Top Expression Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Expression quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Expression quotes.

Image of Hakim Bey
One may always attempt as much insight, love, freedom of thought and expression, justice and tolerance as possible for oneself and the very few people who share one's truest life. To be a 'free lord' in secret is better than being a public slave, a willing accomplice of repression and injustice.
- Hakim Bey
Collection: Expression
Image of Barry White
It's ecstasy when you're laying down next to me.
- Barry White
Collection: Expression
Image of Harold Pinter
The more acute the experience, the less articulate its expression.
- Harold Pinter
Collection: Expression
Image of Leif Enger
Of all facial expressions, which is the worst to have aimed at you? Wouldn't you agree it's disgust?
- Leif Enger
Collection: Expression
Image of Lou Reed
You know the expression 'God protects fools and drunks'? I qualify for both.
- Lou Reed
Collection: Expression
Image of Bill Brandt
In my portraits I try to avoid the fleeting expression and vivacity of a snapshot.
- Bill Brandt
Collection: Expression
Image of Jaclyn Moriarty
P.P.S. AND YOU CAN TALK. "Just say the word." JUST SAY THE WORD? What kind of expression is that? WHAT WORD WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SAY ANYWAY? MORON? Letter from Emily to Charles.
- Jaclyn Moriarty
Collection: Expression
Image of Bob Seger
Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then.
- Bob Seger
Collection: Expression
Image of Ming-Dao Deng
Expression is never helped by suppression.
- Ming-Dao Deng
Collection: Expression
Image of Tom Verlaine
You can't get so interested in just making sounds. The point of it all is some kind of expression.
- Tom Verlaine
Collection: Expression
Image of Carsten Juste
I hope that all critical Muslims read the ruling in full, because it states very clearly what freedom of expression in Denmark is about.
- Carsten Juste
Collection: Expression
Image of Morris Kline
Though determinants and matrices received a great deal of attention in the nineteenth century and thousands of papers were written on these subjects, they do not constitute great innovations in mathematics.... Neither determinants nor matrices have influenced deeply the course of mathematics despite their utility as compact expressions and despite the suggestiveness of matrices as concrete groups for the discernment of general theorems of group theory.
- Morris Kline
Collection: Expression
Image of John Daido Loori
Wordless is not the same of expressionless. All phenomenon of the universe, audible and inaudible, tangible and intangible, sentient and insentient, are the clear and ceaseless expression of the buddha nature.
- John Daido Loori
Collection: Expression
Image of Gregor Mendel
If A denotes one of the two constant traits, for example, the dominating one, a the recessive, and the Aa the hybrid form in which both are united, then the expression: gives the series for the progeny of plants hybrid in a pair of differing traits.
- Gregor Mendel
Collection: Expression
Image of Ludwig von Bertalanffy
Thus even supposedly unadulterated facts of observation already are interfused with all sorts of conceptual pictures, model concepts, theories or whatever expression you choose. The choice is not whether to remain in the field of data or to theorize; the choice is only between models that are more or less abstract, generalized, near or more remote from direct observation, more or less suitable to represent observed phenomena.
- Ludwig von Bertalanffy
Collection: Expression
Image of David Perlmutter
We can change the expression of more than 70 percent of the genes that have a direct bearing on our health and longevity.
- David Perlmutter
Collection: Expression
Image of David Perlmutter
Food is medicine. We can actually change our gene expressions with the foods we eat.
- David Perlmutter
Collection: Expression
Image of Rene Dubos
But solving problems of disease is not the same thing as creating health and happiness. (...) Health and happiness are the expression of the manner in which the individual responds and adapts to the challenges that he meets in everyday life.
- Rene Dubos
Collection: Expression
Image of William John Macquorn Rankine
A hypothetical theory is necessary, as a preliminary step, to reduce the expression of the phenomena to simplicity and order before it is possible to make any progress in framing an abstractive theory.
- William John Macquorn Rankine
Collection: Expression
Image of Karel Appel
I'm not a pessimist. Maybe I don't have a primitive feeling of happiness, that is true. Sometimes my color is happy but not the expression.
- Karel Appel
Collection: Expression
Image of Paula Modersohn-Becker
How happy I would be if I could give figurative expression to the unconscious feeling that often murmurs so softly and sweetly within me.
- Paula Modersohn-Becker
Collection: Expression
Image of Paula Modersohn-Becker
I must learn to express the gentle vibration of things: the intrinsically rough texture. I must find this expression in drawings; in the way in which I draw my nudes here in Paris, more original and at the same time sensitively observed.
- Paula Modersohn-Becker
Collection: Expression
Image of William Wetmore Story
Of every noble work the silent part is best; of all expression, that which cannot be expressed.
- William Wetmore Story
Collection: Expression
Image of William Randolph Hearst
We hold that no person or set of persons can properly establish a standard of expression for others.
- William Randolph Hearst
Collection: Expression
Image of Hans Hartung
Everything we feel deeply must be expressed.
- Hans Hartung
Collection: Expression
Image of Francis Galton
The object . . . is to discover methods of condensing information concerning large groups of allied facts into brief and compendious expressions suitable for discussion.
- Francis Galton
Collection: Expression
Image of Ada Lovelace
The Analytical Engine might act upon other things besides number, were objects found whose mutual fundamental relations could be expressed by those of the abstract science of operations, and which should be also susceptible of adaptations to the action of the operating notation and mechanism of the engineā€¦ Supposing, for instance, that the fundamental relations of pitched sounds in the science of harmony and of musical composition were susceptible of such expression and adaptations, the engine might compose elaborate and scientific pieces of music of any degree of complexity or extent.
- Ada Lovelace
Collection: Expression
Image of Maria Callas
To sing is an expression of your being, a being which is becoming.
- Maria Callas
Collection: Expression
Image of Ted Andrews
With each expression of love, the entire world is touched.
- Ted Andrews
Collection: Expression
Image of Mary Catherwood
We cannot leave the expression of our lives to those better qualified than we are, however dear they may be.
- Mary Catherwood
Collection: Expression
Image of Slick Rick
Treat 'em like a prostitute, don't treat 'em well until your sure of the scoop.
- Slick Rick
Collection: Expression
Image of Salvador de Madariaga
The American language differs from the English in that it seeks the top of expression while English seeks its lowly valleys.
- Salvador de Madariaga
Collection: Expression
Image of Alain-Rene Lesage
Isocrates was in the right to insinuate, in his elegant Greek expression, that what is got over the Devil's back is spent under his belly.
- Alain-Rene Lesage
Collection: Expression
Image of Nicolas Gomez Davila
Total freedom of expression does not compensate for lack of talent.
- Nicolas Gomez Davila
Collection: Expression
Image of Norman Foster
Architecture is an expression of values.
- Norman Foster
Collection: Expression
Image of Philibert Joseph Roux
Poetry is the exquisite expression of exquisite impressions.
- Philibert Joseph Roux
Collection: Expression
Image of Michael Shurtleff
An expression of feeling isn't worth anything unless it interferes with what the other actor in the scene wants.
- Michael Shurtleff
Collection: Expression
Image of Budd Schulberg
In English the expression 'ancient Greece' includes the meaning of 'finished,' whereas for us Greece goes on living, for better or for worse; it is in life, has not expired yet.
- Budd Schulberg
Collection: Expression
Image of Piet Mondrian
Vertical and horizontal lines are the expression of two opposing forces; they exist everywhere and dominate everything; their reciprocal action constitutes 'life'. I recognized that the equilibrium of any particular aspect of nature rests on the equivalence of its opposites.
- Piet Mondrian
Collection: Expression
Image of Richard Courant
Mathematics as an expression of the human mind reflects the active will, the contemplative reason, and the desire for aesthetic perfection.
- Richard Courant
Collection: Expression
Image of Zalmay Khalilzad
I consider the modernization of the Middle East the central challenge of our time. This region behaves as if it were disturbed, if you'll excuse the clinical expression.
- Zalmay Khalilzad
Collection: Expression
Image of Derek A. Cuthbert
Service changes people. It refines, purifies, gives a finer perspective, and brings out the best in each one of us. It gets us looking outward instead of inward. Righteous service is the expression of true charity, such as the Savior showed.
- Derek A. Cuthbert
Collection: Expression
Image of Ban Ki-moon
Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family
- Ban Ki-moon
Collection: Expression
Image of Mark Tobey
At a time when experimentation expresses itself in all forms of life, search becomes the only valid expression of the spirit.
- Mark Tobey
Collection: Expression
Image of Garry Wills
The whole point of free expression is not to make ideas exempt from criticism but to expose them to it.
- Garry Wills
Collection: Expression
Image of V. K. Krishna Menon
That expression "positive neutrality" is a contradiction in terms. There can be no more positive neutrality than there can be a vegetarian tiger.
- V. K. Krishna Menon
Collection: Expression
Image of Klemens von Metternich
The word 'Italy' is a geographical expression, a description which is useful shorthand, but has none of the political significance the efforts of the revolutionary ideologues try to put on it, and which is full of dangers for the very existence of the states which make up the peninsula.
- Klemens von Metternich
Collection: Expression
Image of Klemens von Metternich
Italy is only a geographical expression.
- Klemens von Metternich
Collection: Expression
Image of Gina Carano
It's something that I've always loved to do and it's been such a genuine expression for me.
- Gina Carano
Collection: Expression