Top Envy Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Envy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Envy quotes.

Image of Baron de Montesquieu
What cowardice it is to be dismayed by the happiness of others and devastated by there good fortune.
- Baron de Montesquieu
Collection: Envy
Image of Bertrand Russell
Envy is the basis of democracy.
- Bertrand Russell
Collection: Envy
Image of Sathya Sai Baba
You are still in 100% body con­sciousness. Do not stay with this body conscious­ness. Remove that. What will remain will be Atma-consciousness. Then there will be no anger, no ha­tred, no envy, no jealousy, no hunger, no desire . . . only complete Ananda . . . only bliss, bliss, bliss!
- Sathya Sai Baba
Collection: Envy
Image of John Lyly
The greatest harm that you can do unto the envious, is to do well.
- John Lyly
Collection: Envy
Image of Charlie Munger
Even if you assume that the whole economy would work better had we never had double taxation, having the envy and resentment of the richest paying low or no taxes screams of injustice. You have to have a fair system.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Envy
Image of Frederick Buechner
Envy is the consuming desire to have everybody else as unsuccessful as you are.
- Frederick Buechner
Collection: Envy
Image of Charlie Munger
It’s not greed that drives the world, but envy.
- Charlie Munger
Collection: Envy
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
The judgment of posterity is truer, because it is free from envy and malevolence.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Envy
Image of Wes Fesler
When you become who you wish to be, there is no need for envy.
- Wes Fesler
Collection: Envy
Image of Robert Breault
Nowadays you envy a manic-depressive. Half the time he's happy, the other half he's right.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Envy
Image of Christopher Lee
In Britain, any degree of success is met with envy and resentment.
- Christopher Lee
Collection: Envy
Image of Jean de la Bruyere
Envy and hatred go together. Mutually strengthened by the fact pursue the same object.
- Jean de la Bruyere
Collection: Envy
Image of Henry Parry Liddon
Certainly, envy is no monopoly of the poor; it makes itself felt in all sections of society; it haunts the court, the library, the barrack-room, even the sanctuary; it is provoked in some unhappy souls by the near neighbourhood of any superior rank or excellence whatever.
- Henry Parry Liddon
Collection: Envy
Image of George Carlin
I can remember staring at the orphanage and feeling envy.
- George Carlin
Collection: Envy
Image of Robert Breault
We envy others, for we see their lives in broad outline, while forced to live ours in every detail.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Envy
Image of Thomas Browne
Praise is a debt we owe unto the virtue of others, and due unto our own from all whom malice hath not made mutes, or envy struck dumb.
- Thomas Browne
Collection: Envy
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
In short, virtue cannot live where envy reigns, nor liberality subsist with niggardliness.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Envy
Image of Charles Churchill
With that malignant envy which turns pale, And sickens, even if a friend prevail.
- Charles Churchill
Collection: Envy
Image of Charles Churchill
Those who raise envy will easily incur censure.
- Charles Churchill
Collection: Envy
Image of John Calvin
Elisabeth, again, while she praises her, is so far from hiding the Divine glory, that she ascribes everything to God. And yet, though she acknowledges the superiority of Mary to herself and to others, she does not envy her the higher distinction, but modestly declares that she had obtained more than she deserved.
- John Calvin
Collection: Envy
Image of Herodotus
Envy is so natural to human kind, that it cannot but arise.
- Herodotus
Collection: Envy
Image of Herodotus
How much better a thing it is to be envied than to be pitied.
- Herodotus
Collection: Envy
Image of Margaret Halsey
Infants, I note with envy, are receptive to enjoyment in a degree not attained by adults this side of the new Jerusalem.
- Margaret Halsey
Collection: Envy
Image of Arthur C. Clarke
They will have time enough, in those endless aeons, to attempt all things, and to gather all knowledge... no Gods imagined by our minds have ever possessed the powers they will command... But for all that, they may envy us, basking in the bright afterglow of Creation; for we knew the Universe when it was young.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Collection: Envy
Image of Sarah Dessen
Quiet and incredible. I really envy that.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Envy
Image of Democritus
Envy creates the beginning of strife.
- Democritus
Collection: Envy
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
The praise of the envious is far less creditable than their censure; they praise only that which they can surpass, but that which surpasses them they censure.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Envy
Image of Shirley Geok-lin Lim
I look at my young students, and I no longer have the sense that, oh, I'm the authority and they have to meet a certain standard. It's like, oh, look at these young ones. They've got such a hard road in front of them. I don't envy them having life ahead of them.
- Shirley Geok-lin Lim
Collection: Envy
Image of Publilius Syrus
The brave or the fortunate can afford to laugh at envy.
- Publilius Syrus
Collection: Envy
Image of Paulo Coelho
The same goes for envy, anger and insults - said the master. - When they are not accepted, they continue to belong to the one who carried them.
- Paulo Coelho
Collection: Envy
Image of Socrates
Envy is the ulcer of the soul.
- Socrates
Collection: Envy
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
To diminish envy, let us consider not what others possess, but what they enjoy; mere riches may be the gift of lucky accident or blind chance, but happiness must be the result of prudent preference and rational design; the highest happiness then can have no other foundation than the deepest wisdom; and the happiest fool is only as happy as he knows how to be.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Envy
Image of Mason Cooley
Envy awakens at the sound of a distant laugh.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Envy
Image of Mason Cooley
After Voltaire: envy is chained to the portico of the temple of glory and can neither enter nor leave.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Envy
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
Emulation looks out for merits, that she may exalt herself by a victory; envy spies out blemishes that she may lower another by defeat.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Envy
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
If sensuality be our only happiness we ought to envy the brutes, for instinct is a surer, shorter, safer guide to such happiness than reason.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Envy
Image of Evan Esar
The only thing more certain than the hatred of enemies is the envy of friends.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Envy
Image of John Dryden
Merit challenges envy.
- John Dryden
Collection: Envy
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Envy is the tax which all distinction must pay.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Envy
Image of Euripides
Pray the gods do not envy your happiness!
- Euripides
Collection: Envy
Image of Carrie Fisher
I envy people who have the capacity to sit with another human being and find them endlessly interesting, I would rather watch TV. Of course this becomes eventually known to the other person.
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Envy
Image of Euripides
Those who have not, and live in want, are a menace, Ridden with envy and fooled by demagogues.
- Euripides
Collection: Envy
Image of Epictetus
Envy is the antagonist of the fortunate.
- Epictetus
Collection: Envy
Image of Evan Esar
When you make your mark in the world, watch out for the envious with erasers.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Envy
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
A nonviolent occupation is that occupation which is fundamentally free from violence and which involves no exploitation or envy of others.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Envy
Image of Edward Gibbon
Since the primitive times, the wealth of the popes was exposed to envy, their powers to opposition, and their persons to violence.
- Edward Gibbon
Collection: Envy
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
There is a world-wide conflict between capital and labour, and the poor envy the rich.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Envy
Image of Criss Jami
Envy is a sign of insecurity, yes; but so is longing to be envied.
- Criss Jami
Collection: Envy