Top compassion Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of compassion quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more compassion quotes.

Image of Tara Brach
I knew I could hold myself with that absolute love and compassion.
- Tara Brach
Collection: Compassion
Image of Alan Perlis
When a professor insists computer science is X but not Y, have compassion for his graduate students.
- Alan Perlis
Collection: Compassion
Image of Barack Obama
We live in a culture that discourages empathy. A culture that too often tells us our principle goal in life is to be rich, thin, young, famous, safe, and entertained.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Compassion
Image of John of the Cross
Let all find COMPASSION in YOU.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Compassion
Image of Radhanath Swami
Compassion without detachment is attachment to the bodily platform.
- Radhanath Swami
Collection: Compassion
Image of Jeffrey R. Holland
To you who think you are lost or without hope, or who think you have done too much that was too wrong for too long, to every one of you who worry that you are stranded somewhere on the wintry plains of life and have wrecked your handcart in the process, we call out "Jehovah's unrelenting refrain, "My hand is stretched out still" (Isaiah 5:25: 9:17,21). "...His mercy endureth forever, and His hand is stretched out still. His is the pure love of Christ, the charity that never faileth, that compassion which endures even when all other strength disappears".
- Jeffrey R. Holland
Collection: Compassion
Image of Moby
I feel like the vast majority of the world's problems would disappear if suddenly everyone on the planet were relatively self-aware and capable of honest self-love and compassion.
- Moby
Collection: Compassion
Image of Percy Bysshe Shelley
It were much better that a sentient being should never have existed, than that it should have existed only to endure unmitigated misery.
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
Collection: Compassion
Image of Marshall B. Rosenberg
When we focus on clarifying what is being observed, felt, and needed rather than on diagnosing and judging, we discover the depth of our own compassion.
- Marshall B. Rosenberg
Collection: Compassion
Image of Alan Paton
And were your back as broad as heaven, and your purse full of gold, and did your compassion reach from here to hell itself, there is nothing you can do.
- Alan Paton
Collection: Compassion
Image of David Platt
If our lives do not reflect radical compassion for the poor, there is reason to wonder if Christ is really in us at all
- David Platt
Collection: Compassion
Image of Brené Brown
Self-compassion is key because when we're able to be gentle with ourselves in the midst of shame, we're more likely to reach out, connect, and experience empathy.
- Brené Brown
Collection: Compassion
Image of Ronald Reagan
Respect for human rights is not social work; it is not merely an act of compassion. It is the first obligation of government and the source of its legitimacy.
- Ronald Reagan
Collection: Compassion
Image of Radhanath Swami
Preacher is an instrument of compassion, not an instrument of wrath.
- Radhanath Swami
Collection: Compassion
Image of Radhanath Swami
Lord's love manifests in this world as compasssion.
- Radhanath Swami
Collection: Compassion
Image of Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Sometimes, in difficult circumstances, one can confuse compassion with love.
- Carlos Ruiz Zafon
Collection: Compassion
Image of Eckhart Tolle
When your sense of self is no longer tied to thought, is no longer conceptual, there is a depth of feeling, of sensing, of compassion, of loving, that was not there when you were trapped in mental concepts. You are that depth.
- Eckhart Tolle
Collection: Compassion
Image of William Penn
If we are but sure the end is right, we are too apt to gallop over all bounds to compass it; not considering the lawful ends may be very unlawfully attained.
- William Penn
Collection: Compassion
Image of Leo Tolstoy
In all human sorrow nothing gives comfort but love and faith, and that in the sight of Christ's compassion for us no sorrow is trifiling.
- Leo Tolstoy
Collection: Compassion
Image of Allan Bloom
The students [of the 60's] substituted conspicuous compassion for their parents' conspicuous consumption.
- Allan Bloom
Collection: Compassion
Image of Louise Hay
If you want to understand your parents more, get them to talk about their own childhood; and if you listen with compassion, you will learn where their fears and rigid patterns come from. Those people who "did all that stuff to you" were just as frightened and scared as you are.
- Louise Hay
Collection: Compassion
Image of Bette Midler
You can feel compassion for others without feeling victimized yourself.
- Bette Midler
Collection: Compassion
Image of George Saunders
Compassion doesn't have to be weak or enabling; it can also be quite bold.
- George Saunders
Collection: Compassion
Image of Rumi
We cannot steal the fire. We must enter it.
- Rumi
Collection: Compassion
Image of Anne Rice
That is the crowning evil, that we can even go so far as to love each other, you and I. And who else would show us a particle of love, a particle of compassion or mercy? Who else, knowing us as we know each other, could do anything but destroy us? Yet we can love each other.
- Anne Rice
Collection: Compassion
Image of Neal Shusterman
What he's really saying is: Please be a human being. With a life so full of rules and regiments, it's so easy to forget that's what they are. She knows—she sees—how often compassion takes a back seat to expediency.
- Neal Shusterman
Collection: Compassion
Image of Henry Ward Beecher
People may excite in themselves a glow of compassion, not by toasting their feet at the fire, and saying: "Lord, teach me compassion," but by going and seeking an object that requires compassion.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Collection: Compassion
Image of Laozi
Knowing honor, but clinging to disgrace, you become the valley of the world.
- Laozi
Collection: Compassion
Image of Marianne Williamson
Anyone who is speaking of a greater compassion, a greater humanitarian concern, is a leader paving the path we all need to follow.
- Marianne Williamson
Collection: Compassion
Image of Thomas Sowell
Compassion is the use of public funds to buy votes
- Thomas Sowell
Collection: Compassion
Image of James E. Faust
Some, like Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens's A Christmas Carol, have a hard time loving anyone, even themselves, because of their selfishness. Love seeks to give rather than to get. Charity towards and compassion for others is a way to overcome too much self-love
- James E. Faust
Collection: Compassion
Image of Shunryu Suzuki
The beginner's mind is the mind of compassion. When our mind is compassionate, it is boundless.
- Shunryu Suzuki
Collection: Compassion
Image of Edith Wharton
What Lily craved was the darkness made by enfolding arms, the silence which is not solitude, but compassion holding its breath.
- Edith Wharton
Collection: Compassion
Image of Terry Pratchett
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Compassion
Image of Ken Keyes Jr.
I feel with loving compassion the problems of others without getting caught up emotionally in their predicaments that are offering them messages they need for their growth.
- Ken Keyes Jr.
Collection: Compassion
Image of William Wordsworth
Worse than idle is compassion if it ends in tears and sighs.
- William Wordsworth
Collection: Compassion
Image of Susan Sontag
Compassion is an unstable emotion. It needs to be translated into action, or it withers. The question is what to do with the feelings that have been aroused, the knowledge that has been communicated. People don't become inured to what they are shown — if that's the right way to describe what happens — because of the quantity of images dumped on them. It is passivity that dulls feeling.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Compassion
Image of Susan Sontag
Compassion is an unstable emotion. It needs to be translated into action, or it withers.
- Susan Sontag
Collection: Compassion
Image of Surya Das
Our lack of compassion stems from our inability to see deeply into the nature of things.
- Surya Das
Collection: Compassion
Image of Stefan Zweig
Long-protracted suffering is apt to exhaust not only the invalid, but the compassion of others; violent emotions cannot be prolonged endlessly.
- Stefan Zweig
Collection: Compassion
Image of Jeffrey R. Holland
Defend your beliefs with courtesy and with compassion, but defend them.
- Jeffrey R. Holland
Collection: Compassion
Image of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
I tried to hold on to this compassion, sensing its preciousness, but even as I reached to grasp it, it dissipated into wisps. No revelation can endure unless it is bolstered by a calm pure mind- and I'm afraid I didn't possess that.
- Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Collection: Compassion
Image of Dwight L. Moody
His is a loving, tender hand, full of sympathy and compassion.
- Dwight L. Moody
Collection: Compassion
Image of Thomas Merton
Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things.
- Thomas Merton
Collection: Compassion
Image of Barack Obama
I want to thank the Greek people publicly for their humanitarian response to the crisis of so many migrants and refugees seeking safety in Europe. Greeks, especially on the islands, have shown extraordinary compassion and they've rightly earned the admiration of the world.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Compassion
Image of Cheryl Strayed
But compassion isn't about solutions. It's about giving all the love that you've got.
- Cheryl Strayed
Collection: Compassion
Image of Radhanath Swami
We must be instruments of God's compassion to those who are suffering.
- Radhanath Swami
Collection: Compassion
Image of Tara Brach
In the collective psyche it is being understood... that we can cultivate wisdom and compassion.
- Tara Brach
Collection: Compassion
Image of Stephen Levine
That which is impermanent attracts compassion. That which is not provides wisdom. (116)
- Stephen Levine
Collection: Compassion