnerable than guilt, and oftener assailed.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
If there is anything that keeps the mind open to angel visits, and repels the ministry of ill, it is human love.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Gratitude is not only the memory but the homage of the heart rendered to God for his goodness.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Press on! for in the grave there is no work and no device. Press on! while yet you may.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The lily and the rose in her fair face striving for precedence.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
At present there is no distinction among the upper ten thousand of the city.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
He who binds his soul to knowledge, steals the key of heaven.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Gratitude is not only the memory but the homage of the heart- rendered to God for his goodness.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Motivational
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The highest triumph of art, is the truest presentation of nature.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Art
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The smallest pebble in the well of truth has its peculiar meaning, and will stand when man's best monuments have passed away.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Truth
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
A lamp is lit in woman's eye; that souls, else lost on earth, remember angels by.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Eye
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
It is godlike to unloose the spirit, and forget yourself in thought.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Spirit
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The night is made for tenderness,--so still that the low whisper, scarcely audible, is heard like music,--and so deeply pure that the fond thought is chastened as it springs and on the lip made holy.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Spring
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Wisdom, sits alone, topmost in heaven: she is its light, its God; and in the heart of man she sits as high, though groveling minds forget her oftentimes, seeing but this world's idols.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Gentleness is the great point to be obtained in the study of manners.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Study
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
I knelt, and with the fervor of a lip unused to the cool breath of reason, told my love.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Lips
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Flirtation is a circulating library, in which we seldom ask twice for the same volume.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Flirting
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
And mad ambition trumpeteth to all.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Ambition
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The value of life deepens incalculably with the privileges of travel.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Travel
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
One lamp — thy mother’s love — amid the stars Shall lift its pure flame changeless, and before The throne of God, burn through eternity - Holy — as it was lit and lent thee here.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Mother
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
One gets, sensitive about losing mornings after getting a little used to them with living in a country. Each one of these endlessly varied daybreaks is an opera but once performed.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Country
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The taste forever refines in the study of women.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Women
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Nature has thrown a veil of modest beauty over maidenhood and moss-roses.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Rose
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Ah me! the world is full of meetings such as this,--a thrill, a voiceless challenge and reply, and sudden partings after!
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Challenges
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Vulgarity is more obvious in satin than in homespun.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Vulgarity Is
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The soul of man createth its own destiny.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Destiny
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Like Melrose Abbey, large cities should especially be viewed by moonlight.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Cities
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
O, when the heart is, full, when bitter thoughts come crowding thickly up for utterance, and the poor common words of courtesy are such a very mockery, how much the bursting heart may pour itself in prayer!
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Prayer
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
T is the work of many a dark hour, many a prayer, to bring the heart back from an infant gone.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Prayer
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
There is to me a daintiness about early flowers that touches me like poetry. They blow out with such a simple loveliness among the common herbs of pastures, and breathe their lives so unobtrusively, like hearts whose beatings are too gentle for the world.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Flower
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
A flirt is like a dipper attached to a hydrant; every one is at liberty to drink from it, but no one desires to carry it away.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Flirting
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Of dead kingdoms I recall the soul, sitting amid their ruins
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Soul
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The soul of man createth its own destiny of power; and as the trial is intenser here, his being hath a nobler strength in heaven.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Destiny
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The position you hold and the work you are now doing.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Business
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Nature's noblemen are everywhere,--in town and out of town, gloved and rough-handed, rich and poor. Prejudice against a lord, because he is a lord, is losing the chance of finding a good fellow, as much as prejudice against a ploughman because he is a ploughman.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Prejudice
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Temptation hath a music for all ears.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Temptation
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Blessed are the joymakers.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Blessed
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The Italians say that a beautiful woman by her smiles draws tears from our purse.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
The children of the poor are so apt to look as if the rich would have been over-blest with such! Alas for the angel capabilities, interrupted so soon with care, and with after life so sadly unfulfilled.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Children
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Spring is a beautiful piece of work; and not to be in the country to see it done is the not realizing what glorious masters we are, and how cheerfully, minutely, and unflaggingly the fair fingers of the season broider the world for us.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Fine taste is an aspect of genius itself, and is the faculty of delicate appreciation, which makes the best effects of art our own.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Appreciation
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
How like a mounting devil in the heart rules the unreined ambition.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Heart
Image of Nathaniel Parker Willis
Youth is beautiful; its friendship is precious; the intercourse with it is a purifying release from the worn and stained harness of older life.
- Nathaniel Parker Willis
Collection: Beautiful