Top fighting Quotes Collection - Page 30

Discover a curated collection of fighting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 30 provides more fighting quotes.

Image of Emily Raboteau
Nowadays we can sidestep traditional media with social media and technology that allows us to become citizen journalists, to fight against injustice by showing what's shamefully going on.
- Emily Raboteau
Collection: Fighting
Image of C. J. Chivers
Certainly the automatic Kalashnikov's ease of use and durability make it desirable for all sorts of people up to no good. But rifles are rifles - there are many other choices out there. You see the Kalashnikov almost everywhere there is fighting because there are so many of them.
- C. J. Chivers
Collection: Fighting
Image of Emmanuel Macron
When we speak about climate change, you're a victim of something ... which is happening with deep roots where you don't have - anything to deal with. And people just want to choose a life. That's very much important. And I think one of the key elements of the collective battle we have today, in order to fight against climate change is to provide people the ability to choose a life. To have a better life by behaving differently, by innovating, by creating new type of companies and startups, new type of activities.
- Emmanuel Macron
Collection: Fighting
Image of Erin Maya Darke
I would love to say that I'm a humanist, but I think the word "feminist" still needs to exist to acknowledge that there's still a problem. It's a statement; we're not equal yet. There's still a fight to be fought.
- Erin Maya Darke
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ryan Adams
I'm never argumentative for the sake of being argumentative, I don't think. And more than ever, I've had to be willing to fight just to get records released, or just to be able to walk away with a little bit of self-respect and pride.
- Ryan Adams
Collection: Fighting
Image of Angela Merkel
We Europeans must really take our destiny into our own hands, of course in friendship with the United States, in friendship with Great Britain, with other neighbors wherever possible, also with Russia. But we must know that we need to fight for our future ourselves, as Europeans, for our destiny.
- Angela Merkel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rosie Fellner
Before our race, nationality, or religion, we are all human beings. Let's celebrate our differences and not fight over them.
- Rosie Fellner
Collection: Fighting
Image of John Gresham Machen
In the sphere of religion, as in other spheres, the things about which men are agreed are apt to be the things that are least worth holding; the really important things are the things about which men will fight.
- John Gresham Machen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Malcolm Wrightson Nance
ISIS rules Muslim apostates every day and then beheads them. Poorly educated guys get Islam for Dummies, petty criminals who think they're suddenly changing their lives because they see the light. The best way to fight them is to show them they don't know Islam at all, and that they are in fact working for the other side.
- Malcolm Wrightson Nance
Collection: Fighting
Image of Chuck Mosley
I had a few friends who we hung out with and that was it. We'd ride together, get in fights, go dancing, just causing trouble basically.
- Chuck Mosley
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sam Rasoul
We're fighting for LGBT rights and for women's rights and for Muslims and for refugees. Well, we shouldn't be fighting for those groups, we should be fighting for freedom and the liberties that are enshrined in our founding documents and that covers everybody: the woman's right to choose, the ability to be able to pursue happiness.
- Sam Rasoul
Collection: Fighting
Image of Celestino Caballero
Once you're inside the ring, a fight is a fight. Fans can't fight for you, the hometown crowd can't fight for you.
- Celestino Caballero
Collection: Fighting
Image of Celestino Caballero
I always feel like I'm in the best shape of my life for every fight I'm in.
- Celestino Caballero
Collection: Fighting
Image of Celestino Caballero
(You know) you're improving from fight to fight (when you can) showcase your talents against greater opponents every time.
- Celestino Caballero
Collection: Fighting
Image of Michael Skolnik
Fighting for social justice is not about leaving the mainstream. It is about being right in the middle of it.
- Michael Skolnik
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lamont Peterson
I just love to fight, and regardless of who I'm fighting, I want to be at the top level.
- Lamont Peterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lamont Peterson
I see myself fighting for about six more fights and I'll be done and happy with my career.
- Lamont Peterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lamont Peterson
I'm not going to be a name chaser. I just love to fight.
- Lamont Peterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lamont Peterson
Not too worried about fighting for titles, but just fighting the best competition at the Welterweight division. I'll be happy with that.
- Lamont Peterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lamont Peterson
I like fighting at the higher weight. That extra seven pounds helps because of energy, strength and I can focus more throughout the training camp, without having to put extra time into making weight.
- Lamont Peterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lamont Peterson
Unfortunately with certain situations, just sometimes it's just the way it is. It could be a problem with the promotion side or training or anything. Management, sometimes doesn't work out. Sometimes certain guys just choose to fight other guys.
- Lamont Peterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Lamont Peterson
That's just the business of boxing. Things just turned out that way. I don't think it was any particular reason. I had opportunities to fight in bigger fights, but things just didn't always work out.
- Lamont Peterson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bob Barker
This is so like the way the Americans deliberately erroneously refer to Afghans and Iraqis as terrorists when they fight back killing American soldiers to protect their young from the illegal American invasion.
- Bob Barker
Collection: Fighting
Image of Swami Vivekananda
It is the duty of all to support and side with Dharma. All must fight and support Dharma regardless of their personality, background, status.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Fighting
Image of Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton
Alas! must it ever be so? Do we stand in our own light, wherever we go, And fight our own shadows forever?
- Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ayn Rand
What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Fighting
Image of Greg Mortenson
I say if you fight terrorism, it's based in fear, but if you promote peace, it's based on hope.
- Greg Mortenson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Eckhart Tolle
We are in the final stages of egoic madness. Almost the whole world is fighting each other.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bernie Sanders
One can't predict the future, that maybe our training and their fighting capabilities are improving and we are going to make some progress in destroying ISIS.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bayard Rustin
Every gay who is in the closet is ultimately a threat to the freedom of gays. I don't want to seem intolerant to them and I think we have to say that to them with a great deal of affection, but remaining in the closet is the other side of the prejudice against gays. Because until you challenge it, you are not playing an active role in fighting it.
- Bayard Rustin
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ann Voskamp
The joy of the Lord is your strength and the person of Christ is your unassailable joy - and the battle for joy is nothing less than fighting the good fight of faith.
- Ann Voskamp
Collection: Fighting
Image of Marianne Moore
They fought the enemy, we fight fat living and self-pity. Shine, o shine, unfalsifying sun, on this sick scene.
- Marianne Moore
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mark Twain
The pitifulest thing out is a mob; that's what an army is--a mob; they don't fight with courage that's born in them, but with courage that's borrowed from their mass, and from their officers. But a mob without any MAN at the head of it is BENEATH pitifulness.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Fighting
Image of Patrick Ness
The only crime, the only crime is to take a life. There is nothing else.' 'And that's why you don't fight,'I say. She turns to me sharply. 'To preserve life is to fight everything that man stands for.
- Patrick Ness
Collection: Fighting
Image of Banana Yoshimoto
Things look different depending on your perspective. As I see it, fighting to bridge those gaps isn't what really matters. The most important thing is to know them inside and out, as differences, and to understand why certain people are the way they are.
- Banana Yoshimoto
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sun Tzu
To persuade your enemy to (retreat) before the fight is to defeat them even before the battle begins. An enemy made ally is no longer an enemy.
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Mark Twain
It is a worthy thing to fight for one's freedom; it is another sight finer to fight for another man's.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Fighting
Image of P.D. Ouspensky
Besides, all evil is relative. Something that is evil at one level of evolution can be good at an earlier stage because it provides the essential stimulus for development. But you want to judge everything by your own standards. You have reached a comparatively high level and so you see what you fight against as evil. Just think of the others, those who are at an earlier stage of development. Do not bar them from the path toward progress and evolution.
- P.D. Ouspensky
Collection: Fighting
Image of David Mitchell
Words are what you fight with but what you fight about is whether or not you're afraid of them.
- David Mitchell
Collection: Fighting
Image of Elizabeth Wurtzel
Doing nothing is opting for the sweetness of stillness...Instead of fighting with that which you cannot control, you might as well just see it through.
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
Collection: Fighting
Image of Rajneesh
Fighting with anybody is very dangerous because you become like your enemy.
- Rajneesh
Collection: Fighting
Image of Liam Neeson
Making a film, you do need stamina, whether you're doing fight scenes or not. It's important to keep fit. I'm not talking about having perfect abs and stuff, but you've got to be on top of your game, especially if you're playing the lead. You have to look after yourself.
- Liam Neeson
Collection: Fighting
Image of Joel Fuhrman
Dieting by portion control doesnt work because one is constantly fighting addictive drives.
- Joel Fuhrman
Collection: Fighting
Image of Ayn Rand
We cannot fight against collectivism, unless we fight against its moral base: altruism. We cannot fight against altruism, unless we fight against its epistemological base: irrationalism. We cannot fight against anything, unless we fight for something--and what we must fight for is the supremacy of reason and a view of man as a rational being.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Fighting
Image of Bernie Sanders
As president, I will fight to make tuition in public colleges and universities free, as well as substantially lower interest rates on student loans.
- Bernie Sanders
Collection: Fighting
Image of Sun Tzu
If you fight with all your might, there is a chance of life; where as death is certain if you cling to your corner
- Sun Tzu
Collection: Fighting
Image of Viggo Mortensen
I wrote a letter to the magazine [Time magazine] pointing out that [Richard] Corliss's comparison of Christopher Lee's Saruman to Osama Bin Laden, and the vastly outnumbered defenders of Helm's Deep united against the Orcs to the "Coalition of the Willing" fighting the good fight against Muslim hordes, displayed the simplistic, xenophobic, and arrogant worldview that makes the government of the United States feared and mistrusted around the world. The editors claimed they had no space to print my brief letter, which I felt was dishonest and cowardly.
- Viggo Mortensen
Collection: Fighting
Image of Barack Obama
I will support Iraqis and Syrians fighting to reclaim their communities.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Fighting
Image of Donald Trump
I will work with Congress to introduce a series of legislative reforms and will fight for their passage in the first 100 days of my administration. And this legislation quickly includes Middle Class Tax Relief and Simplification Act.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Fighting