Top Ethics Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Ethics quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Mike Mills
We never did things as we were supposed to do. That was part of our ethic. We did what felt right to us, not what someone told us we should do.
- Mike Mills
Collection: Ethics
Image of A.J. Ayer
No morality can be founded on authority, even if the authority were divine.
- A.J. Ayer
Collection: Ethics
Image of Langdon Elwyn Mitchell
If we cannot be decent, let us endeavor to be graceful. If we can't be moral, at least we can avoid being vulgar.
- Langdon Elwyn Mitchell
Collection: Ethics
Image of Hugo Ball
Everywhere, the ethical predicament of our time imposes itself with an urgency which suggests that even the question Have we anything to eat? will be answered not in material but in ethical terms.
- Hugo Ball
Collection: Ethics
Image of John Fletcher Moulton, Baron Moulton
Ethics is obedience to the unenforceable.
- John Fletcher Moulton, Baron Moulton
Collection: Ethics
Image of Jonathan Wittenberg
There is no spirituality without ethics
- Jonathan Wittenberg
Collection: Ethics
Image of Otto Weininger
Logic and ethics are fundamentally the same, they are no more than duty to oneself
- Otto Weininger
Collection: Ethics
Image of Vivek Wadhwa
Doing the right thing doesn't always bring success. But compromising ethics almost always leads to failure.
- Vivek Wadhwa
Collection: Ethics
Image of Theaster Gates
Modernism was influenced by what they call a primativist ethic.
- Theaster Gates
Collection: Ethics
Image of Corinne Maier
Ethics is a detergent word, used time and time again to clean consciences without scrubbing.
- Corinne Maier
Collection: Ethics
Image of Wallace Stevens
Ethics are no more a part of poetry than theyare of painting.
- Wallace Stevens
Collection: Ethics
Image of Bertrand Russell
Science, by itself cannot, supply us with an ethic.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Ethics
Image of Herbert Spencer
Originally, ethics has no existence apart from religion, which holds it in solution.
- Herbert Spencer
Collection: Ethics
Image of Henry David Thoreau
Mathematics should be mixed not only with physics but with ethics.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Ethics
Image of Mark Twain
The moral sense enables one to perceive morality, and avoid it. The immoral sense enables one to perceive immorality and enjoy it.
- Mark Twain
Collection: Ethics
Image of Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Aesthetics, ethics, and many good things in humans are contagious.
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Collection: Ethics
Image of Madame de Stael
Morality must guide calculation, and calculation must guide politics.
- Madame de Stael
Collection: Ethics
Image of Peter Singer
Ethics is inescapable.
- Peter Singer
Collection: Ethics
Image of Peter Singer
Ethics seems a morass which we have to cross, but get hopelessly bogged in when we make the attempt.
- Peter Singer
Collection: Ethics
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Renunciation is the very basis upon which ethics stands.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Ethics
Image of Henry David Thoreau
What is morality but immemorial custom? Conscience is the chief of conservatives.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Ethics
Image of Henry David Thoreau
You cannot receive a shock unless you have an electric affinity for that which shocks you.
- Henry David Thoreau
Collection: Ethics
Image of George Bernard Shaw
Morality is not respectability.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Ethics
Image of Jon Stewart
That's the Senate Ethics Committee, an oxymoron since 1973.
- Jon Stewart
Collection: Ethics
Image of Libba Bray
Writers are also sort of like vultures, but with fewer ethics.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Ethics
Image of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Ethics and aesthetics are one.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Collection: Ethics
Image of Swami Vivekananda
Renunciation is the very basis upon which ethics stands. There never was an ethical code preached which had not renunciation for its basis.
- Swami Vivekananda
Collection: Ethics
Image of Tom Robbins
There's a certain Buddhistic calm that comes from having... money in the bank.
- Tom Robbins
Collection: Ethics
Image of Tariq Ramadan
To be more precise, it's ethics and liberation, and as a consequence there is an ethics of liberation.
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Ethics
Image of Martin Buber
Inscrutably involved, we live in the currents of universal reciprocity.
- Martin Buber
Collection: Ethics
Image of Jacques Yves Cousteau
Without ethics, everything happens as if we were all five billion passengers on a big machinery and nobody is driving the machinery. And it's going faster and faster, but we don't know where.
- Jacques Yves Cousteau
Collection: Ethics
Image of Aristotle
For contemplation is both the highest form of activity (since the intellect is the highest thing in us, and the objects that it apprehends are the highest things that can be known), and also it is the most continuous, because we are more capable of continuous contemplation than we are of any practical activity.
- Aristotle
Collection: Ethics
Image of Alfred Hitchcock
I'm not much into rear window ethics.
- Alfred Hitchcock
Collection: Ethics
Image of Aleksandar Hemon
Politics is about ethics and morality, openly or not openly.
- Aleksandar Hemon
Collection: Ethics
Image of Samuel Butler
The only absolute morality is absolute stagnation.
- Samuel Butler
Collection: Ethics
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
Stairs elevate you; ethics elevates you; goodness elevates you; awareness elevates you; wisdom elevates you.
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Ethics
Image of Friedrich August von Hayek
Socialism is simply a re-assertion of that tribal ethics whose gradual weakening had made an approach to the Great Society possible.
- Friedrich August von Hayek
Collection: Ethics
Image of Alain Badiou
There is no ethics in general. There are only-eventually-ethics of processes by which we treat the possibilities of a situation.
- Alain Badiou
Collection: Ethics
Image of Walter Lippmann
There is nothing so bad but it can masquerade as moral.
- Walter Lippmann
Collection: Ethics
Image of Joseph Wood Krutch
Custom has furnished the only basis which ethics have ever had.
- Joseph Wood Krutch
Collection: Ethics
Image of Marya Mannes
To know the good is to react against the bad. Indifference is the mark of deprivation.
- Marya Mannes
Collection: Ethics
Image of Dale Jamieson
Ethics is prescriptive and can change behavior, but usually only at the margins.
- Dale Jamieson
Collection: Ethics