Top exercise Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of exercise quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more exercise quotes.

Image of Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger
The origin of society, then, is to be sought, not in any natural right which one man has to exercise authority over another, but in the united consent of those who associate.
- Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger
Collection: Exercise
Image of Peter May
I doubt if many of my contemporaries, especially the older ones, did many exercises. I have often tried to picture (Godfrey) Evans and (Denis) Compton doing press-ups in the out field before the days play, but so far have failed miserably.
- Peter May
Collection: Exercise
Image of Chalene Johnson
Only exercise on the days you want to improve your mood.
- Chalene Johnson
Collection: Exercise
Image of Chalene Johnson
Never measure yourself against magazine covers. Every 'perfect' body you see in a bikini is a result of weeks of dieting and exercise. And airbrushing.
- Chalene Johnson
Collection: Exercise
Image of Darren Hayes
That's what got me into exercise and training my body and my voice. I looked at Madonna as this G.I. Jane superstar. I used to go jogging around my neighborhood at midnight sometimes and I'd be thinking, it'll all be worth it one day.
- Darren Hayes
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jimmy Fallon
A new study found that Americans are exercising more than ever but still not losing much weight. Not good in fact, it's all I could think about on my jog to Dunkin' Donuts.
- Jimmy Fallon
Collection: Exercise
Image of James Maslow
I tend to stay healthy because Ive been eating right and exercising. It makes life so much easier when youre healthy. I also like to challenge myself by making my own physical goals and beating them.
- James Maslow
Collection: Exercise
Image of Dave Ulrich
It is easier to talk about doing things than doing them. Many of us want to exercise more, eat more healthy, be kinder to our loved ones, etc., but unless we have specific milestones about how to do this, our intentions do not match our actions. The HR milestones we lay out offer specific steps along the longer journey to HR transformation.
- Dave Ulrich
Collection: Exercise
Image of Humpy Koneru
I spend around one hour per day on physical exercise. Exercise is a must for every chess player. As the proverb says, 'A sound mind in a sound body'.
- Humpy Koneru
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ian Hogarth
Stay as focused as possible and keep simplifying down your ideas till you have something small you can launch quickly and iterate on. Be ruthless in hiring only the best people. Keep fit and try to exercise even in the longest times.
- Ian Hogarth
Collection: Exercise
Image of Sherman Kent
I suppose that if we in intelligence were one day given three wishes, they would be to know everything, to be believed when we spoke, and in such a way to exercise an influence to the good in the matter of policy.
- Sherman Kent
Collection: Exercise
Image of Victor Sperandeo
Most people lose money because of lack of emotional discipline -the ability to keep their emotions removed from investment decisions. Dieting provides an apt analogy. Most people have the necessary knowledge to lose weight-that is they know that in order to lose weight you have to exercise and cut your intake of fats. However, despite this widespread knowledge, the vast majority of people who attempt to lose weight are unsuccessful. Why? Because they lack the emotional discipline.
- Victor Sperandeo
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ralph Vince
Anyone who claims to be intrigued by the "intellectual challenge of the markets" is not a trader. The markets are as intellectually challenging as a fistfight. Ultimately, trading is an exercise in self-mastery and endurance.
- Ralph Vince
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ethan Coen
It's just an impulse, in some actors. You want to make the audience like you. That's the aim of the exercise.
- Ethan Coen
Collection: Exercise
Image of Steve Daines
Of the five rights listed in the First Amendment. - religion, speech, press, assembly, petition - the very first right protected is freely exercising our religion.
- Steve Daines
Collection: Exercise
Image of Warren Farrell
When women are at the height of their beauty power and exercise it, we call it marriage. When men are at the height of their success power and exercise it, we call it a mid-life crisis.
- Warren Farrell
Collection: Exercise
Image of Bill Bright
I had to learn how to trust the Lord. My faith muscles grew. Just like, you're exercising your muscles and they may be sore for a while, but they become stronger with exercise.
- Bill Bright
Collection: Exercise
Image of William O. Douglas
When a legislature undertakes to proscribe the exercise of a citizen's constitutional right to free speech, it acts lawlessly; and the citizen can take matters into his own hands and proceed on the basis that such a law is no law at all.
- William O. Douglas
Collection: Exercise
Image of Eknath Easwaran
Meditation is warm-up exercise for the mind, so that you can jog through the rest of the day without getting agitated or spraining your patience.
- Eknath Easwaran
Collection: Exercise
Image of Thomas A. Edison
The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will involve the patient in the proper use of food, fresh air and exercise
- Thomas A. Edison
Collection: Exercise
Image of Harold Acton
Some people take no mental exercise apart from jumping to conclusions.
- Harold Acton
Collection: Exercise
Image of Bernard Levin
The less the power, the greater the desire to exercise it.
- Bernard Levin
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ed Seykota
Trend following is an exercise in observing and responding to the ever-present moment of now
- Ed Seykota
Collection: Exercise
Image of Michael Merzenich
My mantra: Brainless exercise is a lost opportunity for improvement.
- Michael Merzenich
Collection: Exercise
Image of Leo Lionni
In our everyday garden grow the rosemary, juniper, ferns and plane trees, perfectly tangible and visible. For these plants that have an illusory relationship with us, which in no way alters their existentiality, we are merely an event, an accident, and our presence, which seems so solid, laden with gravity, is to them no more than a momentary void in motion through the air. Reality is a quality that belongs to them, and we can exercise no rights over it.
- Leo Lionni
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ettore Sottsass
My furniture is an exercise in architecture or architectural mood.
- Ettore Sottsass
Collection: Exercise
Image of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
All the impressions which are made on us by Nature are designed to exercise our soul during its terms of penitence, to prompt us towards the eternal truths shown beneath a veil, and to lead us to recover what we have lost.
- Louis Claude de Saint-Martin
Collection: Exercise
Image of Christina Applegate
I've always tried to be pretty healthy, eating well and exercising regularly. I definitely give myself treats.
- Christina Applegate
Collection: Exercise
Image of Emile Durkheim
This solidarity can grow only in inverse ratio to personality... Solidarity which comes from likenesses is at its maximum when the collective conscience completely envelops our whole conscience and coincides in all points with it... when this solidarity exercises its force, our personality vanishes, as our definition permits us to say, for we are no longer ourselves, but the collective life.
- Emile Durkheim
Collection: Exercise
Image of MC Lyte
What is happening right now? That in itself, is an exercise. Because you can get caught up in yesterday and tomorrow and missing their moment that they're actually in.
- MC Lyte
Collection: Exercise
Image of Peter O'Sullevan
The only exercise I get is walking to the betting office.
- Peter O'Sullevan
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jennifer Aniston
Eating and exercising should be conscious decisions.
- Jennifer Aniston
Collection: Exercise
Image of C. Lloyd Morgan
In no case may we interpret an action [of an animal] as the outcome of the exercise of a higher psychical faculty, if it can be interpreted as the outcome of the exercise of one which stands lower in the psychological scale.
- C. Lloyd Morgan
Collection: Exercise
Image of Mors Kochanski
Some Native people suggest that one should test how cold the hands are by touching the thumb to the little finger of the same hand. As soon as you cannot carry out this exercise you are reaching a dangerous state of incapacity and you should immediately take steps to warm up.
- Mors Kochanski
Collection: Exercise
Image of Stephen L. Richards
Any conscious, wilful impairment of the body is an affront to God.
- Stephen L. Richards
Collection: Exercise
Image of Edwin Hutchins
Humans create their cognitive powers by creating the environments in which they exercise those powers
- Edwin Hutchins
Collection: Exercise
Image of Franz Bardon
Whoever is willing to enter the magic path should regard it as his sacred duty to practice regular exercises. He ought to be kind, generous and tolerant with his fellow men, but relentless and hard with himself. Only such behavior will be followed by success in magic.
- Franz Bardon
Collection: Exercise
Image of Liz Miller
People who relax by watching TV instead of going out to engage with the world tend to be far less energetic. the benefits of exercise in protecting against depression and mental ill-health are huge. Those around you can also affect your energy levels. Self-talk also works wonders on energy levels.
- Liz Miller
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ken Cohen
For optimal health, we need body and spirit, exercise (ming) and meditation, awareness of the inner world and the outer. In other words, health requires balance and moderation. The goal of qigong may be summarized as xing ming shuang xiu,spirit and body equally refined and cultivated. Cultivate your whole being, as you would cultivate a garden with attention, care, and even love.
- Ken Cohen
Collection: Exercise
Image of Barbara Branden
A moral person is one who constantly exercises, and acts on, his best rational judgment.
- Barbara Branden
Collection: Exercise
Image of Dan Pallotta
Your ability to stand up for your truth is a muscle, and the more you exercise it the stronger it gets.
- Dan Pallotta
Collection: Exercise
Image of Calista Flockhart
On her extreme thinness during her 'Ally McBeal' years: "I started under-eating, over-exercising, pushing myself too hard and brutalizing my immune system. I guess I just didn't find time to eat. I am much more healthy these days.
- Calista Flockhart
Collection: Exercise
Image of Patrick Holford
I work too hard, and, as a consequence, have had to learn how to stay healthy when the pressure is on. I'm not perfect but I've learnt a few things that are relatively easy for all of us to do. For example, I do Psychocalisthenics, a 16 minute exercise system probably every other day.
- Patrick Holford
Collection: Exercise
Image of Pope Paul III
We . . . exercise on earth the power of our Lord and seek with all our might to bring those sheep of His flock who are outside into the fold committed to our charge . . .
- Pope Paul III
Collection: Exercise
Image of Gary Taubes
Just as animal research tells us that gluttony and sloth are side effects of a drive to accumulate body fat, it also says that eating in moderation and being physically active (literally, having the energy to exercise) are not evidence of moral rectitude. Rather, they're the metabolic benefits of a body that's programmed to remain lean.
- Gary Taubes
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ronald L. Buckwalter
If the Government is going to intrude upon the sacred ground of the First Amendment and tell its citizens that their exercise of protected speech could land them in jail, the law imposing such a penalty must clearly define the prohibited speech not only for the potential offender but also for the potential enforcer.
- Ronald L. Buckwalter
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jorja Fox
I like to think I'm healthy. I exercise a lot.
- Jorja Fox
Collection: Exercise
Image of Miguel Syjuco
Literature is an ethical leap. It is a moral decision. A perilous exercise in constant failure. Literature should have grievances, because there are so many grievances in the world.
- Miguel Syjuco
Collection: Exercise
Image of Pavel Tsatsouline
The one arm one leg pushup is an exercise in total body tension
- Pavel Tsatsouline
Collection: Exercise