David Grinspoon

Image of David Grinspoon
There is a history of thinking about space science from an environmental ethics perspective. And part of what I want to do is turn that back and use that experience to see if it reflects how we think about the Earth.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Environmental
Image of David Grinspoon
There's eco-pragmatism, where you recognize, 'Yeah, we live on a planet that's permanently altered by humanity, and rather than seek to return to or preserve pure wilderness, we recognize that's an illusion, and we proceed under the new knowledge that we live, in fact, in a human-dominated planet.'
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Knowledge
Image of David Grinspoon
What I'm interested in is the conversations going on about the Anthropocene and what it means to view ourselves as a part of Earth's geological history.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: History
Image of David Grinspoon
Astrobiology is the science of life in the universe. It's an attempt to scientifically deal with the question of whether or not we're alone in the universe, looking at the past of life, the present of life, and the future of life. It's an interdisciplinary study incorporating astronomy, biology, and the Earth sciences.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Future
Image of David Grinspoon
Our most valuable resources - creativity, communication, invention, and reinvention - are, in fact, unlimited.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Communication
Image of David Grinspoon
I do comparative studies of climate evolution, and the interactions between planetary atmosphere and surfaces and their radiation environment, and try to understand the environmental factors that can affect a planet's habitability and how they change over time.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Environmental
Image of David Grinspoon
Ever since the environmental movement was sparked by photos of the whole Earth taken by astronauts onboard Apollo Lunar Modules, I've seen planetary exploration as an extension of a reverence and care for Earth.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Environmental
Image of David Grinspoon
The planet Mars -- crimson and bright, filling our telescopes with vague intimations of almost-familiar landforms -- has long formed a celestial tabula rasa on which we have inscribed our planeto-logical theories, utopian fantasies, and fears of alien invasion or ecological ruin.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Long
Image of David Grinspoon
As long as we are a single-planet species, we are vulnerable to extinction by a planetwide catastrophe, natural or self-induced. Once we become a multiplanet species, our chances to live long and prosper will take a huge leap skyward.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Moon
Image of David Grinspoon
Before we go there and set up greenhouses, dance clubs, and falafel stands, let's make sure that, in some subtle form that could be harmed by the human hubbub, life does not already exist there. If not, then by all means build cities, plant forests and fill lakes and streams with trout -- bring life to Mars and Mars to life. We'll then be the Martians we've been dreaming about for all these years.
- David Grinspoon
Collection: Dream