Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Frank Luntz
I don't understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication, and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and don't care to.
- Frank Luntz
Collection: Communication
Image of Ernst Toller
Gradually I became aware of details: a company of French soldiers was marching through the streets of the town. They broke formation, and went in single file along the communication trench leading to the front line. Another group followed them.
- Ernst Toller
Collection: Communication
Image of Jared Diamond
I've worked very hard in this book to keep the lines of communication open. I don't want to turn someone away from this information for partisan political reasons.
- Jared Diamond
Collection: Communication
Image of Pavel Durov
We think that providing this kind of secure private means of communication for the masses for 99.999 percent of people that have nothing to do with terrorism means more than the threat that we see from the other side.
- Pavel Durov
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert Darnton
As a graduate student at Oxford in 1963, I began writing about books in revolutionary France, helping to found the discipline of book history. I was in my academic corner writing about Enlightenment ideals when the Internet exploded the world of academic communication in the 1990s.
- Robert Darnton
Collection: Communication
Image of John Cornforth
Throughout my scientific career, my wife has been my most constant collaborator. Her experimental skill made major contributions to the work; she has eased for me beyond measure the difficulties of communication that accompany deafness; her encouragement and fortitude have been my strongest supports.
- John Cornforth
Collection: Communication
Image of Randa Abdel-Fattah
I wasn't rebellious. Other friends had far stricter parents and where there wasn't a relationship of respect and communication, they were usually the opposite; kids go to the other extreme.
- Randa Abdel-Fattah
Collection: Communication
Image of Penelope Keith
In this great age of communication, there a lot of people you can't actually understand. I know everyone tweets, and twits and texts and all that, but actually we've all got voices, and it is awfully nice to hear them and if you can understand what people are saying.
- Penelope Keith
Collection: Communication
Image of John Hench
Walt put everything he knew about communication with images into the park, so it was very familiar.
- John Hench
Collection: Communication
Image of Tobias Lutke
Different people need different kinds of communication for it to have the same effect. That was something I had to learn.
- Tobias Lutke
Collection: Communication
Image of Carson Wentz
Coach Pederson, for me, the communication we have is clear, and it's an open line. He really respects my opinion on plays. If I'm feeling something... he instills a lot of confidence in me. That is huge.
- Carson Wentz
Collection: Communication
Image of Toomas Hendrik Ilves
The whole information and communication technologies (ICT) infrastructure must be regarded as an 'ecosystem' in which everything is interconnected. It functions as a whole; it must be defended as a whole.
- Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Collection: Communication
Image of Deborah Eisenberg
Politics is a matter of human transaction. I consider absolutely everything political, because all fiction involves relationships between people, and relationships between people always include matters of power, of equity, of communication.
- Deborah Eisenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of David Cronenberg
The filmmaking process is a very personal one to me, I mean it really is a personal kind of communication. It's not as though its a study of fear or any of that stuff.
- David Cronenberg
Collection: Communication
Image of Edward Zwick
If you don't know each other you spend time doing research together, having dinner, and talking about your lives. You try to find common ground. Once you're shooting, the pressures are so intense; you really want to have a channel of communication open to you already.
- Edward Zwick
Collection: Communication
Image of Amanda de Cadenet
People know what authentic communication feels like, so having someone else handle your social media/commenting doesn't feel honest to me.
- Amanda de Cadenet
Collection: Communication
Image of Olivier Giroud
I think communication is massive in football and in all sports in general.
- Olivier Giroud
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert Love
GPS is expensive because it is a very slow communication channel - you need to communicate with three or four satellites for an extended duration at 50 bits per second.
- Robert Love
Collection: Communication
Image of Baker Mayfield
When you can have a relationship that's like that to where everything is out in the open, you are up front, and there is open communication, it makes for a great relationship.
- Baker Mayfield
Collection: Communication
Image of Quentin Bryce
The bonds that women share around the world, wherever we come from, they're very powerful and they have an ease of communication because we share those very important things of our families, our mothering, of improving opportunities for the next generation.
- Quentin Bryce
Collection: Communication
Image of Iyanla Vanzant
I don't think there's such a thing as a selfish prayer. Prayer puts you in communication so you can talk about whatever you want to talk about.
- Iyanla Vanzant
Collection: Communication
Image of Jan Chipchase
From my time at Nokia, I've seen the 99% positive and occasionally negative impact that communication tools can have on people.
- Jan Chipchase
Collection: Communication
Image of Aaron Koblin
What's clear - and exciting - is that communication for social change is growing.
- Aaron Koblin
Collection: Communication
Image of Steph McGovern
Business leaders regularly complain that young people don't leave school with the right skills. Encouraging young people to be entrepreneurs makes the connection between school and the world of work, teaching them about practical thinking, team-work, communication and financial literacy.
- Steph McGovern
Collection: Communication
Image of Tariq Ramadan
Instantaneous and mass communication is the mother of mass naivety. Should we then lose hope? Is there any hope? But to lose hope is as dangerous as to nurture false hope. Where then can we find hope that is responsible?
- Tariq Ramadan
Collection: Communication
Image of Pico Iyer
Contractions, 'U' for 'you' and the like are wonderful to make communication brief and efficient - but we wouldn't want all our talk to be only brief and efficient. Taking pauses out of language would be like taking the net away from a tennis game. Where would all the fun go?
- Pico Iyer
Collection: Communication
Image of Bobby Jindal
As everyone in Louisiana knows, there was often no communication or coordination between the state and federal government in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
- Bobby Jindal
Collection: Communication
Image of A. J. McLean
Communication is so much better when people are vulnerable.
- A. J. McLean
Collection: Communication
Image of David Baszucki
We're really building, at the highest level, the future of entertainment. And we're involved in the convergence of social communication and storytelling and we're doing it in immersive, 3D, social environment.
- David Baszucki
Collection: Communication
Image of George Lois
The 1960s was a heroic age in the history of the art of communication - the audacious movers and shakers of those times bear no resemblance to the cast of characters in 'Mad Men.'
- George Lois
Collection: Communication
Image of Jim Root
I love Stone Sour. I love the music that we created. and it was a fun ride. But if I'm going to sacrifice all of my free time and my life for something, it has to be something that I a thousand-percent believe in, and something where I have a thousand-percent communication with everyone involved. And that something is Slipknot.
- Jim Root
Collection: Communication
Image of Shane Carruth
Any film that exists that is thorough, you can't give it to an audience of one and have that be effective communication. Communication involves an audience of many that have a conversation, put it through the ringer, filter it and then a sense of it coalesces.
- Shane Carruth
Collection: Communication
Image of Barry Eisler
The National Surveillance State doesn't want anyone to be able to communicate without the authorities being able to monitor that communication.
- Barry Eisler
Collection: Communication
Image of Zephyr Teachout
The public should have access to unfettered communication and commerce, and the Internet is increasingly the medium where that takes place.
- Zephyr Teachout
Collection: Communication
Image of Peggy Johnson
Wireless is the largest information, communication, and technology platform in history, and mobile broadband is transforming how we can deliver educational materials and experiences to all students. The technology now exists to support learning on a massive scale and advance the 21st century skills needed to compete in the global economy.
- Peggy Johnson
Collection: Communication
Image of Thundercat
The truth is hip hop has always complemented jazz and vice versa, but there's always been this communication barrier that exists based on music to lyrics.
- Thundercat
Collection: Communication
Image of Walt Disney
Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive. This facility makes it the most versatile and explicit means of communication yet devised for quick mass appreciation.
- Walt Disney
Collection: Communication
Image of Napoleon Bonaparte
The strong man is the one who is able to intercept at will the communication between the senses and the mind.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Collection: Communication
Image of Dinesh Paliwal
Collaboration is a key part of the success of any organization, executed through a clearly defined vision and mission and based on transparency and constant communication.
- Dinesh Paliwal
Collection: Communication
Image of Nat Wolff
Jazz is smooth and cool. Jazz is rage. Jazz flows like water. Jazz never seems to begin or end. Jazz isn't methodical, but jazz isn't messy either. Jazz is a conversation, a give and take. Jazz is the connection and communication between musicians. Jazz is abandon.
- Nat Wolff
Collection: Communication
Image of Lesley Garrett
That was when I realised that music is the most profound, magical form of communication there is.
- Lesley Garrett
Collection: Communication
Image of Miranda Kerr
I think for any relationship to be successful, there needs to be loving communication, appreciation, and understanding.
- Miranda Kerr
Collection: Communication
Image of Chris Fussell
As a leader, you must consistently drive effective communication. Meetings must be deliberate and intentional - your organizational rhythm should value purpose over habit and effectiveness over efficiency.
- Chris Fussell
Collection: Communication
Image of Andrew Ng
We're making this analogy that AI is the new electricity. Electricity transformed industries: agriculture, transportation, communication, manufacturing.
- Andrew Ng
Collection: Communication
Image of David Grinspoon
Our most valuable resources - creativity, communication, invention, and reinvention - are, in fact, unlimited.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Communication
Image of John Marshall
To listen well is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well.
- John Marshall
Collection: Communication
Image of Palmer Luckey
In the past, before phones and the Internet, all communication was face-to-face. Now, most of it is digital, via emails and messaging services. If people were to start using virtual reality, it would almost come full circle.
- Palmer Luckey
Collection: Communication
Image of Ben Horowitz
As a company grows, communication becomes its biggest challenge.
- Ben Horowitz
Collection: Communication
Image of Benjamin E. Mays
Honest communication is built on truth and integrity and upon respect of the one for the other.
- Benjamin E. Mays
Collection: Communication