John of the Cross

Image of John of the Cross
Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Religious
Image of John of the Cross
In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human success, but rather on how much we have loved.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Peace
Image of John of the Cross
Never give up prayer, and should you find dryness and difficulty, persevere in it for this very reason. God often desires to see what love your soul has, and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Prayer
Image of John of the Cross
Silence is God's first language.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Silence
Image of John of the Cross
Where there is no love, pour love in, and you will draw love out.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Love
Image of John of the Cross
In the inner stillness where meditation leads, the Spirit secretly anoints the soul and heals our deepest wounds.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Meditation
Image of John of the Cross
To love is to be transformed into what we love. To love God is therefore to be transformed into God.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Faith
Image of John of the Cross
Live in faith and hope, though it be in darkness, for in this darkness God protects the soul. Cast your care upon God for you are His and He will not forget you. Do not think that He is leaving you alone, for that would be to wrong Him.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Thinking
Image of John of the Cross
In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Dark
Image of John of the Cross
Live in the world as if only God and your soul were in it; then your heart will never be made captive by any earthly thing.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Heart
Image of John of the Cross
However softly we speak, God is so close to us that he can hear us; nor do we need wings to go in search of him, but merely to seek solitude and contemplate him within ourselves, without being surprised to find such a good Guest there.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Wings
Image of John of the Cross
In sorrow and suffering, go straight to God with confidence, and you will be strengthened, enlightened and instructed.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Sympathy
Image of John of the Cross
Love consists not in feeling great things but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved. The soul that is attached to anything, however much good there may be in it, will not arrive at the liberty of Divine union. For whether it be a strong wire rope or a slender and delicate thread that holds the bird, it matters not, if it really holds it fast; for until the cord be broken, the bird cannot fly.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Strong
Image of John of the Cross
God leads every soul by a separate path.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Soul
Image of John of the Cross
It is great wisdom to know how to be silent and to look at neither the remarks, nor the deeds, nor the lives of others.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Silence
Image of John of the Cross
Contemplation is nothing else but a secret, peaceful, and loving infusion of God, which, if admitted, will set the soul on fire with the Spirit of love.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Spiritual
Image of John of the Cross
Have a great love for those who contradict and fail to love you, for in this way love is begotten in a heart that has no love.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Love You
Image of John of the Cross
A Christian should always remember that the value of his good works is not based on their number and excellence, but on the love of God which prompts him to do these things.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Love
Image of John of the Cross
If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Perfection
Image of John of the Cross
At the end of our life, we shall all be judged by charity.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Faith
Image of John of the Cross
Whoever does not seek the cross of Christ doesn't seek the glory of Christ.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Doe
Image of John of the Cross
The soul that walks in love neither tires others nor grows tired.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Tired
Image of John of the Cross
Seek in reading and you will find in meditation; knock in prayer and it will be opened to you in contemplation.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Faith
Image of John of the Cross
Now that I no longer desire all, I have it all without desire.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Desire
Image of John of the Cross
The window of the soul cleansed perfectly and made completely transparent by the divine light
- John of the Cross
Collection: Light
Image of John of the Cross
God is a dark night to man in this life.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Dark
Image of John of the Cross
Lord, I shall see you no more with the eyes of the flesh.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Eye
Image of John of the Cross
Not to follow the advice of our confessor is pride and a want of faith.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Pride
Image of John of the Cross
He who loses an opportunity is like the man who lets a bird fly from his hand, for he will never recover it.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Opportunity
Image of John of the Cross
The eternal tide flows hid in Living Bread. That with its Heavenly Life too be fed.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Flow
Image of John of the Cross
Faith is the union of God and the soul.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Soul
Image of John of the Cross
Obedience is a penance of reason, and, on that account, a sacrifice more acceptable than all corporal penances and mortifications.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Sacrifice
Image of John of the Cross
The divine awakening produces in the soul of the perfect a flame of love which is a participate of that living flame which is the Holy Spirit Himself...this is the operation of the Holy Spirit in the soul that is transformed in love.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Flames
Image of John of the Cross
Seek in reading and thou shalt find in meditation; knock in prayer and it shall be opened in contemplation.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Prayer
Image of John of the Cross
Strive always to confess your sins with a deep knowledge of your own wretchedness and with clarity and purity.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Clarity
Image of John of the Cross
Desolation is a file, and the endurance of darkness is preparation for great light.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Light
Image of John of the Cross
At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Love
Image of John of the Cross
Oh, night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn,Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved!
- John of the Cross
Collection: Night
Image of John of the Cross
If you lose an opportunity you will be like one who lets the bird fly away; you will never get it back.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Opportunity
Image of John of the Cross
The purest suffering bears and carries in its train the purest understanding.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Understanding
Image of John of the Cross
The virtuous soul that is alone and without a master is like a long lone burning coal; it will grow colder rather than hotter.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Inspirational
Image of John of the Cross
When there is no love, pour in love and you shall draw out love.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Law Of Attraction
Image of John of the Cross
Never relax, for you will not attain to the possession of true spiritual delights if first you do not learn to deny your every desire.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Spiritual
Image of John of the Cross
The eternal spring is hidden in this living bread for our life's sake, although it is night. It is here calling out to creatures; and they satisfy their thirst, although in darkness, because it is night. This living spring that I long for, I see in this bread of life, although it is night.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Spring
Image of John of the Cross
Let my soul live as if separated from my body.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Soul
Image of John of the Cross
Let all find COMPASSION in YOU.
- John of the Cross
Collection: Compassion