Jim Brown

Image of Jim Brown
Young men in my day really stepped up... These were champions for freedom, equality, and justice for all human beings, and they were educated individuals that used their education and knowledge to represent their case.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Equality
Image of Jim Brown
Money is not God, and human dignity is very important.
- Jim Brown
Collection: God
Image of Jim Brown
I came from Long Island, so I had a lot of experience at the stick. I played in junior high school, then I played in high school. The technical aspect of the game was my forte. I had all that experience, then I had strength and I was in good condition.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Strength
Image of Jim Brown
America is a great country. It has a lot of work to do. The bottom line is it's easy to talk; it's easy to have the media pick up on something, and it's hard to have the patience to put something in place you can build on that will make sure each citizen has their equal rights.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Patience
Image of Jim Brown
There is no excuse for violence. There is never a justification for anyone to impose themselves on someone else. And it will always be incorrect when it comes to a man and a woman, regardless of what might have happened. You need to be man enough to take the blow. That is always the best way. Do not put your hands on a woman.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Best
Image of Jim Brown
Education, family, character, intelligence, humility, okay? These are the things that make a culture live.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Jim Brown
The social issues outside of football are not as defined as they were earlier, when integration took place and certain rights were legislated. The Civil Rights movement is over. Individuals can buy homes wherever they want, travel first class wherever they want, eat wherever they want.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Travel
Image of Jim Brown
When you have a problem, rules don't solve your problem. It's caring and education.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Education
Image of Jim Brown
Martin Luther King was a misguided leader. He worked to be recognized as the leader of black America when what black America needs isn't a leader, it is education.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Education
Image of Jim Brown
The power is between your ears.The power is in your heart.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Power
Image of Jim Brown
It is up to God to take revenge. Only God can judge. I don't have to worry about getting even with anybody or taking out any kind of aggression on anybody. Doing that is a weakness, anyway.
- Jim Brown
Collection: God
Image of Jim Brown
AI don't make a big thing out of my race. If you try to preach, people give you a little sympathy and then they want to get out of the way. So you don't preach; you tell the story.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Jim Brown
Ben Schwartzwalder was a decent guy, but he was from another era. He was like a Marine, with a real army attitude. He thought there was only one way to play football, and that was the rough way.
- Jim Brown
Collection: Attitude
Image of Jim Brown
You cannot get me to be disloyal to a friend. You just can't do it. Loyalty is a part of what I live by. I didn't say I was going to be loyal to my friend because he was right. I'm going to be loyal to my friend because he's my friend.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I want the violence among young people in this country to stop - particularly gang violence.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
If you truly believe something, and it's incorrect, that doesn't mean you don't have integrity.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
Michael Jordan brings millions of dollars when he shows up in an arena. Since money is how we judge people, he's very valuable. But while that's happening, Rome is burning within the black community.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I'd like to make one thing very clear: Muhammad Ali loved people, and he had white friend as well as black friends - and the only thing that he hated was discrimination and racism.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I'm not interested in trying to work on people's perceptions. I am who I am, and if you don't take the time to learn about that, then your perception is going to be your problem.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
Richard Sherman is a creation of the media and a bright young man who has learned how to capitalize on everything, and sometimes at the expense of his other teammates.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
Nelson Mandela just died, so that says so much because it's a tremendously powerful and great man who was very sensitive. Loved all people, forgave his enemies, and showed the world how to stand up and do it the right way.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
You can do a hell of a film if you can understand what it is to be a man in America.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I think of my life as a journey, and I'm still on it.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
The three greatest people in my life were white, OK. My high school coach, my high school superintendent and my mentor in Manhasset, Long Island.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
A liberal will cut off your leg so he can hand you a crutch.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I have a theory. An audience doesn't need to get wrapped up in blackness every time they see a Negro actor. And a movie doesn't have to be about race just because there's a Negro in it.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
No human being should be a role model. We all have flaws.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I prefer girls who are young.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
If I couldn't have discipline, if I sit up eatin' fried chicken in bed at night, I'd just as soon be dead. I take care of myself.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
'The Autobiography of Malcolm X.' I've used it to demonstrate racial attitudes to people who I thought needed a better understanding of all human beings. Malcolm was not a racist. He was not looking for revenge. He realized that kindness and goodness did not come from any one kind of person.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
In anger-management training, they teach you never to hit a person - hit an object. That's what they teach you.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I'm a very sensitive person. I do like to be respected. I'm very loyal. I like it to be a two-way street.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
Malcolm X was a man among men.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
The story of Jackie Robinson is also the story of Branch Rickey. He had many reasons for doing what he did, but he stood up against his own people.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I am forever a Cleveland Brown.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I like tight bodies and pretty faces. You bring in Methuselah, if she's got a tight body and a pretty face, that's all right, too.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
God ain't got nothing to do with winning a damn football game.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
Capitalistic society teaches kids to be No. 1, but true self-esteem doesn't come from money. It doesn't come from winning the Super Bowl.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I listened to my kids talk about me as a parent, and I learned about things they wished I'd done and said. And I wished that I had done more of those things.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
The Jewish culture has a wonderful thing about education. It has a great thing about family; it has a great thing about unity, hard work, dedication. I would like to say the African-American community should emulate that.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I loved the game. We played because we loved it.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I was just a big guy running down with a big, deep pocket and little short stick putting it against my chest.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
Nobody I ever broke bread with, and I see players all the time, talked about using their head running the football.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I think the National Football League needs a new union. The heavyweights of this union are not heavyweights enough.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
I'm not pro-owner or pro-player. I am pro-football. I want the game to go on. I want the game to be tough. I don't want the game to be a killer of our players.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
When I'm on a picture, I have two bosses - the director and the producer. My co-star is not my boss.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
There's a trend toward anti-heroes now, and I think it goes back to guys like Bogart and Cagney. They seemed to have no compassion, and they were always alone.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
What I want to do is play roles as a black man, instead of playing black man's roles. You know?
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
When you go out on a football field, you are responsible for taking care of yourself. The more rules you get, the less players truly take care of themselves.
- Jim Brown
Image of Jim Brown
Even though the money is great and the fame is great, you still have a lot of disenfranchised young men that are participating in the NFL that are not very happy. A lot of them are very bitter. A lot them are very angry. So many of them have had no fathers and no home life, and basically, no education.
- Jim Brown