Matt Stone

Image of Matt Stone
Even celebrities, most people have a sense of humor. Most of the people we meet who we've done on the show, like it.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Humor
Image of Matt Stone
So a lot of our shows where even we think we've taken a very deliberate stand, liberals say, 'That's awesome, you took on the conservatives' same show and conservatives say 'That's awesome, you took on liberals.'
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
The pride of the hipster food movement is sort of annoying, but it fascinates me.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
We were the only ones interested in comedy. Everybody else wanted to be Martin Scorsese.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
You can make fun of everything.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
There are good characters and bad characters.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
And there's a visceral fun in watching Team America and making it, like taking a puppet and throwing it against the wall. Because it's not CG, there's something funny about it.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
We've rewritten entire scenes and had them animated twelve hours before the show goes on the air. It's not fun.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
In our show, there's usually a comeuppance. Or, if not, it's an anti-ending. And you're supposed to get that.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I would vote for a Mormon.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I may have my personal political thing, but we never wanted it to stain the show.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
At this point, we've ripped on everyone.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
We're kind of like the smoking section in high school. We're immature, keep to ourselves.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
That decision to commit your life to certain principles and a certain narrative, if I wrote a paper on that, I know I'd find inconsistencies.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I went to a couple Academy Awards parties and I was definitely like, 'Whoa, no one will talk to me.'
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I just get my news from the Internet.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
We've been around long enough and have been to enough award shows to know that it is easy to lose to Phil Collins at any time.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I'm a producer... I am a Hollywood producer. That is so weird. And it's not lame. But it's just like, how did that happen?
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I definitely think we get a lot of respect for what we do, but I definitely think that some people don't like us, which is fine.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I just hate that Lucas... and it is not just Lucas, because everybody does it, where, boom, they get it out, and then there's a special edition for a movie that doesn't deserve a special edition.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
It is like football with coaches, like, 'We're only going to think about the next game.' It is really true, all you think is, 'Okay, we have to make a good next episode.'
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
Sometimes I wish I could get fired.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
We don't feel pressure of, 'Let's make this really raunchy.' It's more about making a good story, which is 10 times harder. The raunchy stuff's really easy for us.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
We are entertainers. We're trying to entertain people.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
It's the business of movies, it's the fights that go along with the level of budget, and more than anything, it's the creative constipation of having to live with one idea for two or three years. It's just not that fun.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
There's something uniquely aggravating about the smugness of liberal Hollywood.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I would never want the show to be a Democrat show or Republican show, because for us the show's more important than that. It isn't for everybody else in the world, but it is for us.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
Ripping on Republicans is not that fun for us only because everyone else does it.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
With religion I was always like, 'Does it matter if it's true if it makes you happy?'
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I think the neoatheists have set atheism back a few decades. And I'm a self-described atheist.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I'm concerned about people being happy.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
Once you get yourselves into things that are working on a deeper level, you just have to keep going. When you reach that deeper level, you can't go back.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
I've been to China and Russia, and I don't know anything about Chinese or Soviet relations.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
The culture is just so coarse that you have to take it to that level and people will be like, 'Whoa!' And then you can make people think about stuff. It's kind of like shock therapy.
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
Do goofy stories make people nice? What if, in their goofiness, these stories somehow inspire that in the right way. Is that a social good?
- Matt Stone
Image of Matt Stone
Cutting carbs, fats, or calories (dieting) is like trying to hold your breath. The longer you do it, the more your body resists it until you finally gasp for air – taking in more than ever to overcome the short-term deficit you induced.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Cutting
Image of Matt Stone
I hate conservatives, but I really hate liberals.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Hate
Image of Matt Stone
The last few years on ‘South Park’ we have done some of the riskiest things we have ever done, knowing it could kill the show, but we also know that’s what we have to do.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Years
Image of Matt Stone
We've had musical stuff in the show [South Park] forever. That's mostly because Trey's a big musical fan, and he's a great songwriter. He's been writing songs his whole life. So since the beginning, we've always put a lot of musical moments.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Song
Image of Matt Stone
Sometimes we come up with something great, but a lot of times it just feels like work.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Sometimes
Image of Matt Stone
Anybody in television lives under grinding deadlines.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Deadline
Image of Matt Stone
Mormonism has this great cheesy aesthetic - when you watch their videos, it's almost as if they're about to flash a smile at the camera and burst into song. Mormon cheesiness is so close to musical cheesiness.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Song
Image of Matt Stone
Anything you do to lose weight should be as easy as it can possibly be and still deliver results.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Weight
Image of Matt Stone
If you're working with a band and you really want to work them into the episode, you've got to say to them, "Look, we need you around every day and on Tuesday night all night because we need you to do voices as we're changing stuff." We do the show so quickly, and you just can't get bands to do that. It's not really fair.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Night
Image of Matt Stone
When you reach that deeper level, you can't go back.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Levels
Image of Matt Stone
I love to musicalize things. You do employ a whole level of gravity. You use the emotional heft of music.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Emotional
Image of Matt Stone
How many fluids should you take in daily? That is an unanswerable question with all of the variables that affect our fluid needs at any given time. If you meet anyone who can answer that question for you, run away quickly.
- Matt Stone
Collection: Running