Top exercise Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of exercise quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more exercise quotes.

Image of William Randolph Hearst
We hold that the greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong, that in the exercise thereof people have an inviolable right to express their unbridled thoughts on all topics and personalities, being liable only for the abuse of that right.
- William Randolph Hearst
Collection: Exercise
Image of William Greenough Thayer Shedd
That some unevangelized men are saved, in the present life, by an extraordinary exercise of redeeming grace in Christ, has been the hope and belief of Christendom. It was the hope and belief of the elder Calvinists, as of the later.
- William Greenough Thayer Shedd
Collection: Exercise
Image of David Pilbeam
I shall discuss the broad patterns of hominoid evolution, an exercise made enjoyable by the need to integrate diverse kinds of information, and use that as a vehicle to speculate about hominoid origins, an event for which there is no recognized fossil record. Hence, an opportunity to exercise some imagination.
- David Pilbeam
Collection: Exercise
Image of Felicity Jones
I'm too much left brain. I very much have an emotional response to things; I love literature and films and storytelling. I need to nourish my right side, it doesn't get a lot of exercise.
- Felicity Jones
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jean Chretien
To be frank, politics is about wanting power, getting it, exercising it, and keeping it.
- Jean Chretien
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ludmilla Tourischeva
All one’s feeling goes into practicing exercises, many of which are set to music. Therefore, somehow dancing with boyfriends doesn’t attract me.
- Ludmilla Tourischeva
Collection: Exercise
Image of Edwin Hubbel Chapin
The soul, like the body, acquires vigor by the exercise of all its faculties. In the midst of the world, in overcoming difficulties, in conquering selfishness, indolence, and fear--in all the occasions of duty, it employs, and reveals by employing, energies that render it efficient and robust--that broaden its scope, adjust its powers, and mature it with a rich experience.
- Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Collection: Exercise
Image of James Joseph Sylvester
[Mathematics] unceasingly calls forth the faculties of observation and comparison; one of its principal weapons is induction: it has frequent recourse to trial and verification; and it affords a boundless scope for the exercise of the highest efforts of imagination and invention.
- James Joseph Sylvester
Collection: Exercise
Image of Roger L'Estrange
The most insupportable of tyrants exclaim against the exercise of arbitrary power.
- Roger L'Estrange
Collection: Exercise
Image of David Boaz
We should distinguish at this point between "government" and "state" ... A government is the consensual organization by which we adjudicate disputes, defend our rights, and provide for certain common needs ... A state on the other hand, is a coercive organization asserting or enjoying a monopoly over the use of physical force in some geographic area and exercising power over its subjects.
- David Boaz
Collection: Exercise
Image of Wes Jackson
A necessary part of our intelligence is on the line as the oral tradition becomes less and less important. There was a time throughout our land when it was common for stories to be told and retold, a most valuable exercise, for the story retold is the story reexamined over and over again at different levels of intellectual and emotional growth.
- Wes Jackson
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jennifer Lee
The main joy I have in owning or being a part of my own label is the platform I've created to really push other artists and this other kind of musical muscle I get to exercise, it's not just me as a creator of music but me as a curator. That's been really exciting and I do get to have the autonomy and control and all those things with my releases, but now I get to go and find artists that I really love and like and share them with the world too.
- Jennifer Lee
Collection: Exercise
Image of Sarah Josepha Hale
... rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them.
- Sarah Josepha Hale
Collection: Exercise
Image of Marco Tempest
About three years ago, I started an exercise in openness and inclusiveness to create new digital tools for magic - tools that could eventually be shared with other artists to start them off further on in the process and to get them into the poetry faster.
- Marco Tempest
Collection: Exercise
Image of Larry Gelbart
I think the greatest imagination we can exercise is one that imagines how someone else feels. Because you know how you feel, but so often we attribute our own feelings on to someone else.
- Larry Gelbart
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ron Holland
Voting is actually an exercise in futility and only used to convey false credibility to a controlled political system totally divorced from the people
- Ron Holland
Collection: Exercise
Image of Edmund Morgan
The British government had not engaged in any serious actual oppression of the colonies before 1774, but it had claimed powers not granted by the governed, powers that made oppression possible, powers that it began to exercise in 1774 in response to colonial denial of them. The Revolution came about not to overthrow tyranny, but to prevent it.
- Edmund Morgan
Collection: Exercise
Image of Brooke Fraser
I learnt that music cost something, and that's a good thing. Also, that I should exercise, because I didn't and I got very sick.
- Brooke Fraser
Collection: Exercise
Image of Dorian Yates
Some people's joints articulate in a manner that allows them to benefit greatly from squats; others may not benefit at all. If you're not too tall and have short limbs, it may be the best exercise for you, but if you're tall with long legs, it might be both ineffective and dangerous.I was stubbornly faithful to squats for years until I finally realized they were not well-suited for my body structure. After I switched tomore muscle-intensive movements, my gains in leg size were astounding.
- Dorian Yates
Collection: Exercise
Image of Joe J. Christensen
It is easy to rationalize that we don't have time to exercise. Not so. Ultimately, our improved health through exercise will provide us more time and energy to accomplish other tasks. We can usually do about whatever we want to-if we want to badly enough.
- Joe J. Christensen
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ernest MacBride
Unquestionably the truth or fallacy of the theory of the survival of the soul is by far the most tremendous question that can exercise the human mind. The more you think of it, the more all other questions seem to sink into utter insignificance, for only if survival be true, can the Universe be rationalized at all.
- Ernest MacBride
Collection: Exercise
Image of Joseph Glanvill
The belief of our Reason is an Exercise of Faith, and Faith is an Act of Reason.
- Joseph Glanvill
Collection: Exercise
Image of John Longenecker
Why does a woman carry a gun? Because, under our system, every citizen has the latitude to act in the absence of police; the latitude to act reasonably, to act immediately, to act in defense of self, to act in defense of another, to act with lethal force, to act with her acquired training and to act not in anger but to respond in purpose. To exercise the protections of that latitude in public policy, public interest and practical safety, all that is demanded of her is that she act reasonably under the circumstances.
- John Longenecker
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon
My soul was not only brought into harmony with itself and with God, but with God's providence. In the exercise of faith and love, I endured and performed whatever came in God's providence, in submission, in thankfulness, and silence.
- Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte Guyon
Collection: Exercise
Image of Andrei Lankov
Most people in Seoul don't care about the North's belligerent statements: The farther one is from the Korean Peninsula, the more one will find people worried about the recent developments here. Scary impressions are important to North Korea because for the last two decades its policy has been, above all, a brilliant exercise in diplomatic blackmail. And blackmail usually works better when the practitioners are seen as irrational and unpredictable.
- Andrei Lankov
Collection: Exercise
Image of Alexander Suvorov
Exercises cultivated self-reliance - the foundation of courage.
- Alexander Suvorov
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ed Bliss
If you are too busy to exercise, you are too busy.
- Ed Bliss
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jeff Galloway
Our bodies crave exercise, and reward us in so many ways when we do so.
- Jeff Galloway
Collection: Exercise
Image of Tim Burton
Drawing is exercise for a restless imagination.
- Tim Burton
Collection: Exercise
Image of D. Todd Christofferson
Moral discipline is the consistent exercise of agency to choose the right because it is right, even when it is hard.
- D. Todd Christofferson
Collection: Exercise
Image of Markus Ruhl
The most important lesson I've learned is that the most productive exercises are simple and compound.
- Markus Ruhl
Collection: Exercise
Image of Jerry Brown
I would like to maximize the level of human choice in the medical field...The choice of a treatment in many ways is like the exercise of religion.
- Jerry Brown
Collection: Exercise
Image of Totie Fields
I exercise daily to keep my figure. I keep patting my hand against the bottom of my chin. It works too. I have the thinnest fingers in town.
- Totie Fields
Collection: Exercise
Image of Eric Jensen
We have discovered that exercise is strongly correlated with increased brain mass, better cognition, mood regulation, and new cell growth.
- Eric Jensen
Collection: Exercise
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Exercise
Image of Bryan Kest
I see exercise taking this perverted detour. The original intention of exercise was to heal and maintain health. Now I see it as having nothing to do with health. I see most exercises based on looking good. They actually make you less healthy. You overdevelop the obvious muscles. You take drugs to enhance that. You ignore the rest, and you become more out of balance.
- Bryan Kest
Collection: Exercise
Image of Ralph Barton Perry
The fundamental idea of modern capitalism is not the right of the individual to possess and enjoy what he has earned, but the ;thesis that the exercise of this right redounds to the general good.
- Ralph Barton Perry
Collection: Exercise
Image of Steve Allen
Physical fitness is in. I recently had a physical fit myself.
- Steve Allen
Collection: Exercise
Image of James MacGregor Burns
The practice of leadership is not the same as the exercise of power.
- James MacGregor Burns
Collection: Exercise
Image of George Horne
Meditation is that exercise of the mind by which it recalls a known truth, as some kind of creatures do their food, to be ruminated upon till all the valuable parts be extracted.
- George Horne
Collection: Exercise
Image of George Horne
Meditation is that exercise of the mind, whereby it recalls a known truth, as some kinds of creatures do their food, to be ruminated upon, until all the nutritious parts are extracted, and fitted for the purposes of life.
- George Horne
Collection: Exercise
Image of Warren E. Burger
The policeman on the beat or in the patrol car makes more decisions and exercises broader discretion affecting the daily lives of people every day and to a greater extent, in many respects, than a judge will ordinarily exercise in a week.
- Warren E. Burger
Collection: Exercise
Image of Richard Hornby
Actor training should be broadly humanistic, involving the study not just of dramatic literature and theatre history, but of languages, literature, and history generally, and should be centered on acting in plays rather than just exercises, improvisations, monologues, or even scenes.
- Richard Hornby
Collection: Exercise
Image of Fred Bear
Life in the open is one of my finest rewards. I enjoy and become completely immersed in the high challenge and increased opportunity to become for a time, a part of nature. Deer hunting is a classical exercise in freedom. It is a return to fundamentals that I instinctively feel are basic and right.
- Fred Bear
Collection: Exercise
Image of Bridget Riley
I work on two levels. I occupy my conscious mind with things to do, lines to draw, movements to organize, rhythms to invent. In fact, I keep myself occupied. But that allows other things to happen which I'm not controlling... the more I exercise my conscious mind, the more open the other things may find that they can come through.
- Bridget Riley
Collection: Exercise
Image of Joseph Pilates
Contrology (Pilates) is complete coordination of body, mind, and spirit. Through Contrology you first purposefully acquire complete control of your own body and then through proper repetition of its exercises you gradually and progressively acquire that natural rhythm and coordination associated with all your subconscious activities.
- Joseph Pilates
Collection: Exercise
Image of Joseph Pilates
Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all the vital benefits. Correctly executed and mastered to the point of subconscious reaction, these exercises will reflect grace and balance in your routine activities.
- Joseph Pilates
Collection: Exercise
Image of Thomas Hartwell Horne
Meditation is that exercise of the mind by which it recalls a known truth,-as some kinds of creatures do their food; to be ruminated upon.
- Thomas Hartwell Horne
Collection: Exercise