Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 61

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 61 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Khaled Hosseini
In early 1999, I was watching TV, when I came across a story on Afghanistan. It was a story about the Taliban and the restrictions they were imposing on the Afghan people, most notably women. At some point in the story, there was a casual reference to them having banned the game of kite fighting. This detail struck a personal chord with me, as I had grown up in Kabul flying kite with my friends.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Fighting
Image of Andre Vltchek
Tens of millions of Russian people died, fighting all sorts of Western expansionism. They defeated Nazism. They helped to liberate much of our world from colonialism. Of course the West never forgave Russia for fighting the epic battles against its expansionism and colonialism.
- Andre Vltchek
Collection: Fighting
Image of Adolf Hitler
The world has no reason for fighting in our defense, and as a matter of principle God does not make cowardly nations free.
- Adolf Hitler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chelsea Handler
If you get into a customer service fight with a hooker, even if you're in the right, you're in the wrong.
- Chelsea Handler
Collection: Fighting
Image of Kate Hudson
The dialogue is out there, the veil has been lifted. We all know that there's a ways to go. We're still fighting uphill battles, and you just have to hone in on making change, one dialogue at a time, one course of action at a time.
- Kate Hudson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Abbie Hoffman
I think the greatest legacy of the 1960s was the general feeling that not only can you fight the powers that be, but you can win.
- Abbie Hoffman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hermann Hesse
The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. The God's name is Abraxas.
- Hermann Hesse
Collection: Fighting
Image of William C. Brown
How can you fight stupidity effectively? The answer is simple: it's not easy.
- William C. Brown
Collection: Fighting
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
Sometimes you fight what you are, and sometimes you give in to it. And some nights you just don’t want to fight yourself anymore, so you pick someone else to fight.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
An armed man need not fight.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bashar al-Assad
My decision was, and the decision of the different institutions, and the decision of the different officials in Syria - I'm on top of them - was to have dialogue, to fight terrorists, and to reform as a response at the very beginning, response to the allegations, let's say, at that time, that they needed reform in Syria, we responded.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bashar al-Assad
Talking about winning and losing is like if you're talking about two armies fighting on two territories, which is not the case. Those [terrorists] are gangs, coming from abroad, infiltrate inhabited areas, kill the people, take their houses, and shoot at the army. The army cannot do the same, and the army doesn't exist everywhere.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ernest Hemingway
Being against evil doesn't make you good. Tonight I was against it and then I was evil myself. I could feel it coming just like a tide... I just want to destroy them. But when you start taking pleasure in it you are awfully close to the thing you're fighting.
- Ernest Hemingway
Collection: Fighting
Image of Andre Vltchek
As for free education, universal medical care and other basic rights: Yes, people have to fight! Of course they have to. Free and good education is their right, no matter what advisors and 'experts' coming from the United States say.
- Andre Vltchek
Collection: Fighting
Image of Andre Vltchek
The Chinese government would yield to the pressure from its people: it would be forced to give orders to fight - to defend its motherland!
- Andre Vltchek
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Harris
That young man seeks opportunities to test his principles as readily as a drunk picks fights in a bar.
- Robert Harris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
Is this a private fight, or can anyone join?
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joseph Heller
The frog is almost five hundred million years old. Could you really say with much certainty that America, with all its strength and prosperity, with its fighting man that is second to none, and with its standard of living that is highest in the world, will last as long as...the frog?
- Joseph Heller
Collection: Fighting
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
Neal stood, kicking free of the clinging curtain. "I'll kill you." I drew the firestar and pointed it at him. "I don't think so." "She is pack now," Sylvie said. "You fight one of us, and you fight all of us." Edward raised his eyebrows at me. "What is going on, Anita?" "I think I've been adopted," I said.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bob Hope
If my golf game was a prize fight, they'd stop it.
- Bob Hope
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hermann Hesse
Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate this very hour, and he stopped suffering.
- Hermann Hesse
Collection: Fighting
Image of Homer
Come, weave us a scheme so I can pay them back! Stand beside me, Athena, fire me with daring, fierce as the day we ripped Troy's glittering crown of towers down. Stand by me - furious now as then, my bright-eyed one - and I would fight three hundred men, great goddess, with you to brace me, comrade-in-arms in battle!
- Homer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jake Gyllenhaal
I remember Chris Cooper saying to me - I was doing October Sky with him - and he said, "You know, you're just yelling at me." He's like, "You're just yelling. You need to listen." We were in a fight, and you know, oh you'd get so excited as an actor, you're like, "We have a fight, oh, I get to get mad." And he just said, "You need to listen." And I started listening - and then all of a sudden where I was listening was where, I don't know, anger became something else.
- Jake Gyllenhaal
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sean Hannity
I know my whole life has been like that, you know, scrappy, fighting for everything you get in life and you appreciate it more.
- Sean Hannity
Collection: Fighting
Image of Homer
Beyond his strength no man can fight, although he be eager.
- Homer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Frank Herbert
What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting.
- Frank Herbert
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lewis Schiff
My fighting spirit has often seemed out of place.
- Lewis Schiff
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eric Hoffer
It is doubtful whether the oppressed ever fight for freedom. They fight for pride and power-power to oppress others.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Laurell K. Hamilton
I'm learning that you have to make time for what's important. You have to fight to carve little pieces of happiness out of your life, or the everyday emergencies will eat up everything.
- Laurell K. Hamilton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Yukimi Nagano
I think we're a little bit protective in that way. You're always trying to balance between what's spreading the word about the band and what's good money and what's a shitty look. Is this good for the longevity of the band? Do people even care these days? We care, but do we care more about the money? We've had a lot of discussions about things. It gets us into a lot of fights, but it also makes you question your own morals in a really good way.
- Yukimi Nagano
Collection: Fighting
Image of Homer
Strife and Confusion joined the fight, along with cruel Death, who seized one wounded man while still alive and then another man without a wound, while pulling the feet of one more corpse out from the fight. The clothes Death wore around her shoulders were dyed red with human blood.
- Homer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Werner Herzog
You can fight a rumour only with an even wilder rumour.
- Werner Herzog
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evander Holyfield
You cannot let something deter you from giving someone a rematch unless you are going to retire. If you are going to retire, go ahead, but if not, you need to do what you are going to do. You do not have to keep playing with the game of boxing. If you are going to fight, fight.
- Evander Holyfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evander Holyfield
Every time someone starts talking about weight, it takes away from the fight. No one is born at that weight. We grew into that weight. It is all about the challenge, more so than the weight.
- Evander Holyfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evander Holyfield
There are a lot of times I have seen someone fight, and I think the guy is tailor made for me until they actually get in the ring with me. Fighters that are more aggressive match up better with me. There is really no defense when a guy is trying to get you. When a guy is trying to get you, you cannot get him, which makes the most compelling fight.
- Evander Holyfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Evander Holyfield
When you refuse to fight guys because you say you are better than them, that is not really being the best. If I could just fight certain fighters that fit my style, I would look great in all of them.
- Evander Holyfield
Collection: Fighting
Image of Dustin Hoffman
We need to band together as a unit every day, especially to conquer the strength of the AIDS virus.
- Dustin Hoffman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage but not his judgement.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Carolina Herrera
Life always has a bit of a challenge in front of you, and that's what makes you fight for it.
- Carolina Herrera
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bashar al-Assad
Conversely, it is correct to say that bringing about peace would be the best way to fight terror.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bashar al-Assad
Fighting the terrorists in Syria is not only in the interest of Syria or the Syrian people; in the interest of the Middle East, of Europe itself - something that many officials in the West don't see or don't realize or don't acknowledge - and in the interest of the Russian people, because they have been facing terrorists for decades now.
- Bashar al-Assad
Collection: Fighting
Image of Vanessa Hudgens
You'll always have to fight for what you want. Definitely crossing over and being able to tackle these grittier parts was a challenge, but I feel like I've done it! It's a whole new chapter.
- Vanessa Hudgens
Collection: Fighting
Image of Isaac Asimov
The temptation was great to muster what force we could and put up a fight. It's the easiest way out, and the most satisfactory to self-respect--but, nearly invariably, the stupidest.
- Isaac Asimov
Collection: Fighting
Image of Homer
Even the bravest cannot fight beyond his power
- Homer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert A. Heinlein
An animal so poor in spirit that he won't even fight on his own behalf is already an evolutionary dead end; the best he can do for his breed is to crawl off and die, and not pass on his defective genes.
- Robert A. Heinlein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eric Hoffer
It is a perplexing and unpleasant truth that when men already have "something worth fighting for,they do not feel like fighting.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eric Hoffer
Free men are aware of the imperfection inherent in human affairs, and they are willing to fight and die for that which is not perfect.
- Eric Hoffer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Thomas Harris
Good-bye Clarice. Will you let me know if ever the lambs stop screaming?" "Yes." Pembry was taking her arm. It was go or fight him. "Yes," she said. "I'll tell you." "Do you promise?""Yes.
- Thomas Harris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
To sustain an environment suitable for man, we must fight on a thousand battlegrounds. Despite all of our wealth and knowledge, we cannot create a redwood forest, a wild river, or a gleaming seashore.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Fighting