Michael Bisping

Image of Michael Bisping
I was a big fan of martial arts movies - Bruce Lee in particular, as cringeworthy as it is. Jean-Claude van Damme was a big inspiration as well - it's a little embarrassing.
- Michael Bisping
Collection: Movies
Image of Michael Bisping
Omelettes, I'd say, are my secret weapon in terms of diet: I love them, they're nice and easy to make, they're very nutritious, and they're low in carbs.
- Michael Bisping
Collection: Diet
Image of Michael Bisping
If a football player has a bad game, he's allowed to do that because he plays once or twice a week. With fighting, it's once every few months.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I want to be world champion, and that's why I've worked for an entire lifetime to get here.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Best move is probably the flying knee I used in the Ultimate Fighter semi-final v Ross Pointon in 2006.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I just like doing normal things, going to the shops in Manchester, getting a meal with my girlfriend and kids, going to the cinema. I love Las Vegas and there places, but I couldn't live there.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I'm a fighter through and through, and I've got more heart and more determination than anybody.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I don't need others to push me. I push myself.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
My best weapon is probably my speed. I am faster than most middleweights, and I know how to use it.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
'300' is a bit cheesy but enjoyable.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
It's going to take more than one loss for me to hang up my gloves; that's for sure.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I'm an emotional fighter; that's no secret. But it can be detrimental.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I'm not homophobic in the slightest. I have lots of gay friends.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
The more in shape you are, the harder you can push yourself.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
What matters - the only thing that matters - is winning. It's nice to entertain the fans and to gain new ones, especially from the States, but on the night... that's all that matters.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I am proud to be the first British champion, and headlining MSG is a testament to all the hard work.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Due to the UFC educating people on MMA as a sport, people give us the respect as athletes, opening doors to opportunities which wasn't available in the past. It has been amazing to be part of the UFC journey.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I have been involved in this sport since I was eight years old, so, hopefully, I can train and coach athletes down the line.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
UFC has done a fantastic job of establishing the biggest leading brand in mixed martial arts. Years ago, many people didn't know what MMA was nor understand the sport.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
If you want to boo, that's your right. Boo. Go ahead. Boo me all day long.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I don't need their love. If they want to boo, let them boo.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I'm not going to please everyone; not everyone's going to like me. I accepted that a long time ago, and if I had to shed a tear every time I got a hate email, believe me, I'd be severely dehydrated.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
A lot of Americans say the food in England sucks. I don't think the food in England sucks - the food is great - but I've got to say, the Americans have got the dining out experience nailed down.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I love the way of life out in California, and I've made a lot of friends out there. The food is amazing.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I have nothing against America; I love spending time there. I fell in love with the country the very first time I went out there, and I have a lot of fans in the U.S.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Fighting at home does bring pressure - of course it does. But I've always thrived on that.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I beat Anderson Silva and then Luke Rockhold, who was, pound-for-pound, one of the best. Now I get to do Dan Henderson, who is a legend in the sport.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I'm very happy with my wrestling.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
A long time ago, I had a bird that annoyed me, and the bird had to go. The bird's neck was snapped. I would also snap Conor McGregor's neck in a similar fashion.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I swear to God, I don't even know who Demi Lovato is. My son has a crush on her. Apparently, he was sat next to her when I knocked Luke Rockhold out, so Demi Lovato knows who I am, that's for sure.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Some people are born for a certain thing. And for me, unfortunately, I wish it was something a bit more artistic or whatever, but I was a born fighter. That's what kept me coming back. It makes me feel alive. And, I just know, there is nothing I do better in this world than fight.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Back then in the early '90s, people weren't calling it MMA - we called it Knockdown Sport Budo.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
A lot of people get up to the top of the pile, maybe get one No. 1 contender match-up, and if they lose, they drift into obscurity. I lost, and I went back a bit. But I built myself back up. Three times.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I haven't seen any of the Cung Le movies, but I have seen the Cung Le Q&A that he did in San Jose, and I've got to say that was pretty hard to watch. That was pretty cringeworthy. Listen: stick to kicking; sticking to kicking eggs and setting Guinness World Records, because entertaining a crowd certainly isn't your thing.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Patrick Cote, that would be one way traffic. I'd destroy the guy.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Anderson Silva kind of took the best part of Rich Franklin out of his soul, and he was never the same again.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Fighting is different than other sports because you're not competing as regularly.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Let's be honest: I don't want to walk out to boos. I always want to be cheered, like anyone, and I've been very lucky over the years to have a lot of support. Coming to America, I'm always the away guy, and so people thought their guy had to take me out, and they boo.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I want to be liked; I just haven't lost sleep over it.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I hate the expression, 'I'm not fake.'
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Financially, I've done very well doing what I do. I've got plenty of money in the bank. I've got gigs with FOX doing analyst work, media work. The UFC has been very kind to me. Ultimately, however, I want to be world champion. I have to achieve that to validate my entire career.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I've been on both sides of the boos.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I'm a proud Brit and a proud Englishman.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
When I'm in the gym, different training partners tell me that I've got great conditioning, and I tell them, 'Really? Because, I'm dying here.' I think that I'm just as tired as anyone; I just push myself mentally.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I can't understand how some guys get tired after one round. If you can't go the distance, why are you even in the fight?
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I'm terrified of having to go back to a day job. And that's why I'm training like a man possessed. Because I want to keep winning.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Maybe when I'm done fighting, I'll open a gym and manage fighters and train fighters.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
I hate it when people call me a cage fighter. I'm a mixed martial artist. But people take one look at what we do, and they just start making assumptions.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
Ultimately, when two professionals meet, I don't really see the location as being a defining factor. If you're a psychologically weak fighter, maybe it would be. But if you're a seasoned pro, it doesn't really come into it.
- Michael Bisping
Image of Michael Bisping
The Liverpool lad Darren Till looked unbelievable in his UFC debut, and he seems like quite a character.
- Michael Bisping