Top Cutting Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Cutting quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Cutting quotes.

Image of Steven Levenkron
Kessa began to cut her meat into tiny pieces. As a whole it was unmanageable, frightening; but divided and arranged, the meat could be controlled. She cut four pieces. She'd count to four between each bite.
- Steven Levenkron
Collection: Cutting
Image of Anthony Marra
What parts had she discarded for the sake of her sanity? What had she cut from herself? Had he stared into her pupils he would have emerged, bewildered and blinking, on the far side of the earth. Was he awed by her? Absolutely. Did he respect her? Unequivocally. Want to be anything like her? No, never, not at all.
- Anthony Marra
Collection: Cutting
Image of Anne Stuart
You tell anyone that I cried, and I'll cut your liver out." "Do you even know where a human liver resides?"[...] "Yes," she said, and punched him in it.
- Anne Stuart
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ann Aguirre
Time is fluid, so the moments where everything feels perfect pass in a wink, and those where you're on your knees in despair drag on like the death of a thousand cuts.
- Ann Aguirre
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ann Aguirre
The whole world is like Whitewall's razors I burst out. It cuts us, and we bleed but there's no purpose to it.
- Ann Aguirre
Collection: Cutting
Image of Arnold J. Toynbee
The penalty of affluence is that it cuts one off from the common lot, common experience, and common fellowship. In a sense it outlaws one automatically from one's birthright of membership in the great human family.
- Arnold J. Toynbee
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jerome Groopman
The freedom of patient speech is necessary if the doctor is to get clues about the medical enigma before him. If the patient is inhibited, or cut off prematurely, or constrained into one path of discussion, then the doctor may not be told something vital. Observers have noted that, on average, physicians interrupt patients within eighteen seconds of when they begin telling their story.
- Jerome Groopman
Collection: Cutting
Image of Nancy Pelosi
You cannot cut your way to deficit reduction.
- Nancy Pelosi
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ben Nicholson
Very rarely are we directing or cutting someone elses boards. We concept, direct, shoot, animate and edit almost everything that comes through here.
- Ben Nicholson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jim Thompson
You can't stamp on a man's corns when he's got his feet cut off.
- Jim Thompson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ralph Waite
The Waltons was profoundly important after years of wandering around. I was 44 and cut off from family and friends. It nurtured me back to a sense of family and who I am. It was a transforming experience.
- Ralph Waite
Collection: Cutting
Image of Joanne Greenberg
Don't cut bangs with a hatchet. Don't do brain surgery with a pickax.
- Joanne Greenberg
Collection: Cutting
Image of Fernand Braudel
The key problem is to find out why that sector of society of the past, which I would not hesitate to call capitalist, should have lived as if in a bell jar, cut off from the rest; why was it not able to expand and conquer the whole of society?... [Why was it that] a significant rate of capital formation was possible only in certain sectors and not in the whole market economy of the time?
- Fernand Braudel
Collection: Cutting
Image of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.
- Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Collection: Cutting
Image of Glen Cook
Evil is relative…You can’t hang a sign on it. You can’t touch it or taste it or cut it with a sword. Evil depends on where you are standing, pointing your indicting finger.
- Glen Cook
Collection: Cutting
Image of Count Basie
I think the band can really swing when it swings easy, when it can just play along like you are cutting butter.
- Count Basie
Collection: Cutting
Image of Sarah Waters
She scissored the curls away, and - toms, grow easily sentimental over their haircuts, but I remember this sensation very vividly - it was not like she was cutting hair, it was as if I had a pair of wings beneath my shoulder-blades, that the flesh had all grown over, and she was slicing free.
- Sarah Waters
Collection: Cutting
Image of Bella Pollen
Women only cut their hair in times of crisis... It's somethin' a woman always has the power to do, even when she loses control over everything else. Cuttin' hair is a cry for help.
- Bella Pollen
Collection: Cutting
Image of Blaise Cendrars
For action, whatever its immediate purpose, also implies relief at doing something, anything, and the joy of exertion. This is the optimism that is inherent in, and proper and indispensable to action, for without it nothing would ever be undertaken. It in no way suppresses the critical sense or clouds the judgment. On the contrary this optimism sharpens the wits, it creates a certain perspective and, at the last moment, lets in a ray of perpendicular light which illuminates all one's previous calculations, cuts and shuffles them and deals you the card of success, the winning number.
- Blaise Cendrars
Collection: Cutting
Image of Plotinus
Cut away all that is excessive, straighten all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast, labour to make all one glow of beauty and never cease chiselling your statue, until there shall shine out on you from it the godlike splendour of virtue, until you shall see the perfect goodness surely established in the stainless shrine.
- Plotinus
Collection: Cutting
Image of Julia Kristeva
Abjection is above all ambiguity. Because, while releasing a hold, it does not radically cut off the subject from what threatens it --- on the contrary, abjection acknowledges it to be in perpetual danger.
- Julia Kristeva
Collection: Cutting
Image of Delmore Schwartz
At the moment I'm so exhausted that I feel like cutting my throat, so the next news masy well be that I am across the river and under the trees: what is the meaning and purpose of life? Death.
- Delmore Schwartz
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ouida
There is no knife that cuts so sharply and with such poisoned blade as treachery.
- Ouida
Collection: Cutting
Image of Max Muller
The man who is free from credulity, but knows the uncreated, who has cut all ties, removed all temptations, renounced all desires, he is the greatest of men.
- Max Muller
Collection: Cutting
Image of Andrew Sean Greer
Perhaps love is a minor madness. And as with madness, it's unendurable alone. The one person who can relieve us is of course the sole person we cannot go to: the one we love. So instead we seek out allies, even among strangers and wives, fellow patients who, if they can't touch the edge of our particular sorrow, have felt something that cuts nearly as deep.
- Andrew Sean Greer
Collection: Cutting
Image of Pentti Linkola
Finnish forests: Let us remind the satellite pictures of the 1970's winter in which the old forest appeared black and young forest and cut downs white. Already then the Finnish borders were like drawn on the map: White Finland between black Karelian and black Sweden. Finnish Forest Research Institute hicced up some time and then decided that the pictures are fake.
- Pentti Linkola
Collection: Cutting
Image of Wim Wenders
Before you say cut, wait 5 seconds
- Wim Wenders
Collection: Cutting
Image of Walter Murch
The Conversation' was the first film I edited on a flatbed machine - a KEM editing machine. I've been using Final Cut or the AVID for 12 years now, so I was interested in looking at this film and seeing if I could tell if it had been edited the old way.
- Walter Murch
Collection: Cutting
Image of Zell Miller
[T]ax cuts are not just something that all taxpayers deserve, but also the best way to curb government spending. It is the best kind of tax reform. If the money never reaches the table, Congress can't gobble it up.
- Zell Miller
Collection: Cutting
Image of Carter G. Woodson
When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his 'proper place' and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary.
- Carter G. Woodson
Collection: Cutting
Image of W.N.P. Barbellion
As soon as we are born, if we could but get up, bath, dress, shave, breakfast once for all, if we could 'cut' these monotonous cycles of routine. If the sun rose it would stay up, or once we were alive we were immortal!
- W.N.P. Barbellion
Collection: Cutting
Image of Norman Borlaug
Even if you could use all the organic material that you have--the animal manures, the human waste, the plant residues--and get them back on the soil, you couldn't feed more than 4 billion people. In addition, if all agriculture were organic, you would have to increase cropland area dramatically, spreading out into marginal areas and cutting down millions of acres of forests.
- Norman Borlaug
Collection: Cutting
Image of Moshe Safdie
The greatest satisfaction, I think, is when a building opens and the public possesses it and you cut the umbilical cord and you see it taking on its own life. There’s no greater satisfaction.
- Moshe Safdie
Collection: Cutting
Image of Mark Millar
The past is an anchor with suffering written on the rope. I don't live there now. I am cutting myself free.
- Mark Millar
Collection: Cutting
Image of Bruno Schulz
The days hardened with cold and boredom like last year's loaves of bread. One began to cut them with blunt knives without appetite, with a lazy indifference.
- Bruno Schulz
Collection: Cutting
Image of Dorianne Laux
Who you are contributes to your poetry in a number of important ways, but you shouldn't identify with your poems so closely that when they are cut, you're the one that bleeds.
- Dorianne Laux
Collection: Cutting
Image of Barry Lyga
What if a puppet could cut its own strings, and in that act of defiance and strength of will become truly alive? Become is own puppetmaster?
- Barry Lyga
Collection: Cutting
Image of Rohinton Mistry
If time were a bolt of cloth,” said Om, “I would cut out all the bad parts. Snip out the scary nights and stitch together the good parts, to make time bearable. Then I could wear it like a coat, always live happily.
- Rohinton Mistry
Collection: Cutting
Image of Philip Reeve
he cut through the 21st Century Gallery, past the big plastic statues of Pluto and Mickey, animal headed gods of lost America
- Philip Reeve
Collection: Cutting
Image of Adam Gidwitz
You see, Hansel and Gretel don’t just show up at the end of this story. They show up. And then they get their heads cut off. Just thought you’d like to know.
- Adam Gidwitz
Collection: Cutting
Image of Stuart Wilde
Lean toward love at all times, cut people slack, forgive and forget, and be kind, very kind; the more you do that, the less fear you will have. People will raise up to support you. Refuse to be scared in this lifetime.
- Stuart Wilde
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ed Rendell
American Eagle can be a selling point for other young, cutting-edge companies to come to Pittsburgh
- Ed Rendell
Collection: Cutting
Image of R.J. Ellory
Blame is a bitter and indigestible thing, even when the blame is a coat you cut for yourself, even when you stood right there and got yourself measured so you could wear it right.
- R.J. Ellory
Collection: Cutting
Image of Willie Nelson
We are the same. There is no difference anywhere in the world. People are people. They laugh, cry, feel, and love, and music seems to be the commons denomination that brings us all together. Music cuts through all boundaries and goes right to the soul.
- Willie Nelson
Collection: Cutting
Image of Jean Rostand
There are some persons we could not cut down to size without diminishing ourselves as well.
- Jean Rostand
Collection: Cutting
Image of John Roberts
When we think about living donor transplant, what we're banking on is the ability of the liver to regenerate itself. Now, it's not the same sort of regeneration we think about with the starfish where we cut off the arm and it grows a new arm. With the liver, what happens is the remaining liver gets bigger, and your body knows the size of the liver that it needs, and when it recognizes that there is not enough liver, it sends nutrients and signals to the liver and says "get bigger."
- John Roberts
Collection: Cutting
Image of Ford Madox Ford
There is no man who loves a woman that does not desire to come to her for the renewal of his courage, for the cutting asunder of his difficulties. And that will be the mainspring of his desire for her. We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need from the outside the assurance of our own worthiness to exist.
- Ford Madox Ford
Collection: Cutting
Image of Beverly Sills
There is no short cut to a place worth going.
- Beverly Sills
Collection: Cutting
Image of James Schuyler
I do not usually revise much, though I often cut, particularly the end or toward the end of a poem
- James Schuyler
Collection: Cutting