Christopher Golden

Image of Christopher Golden
What amazes me is how far some people will go to justify their behavior to themselves, just to preserve that self-perception.
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
How many writers in history have ever been as famous as Stephen King? He casts an awfully long shadow.
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
'Sons of Anarchy' has the perfect combination of character and action.
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
I'm a huge fan of 'Sons of Anarchy.'
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
Not to make him blush, but any story illustrated by Mike Mignola does things that prose alone can't accomplish. The illustrations create mood and atmosphere, drawing the reader more deeply into the story than words could do on their own.
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
Some novel lovers have no interest in comics, and some comics fans would never take the time to read a novel.
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
The only way to conduct an effective collaboration is to debate the things upon which you disagree. If one doesn't manage to bring the other around to his point of view, then whichever collaborator feels the most passionate about the thing being debated ought to get his way.
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
'Baltimore' the series is inspired by all kinds of things, from 'Moby Dick' to 'Dracula.'
- Christopher Golden
Image of Christopher Golden
...she yanked open her shoulder bag and pulled out a stake. Boy Scouts and vampire slayers should always be prepared.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Boys
Image of Christopher Golden
I find it most remarkable that we who are so intimately involved in the battle between good and evil are even more involved with the shades of gray in between them.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Evil
Image of Christopher Golden
To die for others is the highest purpose a person may achieve.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Purpose
Image of Christopher Golden
Not to make him blush, but any story illustrated by Mike Mignola does things that prose alone cant accomplish. The illustrations create mood and atmosphere, drawing the reader more deeply into the story than words could do on their own.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Illustration
Image of Christopher Golden
Sons of Anarchy has the perfect combination of character and action.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Character
Image of Christopher Golden
Xander Harris: Hair. Red. Red is good. Fire engines are red. Porsche's are red.
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Fire
Image of Christopher Golden
What is it with you and the Wizard of Oz references? Zombies and werewolves and vamps, oh my. Zombies and werewolves and...
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Zombie
Image of Christopher Golden
Even if you've sworn to yourself never to read vampire fiction again, do yourself the favor of reading Motherless Child. Glen Hirshberg has crafted a compelling, heartbreaking thriller full of character, grit, and sorrow. Bravo
- Christopher Golden
Collection: Children