Shekhar Kapur

Image of Shekhar Kapur
I admire people who come to politics because it takes a lot of courage to be in politics in India.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Courage
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I have devoted my life to uncertainty. Certainty is the death of wisdom, thought, creativity.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Death
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I have a huge political interest. I just wish I had the courage to come into politics in India.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Courage
Image of Shekhar Kapur
In this universe, and this existence, where we live with this duality of whether we exist or not and who are we, the stories we tell ourselves are the stories that define the potentialities of our existence. We are the stories we tell ourselves.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I've never looked at film-making as a career. I've looked on film-making as an adventure. When you come down the mountain, you get ready to climb again.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
There's a lot of imagination in Asia, and I believe that the next Google will come from there, and the next Pixar. I believe that the great new media companies will come out of Asia and surpass the big media conglomerates that exist right now in the West.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I am far more comfortable with failure than I ever will be with success.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
When I go out to direct a film, every day we prepare too much, we think too much. Knowledge becomes a weight upon wisdom. You know, simple words lost in the quicksand of experience.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I often wonder when I make a film - I'm thinking of making a film of the Buddha - and I often wonder: If Buddha had all the elements that are given to a director - if he had music, if he had visuals, if he had a video camera - would we get Buddhism better?
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
When you get up, the night and day is a contradiction. But you get up at 4 A.M. That first blush of blue is where the night and day are trying to find harmony with each other. Harmony is the notes that Mozart didn't give you, but somehow the contradiction of his notes suggest that. All contradictions of his notes suggest the harmony.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
It was expected of all good middle-class Indian people to build India and, as you know, Indians - when we say, 'build India,' it was all about being an accountant, a lawyer, an engineer. So it was this idea that professionals would build the country.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
The question is - did Richard Attenborough have a right to make 'Gandhi?' And did Danny Boyle have a right to make 'Slumdog Millionaire?' Quite honestly, if they didn't have the right to make these films, I had no right to make 'Elizabeth.'
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I think that I altered history in 'Elizabeth,' and I interpreted history far more than Danny Boyle or Richard Attenborough did to 'Slumdog Millionaire' or 'Gandhi.' They took Indian novels or Indian characters and very much stayed within the Indian diaspora.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I'm working on a film called 'Bonnie.' Bonnie means water. It's in English, and it's dealing with a future world in a megacity - which is what the U.N. says we're going to be - but in this megacity, a city that runs out of water.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Film is drama. You've only two hours, so you lie by exclusion, and try to make up for it by portraying the environment.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I had no interest in history classes. In fact, I used to sleep in history classes, I used to bunk classes. But that is how students are supposed to be, no? I developed an interest in history much later. I have made a few films based on historical facts.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
It is awkward to see a director on the screen.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
You're not a star until you love yourself. Directors, yeah, they've got to love their own philosophies. But actors have to really love themselves.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Great actors are people who just meld into the part without calling attention to the fact that they are so-and-so doing this part. They may never become huge stars, but will always, in memory, stay respected actors.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
My own feelings of where I am in this world and the questions that I am asking myself, I started to explore them through the story 'Four Feathers' and through this actor called Heath Ledger. I knew that I had to find a 21-year-old who could play wisdom at the end. He's only 21 or 22, and I tested him.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I am not possessive at all. In every relationship I have had, the girl has left me. And the fundamental complaint has been that I am self-contained. I am just comfortable with myself and am always on an adventure.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I'm not sure who I am. That's why I keep saying I'm an adventurer that goes out.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I gave up the idea of having a career when I was 24. Sounds glamorous, but I've been doing things since then, and part of those adventures was to make films because I realised I was actually quite good at it and I enjoyed it.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
India was formed on the idea 'Let's get the British out.'
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
It is interesting that Nehru fought and kept saying that if you break India into languages, there is no end to it.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Not knowing whom to fall in love with is like not knowing which film to make next. Life is pretty chaotic; it's just an illusion that one has control over one's life.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Filmmaking is a great adventure. I'm as excited as a kid to be given tickets to fly suddenly to England, South Africa, America, everywhere. I'm still a 13-year-old kid, flying.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
As a director, my job is to spend money, and the producer's is to save money. Masoom, Bandit Queen and the first Queen Elizabeth have been my most uncompromised films.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Heath Ledger is someone I know and would like to do a film with.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
There is more racial prejudice in India than anywhere else in the world.
- Shekhar Kapur
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I tell a story, and therefore I exist.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Shekhar Kapur
A story is the relationship that you develop between who you are, or who you potentially are, and the infinite world.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Cosmetic companies are trying to turn India into a nation of Albinos. No dark area on any part of the body. Except maybe our hearts. Got a cream for that?
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Heart
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Fall in love so madly that every leaf whispers words of love to your lover. Every raindrop explodes with only one word as it hits the Earth.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Love
Image of Shekhar Kapur
In India, the corrupt accuse the corrupt of being corrupt and the corrupt investigate the corrupt and absolve the corrupt of being corrupt.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: India
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Lessons of Life: When you stop yearning, When you stop aspiring. You stop living.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Life
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Why should the simple fact of your having more money entitle you to a greater share of the Earth's limited natural resources?
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Simple
Image of Shekhar Kapur
Panic is the great access of creativity because that's the only way to get rid of your mind.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Motivation
Image of Shekhar Kapur
We create stories to define our existence. If we do not create the stories, we probably go mad.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Mad
Image of Shekhar Kapur
True love can exist only in freedom from possession.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Love
Image of Shekhar Kapur
If time has no beginning and no end, everything is happening, will happen, has happened, at the same moment. All eternity in a single moment.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Time
Image of Shekhar Kapur
When you get up, the night and day is a contradiction. But you get up at 4 a.m. — that first blush of blue is where the night and day are trying to find harmony with each other.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Night
Image of Shekhar Kapur
I spent 15 years of my career trying to convince people that Indian cinema is relevant. I am so proud of Indian cinema and I am so proud of my Indian roots. The IIFAs are doing a great job to this effect.
- Shekhar Kapur
Collection: Jobs