Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 48

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 48 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Van Jones
There are some cities that are doing good stuff, but there aren't enough of them. If you don't fight for what you want, then you deserve what you get. And in politics, if you don't ask, you don't get at all.
- Van Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cassandra Clare
Come on guys, you cant fight like this forever" "Actually," Simon said, raising his hand,"I can". Jace made a weird noise and I realized he was trying not to laugh-which by the way, wasn't working.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fighting
Image of Carrie Brownstein
I would not call myself an optimist, even though I would aspire to be. I am innately a skeptic. There's kind of an incessant dissatisfaction that I have, that I'm always trying to either expose or fight against or wrestle with.
- Carrie Brownstein
Collection: Fighting
Image of Narendra Modi
They are fighting for the chair while I am fighting for your happiness.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eric Thomas
It ain't nothing you can't have if you willing to persevere! Willing to stick in there! Willing to fight!
- Eric Thomas
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eric Thomas
Regardless of how much is left in the tank, you gotta fight back!
- Eric Thomas
Collection: Fighting
Image of Maxine Waters
I was very impressed with that that women have come here to say that we're going to fight you, Donald Trump.
- Maxine Waters
Collection: Fighting
Image of George W. Bush
Today the Iraqi and Afghan people are on the path to democracy and freedom. The governments that are rising will pose no threat to others. Instead of harboring terrorists, they're fighting terrorist groups. And this progress is good for the long-term security of all of us.
- George W. Bush
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ally Carter
I saw the gun. I sensed the van as it rushed forward, seconds away and coming faster. I heard the screams of the fight behind us. But nothing that night was louder than the masked man's astonished whisper as he looked at the boy who stood beside me and said, 'you?
- Ally Carter
Collection: Fighting
Image of Charles Bukowski
If you are going to try, go all the way or don't even start. If you follow it you will be alive with the gods. It is the only good fight there is.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tony Abbott
You cannot win an election without a fight
- Tony Abbott
Collection: Fighting
Image of Janet Morris
Live to fight on other days.
- Janet Morris
Collection: Fighting
Image of Luther Burbank
Although I went to college as a youth, I never considered it necessary to steep oneself in academic learning, in order to learn how to think. I welcome a fair and square, open and above-board fight on any subject, including this, but I despise a man who sneaks around under a cloak or cover of any society or clique to strike his blows.
- Luther Burbank
Collection: Fighting
Image of P. C. Cast
We all have bad things inside us, and we all choose either to give in to those bad things or to fight them.
- P. C. Cast
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Breault
Eventually you come to realize that most people aren't looking for a fight but for someone to surrender to.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Fighting
Image of Danielle LaPorte
Eventually, you have to stop picking a fight with your true nature and decide to seek the joy that underlies it all.
- Danielle LaPorte
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sandra Bullock
Women should do a lot more fighting. I don't think it's fair that we can't get into a good fight.
- Sandra Bullock
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jackie Chan
First, there are many who can fight, but they're small in stature; Zhang Lanxin is 177 cm [5'9"+] tall, with very long hands and legs, and very quick. In the scenes, I tried to show all of her special strengths and qualities. Plus, Zhang Lanxin has extraordinary staying power: it was only yesterday at the airport that I saw her cell phone photos from the hospital where she was having blood clots in her knee being cleared up, and I hadn't known till then that she had this problem.
- Jackie Chan
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jim Brown
Tank's a fantastic human being, as far as fighting's concerned.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sri Chinmoy
Be kind, be all sympathy, for each and every human being is forced to fight against himself.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hillary Clinton
I wish we weren`t fighting all the time to protect women`s rights, to protect women`s health.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Van Jones
Fighting for and defending the values from the pulpit is critical. You can't love the Creator, and disrespect the creation.
- Van Jones
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cassandra Clare
Tell me you love me. Tell me you love me and will fight with me.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fighting
Image of Muhammad Ali
I always bring out the best in men I fight, but Joe Frazier, I'll tell the world right now, brings out the best in me. I'm gonna tell ya, that's one helluva man, and God bless him
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tim Kaine
If you just fight against everything willy-nilly, then the message is you're just gonna obstruct on anything. I would rather fight very, very hard on matters of fundamental principle and then have the critique be that Trump is violating the very foundations of America.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Fighting
Image of Tim Kaine
The Trump administration has done some bad stuff in the international realm, picking needless fights with allies like Mexico and Australia, even using some idiotic and intemperate language about Iran, but there was one thing they did about Iran that I agree with. Which is if Iran is testing anti-ballistic missiles, it's in violation of a UN Security Council resolution. And we can't ignore that ... And they did condemn the anti-ballistic missile test. And I think they're right about that.
- Tim Kaine
Collection: Fighting
Image of Murray Bookchin
You see something very important is happening. Personality is being eaten out, and with that the idealism that always motivated an anarchist movement - the belief in something, the ideal that there is something worth fighting for.
- Murray Bookchin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Alan Cooper
We don't fight about music. We don't fight about artistic direction. The things like that we could fight about, we really don't. We are pretty lucky for that.
- Alan Cooper
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
I have known many happy marriages, but never a compatible one. The whole aim of marriage is to fight through and survive the instant when incompatibility becomes unquestionable. For a man and a woman, as such, are incompatible.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Fighting
Image of James Branch Cabell
I do that which I do in every place. Here also, at the gateway of that garden into which time has not entered, I fight with time my ever-losing battle, because to do that diverts me.
- James Branch Cabell
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeb Bush
Two months ago Donald Trump said that ISIS was not our fight. Just two months ago he said that Hillary Clinton would be a great negotiator with Iran. And he gets his foreign policy experience from the shows.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jeb Bush
The Kurds are the greatest fighting force and our strongest allies. They're Muslim.
- Jeb Bush
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Cena
I haven't backed down from a fight in my life, and I won't start tonight.
- John Cena
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Hagee
Some people seem to be at peace-but in fact they're just resting up between fights.
- John Hagee
Collection: Fighting
Image of Cassandra Clare
As metal rang on metal, some inner part of Jem, some part that had been lost without his even knowing it was lost, felt the pleasure of fighting together with Will one last time.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Fighting
Image of Narendra Modi
It is not easy to fight elections with a development motto and I am glad people of Gujarat rose above personal and emotional tangles and prioritized development over everything else.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Daly
Ideas really do matter. But in any organization a good idea will only go so far unless its proponents are willing to fight the political games to get the idea adopted.
- John Daly
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hillary Clinton
I have a comprehensive energy policy, but it really does include fighting climate change, because I think that is a serious problem.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Denis Waitley
The truly liberated human being is not always fighting against something, but more frequently is fighting for something or someone.
- Denis Waitley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Narendra Modi
Our nation is rich and our people can be rich. 2014 elections is a fight against poverty.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Fighting
Image of Narendra Modi
India has to fight poverty, Pakistan too has to fight poverty, why don't we come together to fight poverty?
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sri Chinmoy
I never fight with reason- I just ignore it.
- Sri Chinmoy
Collection: Fighting
Image of Hillary Clinton
I have always believed that women are not victims, we are agents of change, we are drivers of projects.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Fighting
Image of RZA
If a woman and a man who have an argument keep talking they keep fighting.
Collection: Fighting
Image of Leo Buscaglia
The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be just you.
- Leo Buscaglia
Collection: Fighting
Image of Muhammad Ali
Number one comes freedom first for my people and equality. And this is what I plan to do after I'm through fighting - working with nothing but the people, the little people in the alleys: the downtrodden people, going out and helping them with my image.
- Muhammad Ali
Collection: Fighting
Image of Patricia Arquette
The truth is even though we sort of feel like we have equal rights in America, right under the surface we have huge issues at play that really do affect women. It's time for all the women in America and all the women that love women and all the gay people and the people of color that we've all fought for to fight for us now.
- Patricia Arquette
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Scheuer
The whole importance of Iraq is that we have now created two things. One, Iraq is in the Arab heartland in terms of an attraction for people who want to fight the Americans and their allies. It's far greater than anything Afghanistan was aftertheSoviets invaded. It's easy to get to, there's no trouble with languages.
- Michael Scheuer
Collection: Fighting
Image of Jack White
You need a little resistance-something to fight against.
- Jack White
Collection: Fighting