Top courage Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of courage quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more courage quotes.

Image of Cherry Jones
If you can find the courage, if you have in your heart even the slightest bit of rebellion against injustice, maybe you can channel that and become a leader.
- Cherry Jones
Collection: Courage
Image of Taya Kyle
My hope for this country is that we remain a people who value freedom, who have the courage to face the realities with faithful hearts instead of anxious ones.
- Taya Kyle
Collection: Courage
Image of Arnold Schwarzenegger
Political courage is not political suicide.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Collection: Courage
Image of Susana Martinez
As the first Hispanic female governor in history, little girls often come up to me in the grocery store or the mall. They look and point, and when they get the courage, they ask 'Are you Susana?' and they run up and give me a hug.
- Susana Martinez
Collection: Courage
Image of George Lois
In professional work - certainly in the arts and graphics - 99% of people have zero courage. They blow with the wind.
- George Lois
Collection: Courage
Image of Mo Yan
I know what real courage is, and I understand true compassion.
- Mo Yan
Collection: Courage
Image of David Cameron
Because with courage and conviction I believe we can deliver a more flexible, adaptable and open European Union in which the interests and ambitions of all its members can be met.
- David Cameron
Collection: Courage
Image of Clyde Edgerton
Because we men have been physically stronger and more arrogant, we've influenced much of the cool stuff of the world, like basing the definition of courage on what we do on battlefields rather than on the patience or endurance or tolerance necessary for a sometimes painful daily grind that includes small children.
- Clyde Edgerton
Collection: Courage
Image of Ehud Olmert
For me, Arik Sharon - I remember his courage and inspiration. I want to remember him the way he really was, not as an aging 80-year-old man living in bed helpless and unconscious.
- Ehud Olmert
Collection: Courage
Image of Guy Laliberte
We had every problems starting a big top could have. The tent fell down on the first day. We had problems getting people into the shows. It was only with the courage and arrogance of youth that we survived.
- Guy Laliberte
Collection: Courage
Image of Tariq Ramadan
Muslims must speak out and explain who they are, what they believe in, what they stand for, what is the meaning of their life. They must have the courage to denounce what is said and done by certain Muslims in the name of their religion.
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Courage
Image of Frances Wright
If we bring not the good courage of minds covetous of truth, and truth only, prepared to hear all things, and decide upon all things, according to evidence, we should do more wisely to sit down contented in ignorance, than to bestir ourselves only to reap disappointment.
- Frances Wright
Collection: Courage
Image of Richard Jefferies
It is quite true that women like courage, and that boldness often goes a long way; but it is questionable whether with high-bred natures a subdued, quiet, and delicate manner does not go still further.
- Richard Jefferies
Collection: Courage
Image of Ellen McLaughlin
I became frustrated early on as a playwright by a kind of smug smallness in modern drama. There was a lack of what I now understand as courage in the work of others as well as in my own work, and I found I was mildly amused or interested by such plays but not deeply engaged or enlightened.
- Ellen McLaughlin
Collection: Courage
Image of Blanka Vlasic
I like so much wearing heels, legs look so much better, everything looks better. But it's only recently I've had the courage to do that.
- Blanka Vlasic
Collection: Courage
Image of Jose Carreras
Everybody, even me, sometimes had to compromise on something, doing things we know to be wrong, and this happens doing whatever job in the world. But a singer must have the courage of saying no.
- Jose Carreras
Collection: Courage
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
The one man other than my father who made the most lasting impression was an uncle, Serge B. Benson. He taught me in three different classes - but above all, he taught me lessons in moral, physical, and intellectual courage that I have tried to apply in later life.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Courage
Image of Dale Murphy
To go to hospitals and see people fight and overcome cystic fibrosis or cancer or any number of illnesses is to see courage that is humbling. And athletes constantly need to be humbled.
- Dale Murphy
Collection: Courage
Image of Sharon Stone
TV is so different from the movies. It takes a lot of stamina because you work such long hours. It is really challenging. You are learning the next day's lines while you are shooting today's scenes. I found courage I never realised I had. I hope to do more.
- Sharon Stone
Collection: Courage
Image of Saina Nehwal
I really thank my parents for giving me the good sense to not get into anything wrong. There are many people around who like controversies, and I actually wonder how do they do it. I don't have the courage to get into controversies. There are people who love it; I find it silly.
- Saina Nehwal
Collection: Courage
Image of Ira Sachs
I remember being a teenager and seeing Seymour Cassel across a crowded room and being incredibly star struck, and not having the courage to say, 'Hello.'
- Ira Sachs
Collection: Courage
Image of Ben Horowitz
Hire sales people who are really smart problem solvers, but lack courage, hunger and competitiveness, and your company will go out of business.
- Ben Horowitz
Collection: Courage
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I admire people who come to politics because it takes a lot of courage to be in politics in India.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Courage
Image of Diane von Furstenberg
I never modeled myself after anyone. The person who had most influence on me was my mother, but it was really for her strength and courage more than her style, even though she had a lot of style. In a weird way, looking at pictures of me when I was 17 or 18, I was dressing the same way. I haven't changed very much.
- Diane von Furstenberg
Collection: Courage
Image of Mary Tyler Moore
I've always been independent. I've always had courage. But I didn't always own my diabetes.
- Mary Tyler Moore
Collection: Courage
Image of Georg Brandes
Being gifted needs courage.
- Georg Brandes
Collection: Courage
Image of Martin Jacques
Two European nations emerged with credit from the Iraq disaster: France and Germany. Both had the courage to withstand the Bush administration and oppose the U.S.-led invasion.
- Martin Jacques
Collection: Courage
Image of Carol Leifer
I think what I would say to my younger self, and probably to younger, just starting-out writers is that a lot of times you're just afraid to put yourself out there, and it's uncomfortable because it's working up the courage to do something, to push yourself to do those things.
- Carol Leifer
Collection: Courage
Image of Chad Hurley
I think a lot of people may have a unique insight or some idea that they feel could be a great solution for a particular problem, but for some reason never have a chance to try or never have the courage or maybe the self-doubt. Really, it's best just to remain naive and continue to work on things and see if people have the same problems.
- Chad Hurley
Collection: Courage
Image of Diana Quick
That was the fun of acting, being a blank canvas you could transform into the character - Indian princess, 20s vamp, Mother Courage, Oxford don, 94-year-old wife.
- Diana Quick
Collection: Courage
Image of Joshua Oppenheimer
All we can do is find the courage to stand still and to look backwards.
- Joshua Oppenheimer
Collection: Courage
Image of Alice Oswald
Stripped of its plot, the 'Iliad' is a scattering of names and biographies of ordinary soldiers: men who trip over their shields, lose their courage or miss their wives. In addition to these, there is a cast of anonymous people: the farmers, walkers, mothers, neighbours who inhabit its similes.
- Alice Oswald
Collection: Courage
Image of Ray Stannard Baker
But steel bars have never yet kept out a mob; it takes something a good deal stronger: human courage backed up by the consciousness of being right.
- Ray Stannard Baker
Collection: Courage
Image of Suze Orman
Courage is not always about action. It takes courage to do nothing rather than do something that you do not believe in or understand.
- Suze Orman
Collection: Courage
Image of Jeff Goodell
Obama wants to be thought of as the president who freed us from foreign oil. But if he doesn't show some political courage, he may well be remembered as the president who cooked the planet.
- Jeff Goodell
Collection: Courage
Image of Emily Mortimer
I'm still shy - I'm no good at my children's parent-teacher conferences, and I'm slowly learning how to ask for what I want. But I now know that I have a reserve of courage to draw upon when I really need it. There's nothing that I'm too scared to have a go at.
- Emily Mortimer
Collection: Courage
Image of Georg C. Lichtenberg
Never undertake anything for which you wouldn't have the courage to ask the blessings of heaven.
- Georg C. Lichtenberg
Collection: Courage
Image of John Burns
In this work I have received the opposition of a number of men who only advocate the unobtainable because the immediately possible is beyond their moral courage, administrative ability, and their political prescience.
- John Burns
Collection: Courage
Image of Barbara Cook
Even within the last three or four years, I have a greater ability to communicate, I think. I have more courage to show the stuff... And it does take courage.
- Barbara Cook
Collection: Courage
Image of Nick Tosches
As a young man, I felt a need to communicate with somebody or something, but it seemed in my own particular environment that that wasn't an option. On the other hand, I probably lacked the courage to do so, even if it was an option.
- Nick Tosches
Collection: Courage
Image of Claire Denis
'White Material' is about courage and craziness.
- Claire Denis
Collection: Courage
Image of Bryan Q. Miller
The qualities of an exceptional cook are akin to those of a successful tightrope walker: an abiding passion for the task, courage to go out on a limb and an impeccable sense of balance.
- Bryan Q. Miller
Collection: Courage
Image of Jeff Flake
If we can't have the courage to tell our constituents, hey, we've got to cut back, then if we can point to something and say, I would like to vote for more benefits for you, but this balanced budget amendment or statutory spending cap or whatever the device is, is preventing me from doing it.
- Jeff Flake
Collection: Courage
Image of Jean Baudrillard
Cowardice and courage are never without a measure of affectation. Nor is love. Feelings are never true. They play with their mirrors.
- Jean Baudrillard
Collection: Courage
Image of Liya Kebede
If nothing else, I want women to understand that they are powerful. If you look back at history, in almost every big moment, in every leap forward, you find ordinary women at the core. We have more ability to make changes in the world than we can imagine if we have the courage to try.
- Liya Kebede
Collection: Courage
Image of Sal Albanese
If the City Council wants to hold the police accountable, it has the subpoena power and oversight responsibility to do so. They don't have the courage to do it.
- Sal Albanese
Collection: Courage
Image of Beth Moore
I don't know what kind of courage it took thousands of years ago, but I know how courageous women need to be today.
- Beth Moore
Collection: Courage
Image of Jeff Ament
With Pearl Jam, everybody is so good at what they do, it's hard to get up the courage to say, Can I sing this part, or, I want to play guitar. I feel like I have more courage to do that.
- Jeff Ament
Collection: Courage
Image of Nathaniel Philbrick
When I was at Brown, I wanted to write the great American novel, but I was too scared to take a creative course. I signed up for one, got in, and just didn't have the courage to go. I was a tremendously shy person, almost pathologically shy. The thought of peers critiquing my work - oh, God.
- Nathaniel Philbrick
Collection: Courage