Tanya Tucker

Image of Tanya Tucker
I'd like to do a Christmas album. I've never done a Christmas album.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Christmas
Image of Tanya Tucker
We live on a 500-acre ranch, beautiful ranch.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
Jeff Bodine was saying that when he gets depressed, that he cleans house.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
And as long as people want to hear me sing, I don't know why I'd retire.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
Well, you know, certain - for one reason, I think that the intervention process is a good process for most people, but for me, it just looked like a bunch of my friends trying to get back at me and sit around taking jabs at me, you know, when I couldn't defend myself.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
Well, I don't throw things. This particular night I brought one from the floor so to speak, and he ended up getting a cut over his head, and the police came, took him to another side of the hotel, and that was like September 6, 1981.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
The more people told me that, you know, wow, you should be so blessed. Don't you feel blessed? And you have all this - mansion and all these beautiful things. And I said, you know - the more they told me that, the more depressed I got.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
At one point, I didn't get out of bed for, I think, three months, and I went down to the bottom of the hill one day and I had to call somebody to get me to come back up - come pick me up because I couldn't physically walk up the hill.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
He does all research now, but he put me on some medication, Zoloft, and, I tell you what, a lot of people have had pros and cons about it, but it was my wonder drug.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
It's so funny because I listen to songs that I recorded that I didn't really know anything about at the time. Later on I'm starting to feel the songs. Sing them first, feel them later.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
I have an unending desire to be better and make myself a better person, better mother.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
But the main thing is that medication, too, is not all the help.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
When I was younger, I thought about retiring.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
You know, as any parent will say, you know, life happens.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
I would much rather be a better mother or better human being than I would be a singer. Fortunately for me singing makes me a living.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
I really like Alan Jackson, in Country Music. I think he's really very, very talented along with George Jones, and Merle Haggard, the same old favorites.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
If the Cowboys and Titans ain't playing, I'm not interested.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
It's a good question, because to be believable is the only way that you could be successful.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
Everybody has problems.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
I don't think I was really addicted. I used it as a party tool.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
We've got great fans that rock and roll won't have, because you can have a one-hit record and country music used to, not so much anymore and you have a fan forever.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
Words are not even within me. They're not in my vocabulary to really express the kind of feeling that I had.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
The best thing is being able to perform in front of people and to express my feelings, whatever they may be at the time. Just to be able to make the world a happier place to be.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
There's no way to be able to tell what it's like to be a country singer until you're walking in the shoes.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
I don't know what keeps me going. Sometimes I wonder... I think it's just pure perseverance and wanting to succeed and having that burning desire to always have success.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
That's the era we grew up in. It's weak to go to a psychiatrist.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
By the time I get done with my fans and my music and my kids and my family and my fiance and my horses, well, they suffer too, but, I don't really have much time left to do anything else.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
I do enjoy making videos, even though they are long days and very hard work.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
Elvis was a big influence to my music, but Loretta Lynn was, as well.
- Tanya Tucker
Image of Tanya Tucker
Love should be simple, but it's not. Hate should be hard, but it's easy.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Hate
Image of Tanya Tucker
You can run for cover, you can run for help. You can run to your lover, but you can't ever run from yourself.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tanya Tucker
The world says they'll never make it, love says they will.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Tanya Tucker
Like two sparrows in a hurricane trying to find their way.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Expression
Image of Tanya Tucker
At times when I didn't have records out, the press has really kept me out there. My bad reputation has done wonderful things for me!
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Done
Image of Tanya Tucker
Delta Dawn, what's that flower you have on, could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Flower
Image of Tanya Tucker
I have always been the life of the party. When I got to the point where I wasn't anymore, I knew something was wrong. I didn't know what it was. Once you figure it out, you can start to fix the problem. It's a day-to-day struggle.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Struggle
Image of Tanya Tucker
The more people told me that, you know, wow, you should be so blessed. Dont you feel blessed? And you have all this - mansion and all these beautiful things. And I said, you know - the more they told me that, the more depressed I got.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Tanya Tucker
My dad was always my manager as far as I was concerned, even when I had another manager. At times he let me go with someone else who he thought could take me to another level when he couldn't, and he was right. But they were in it for another reason. He was in it because he wanted to see me succeed no matter what, and he made decisions based on being a dad as opposed to a manager.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Dad
Image of Tanya Tucker
When I was a kid my Dad never let me sing Patsy Cline songs for one simple reason: they've already been done.
- Tanya Tucker
Collection: Song