Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 41

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 41 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Miguel de Cervantes
That which we are capable of feeling, we are capable of saying.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Communication
Image of Narendra Modi
Space may seem distant, but is an integral part of our daily life. It drives our modern communication and connects even the remotest family to the ordinary. India's space programme is a perfect example of our vision of Scale, Speed and Skill.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Communication
Image of Vinton Cerf
Written communication is a tremendous help for me, and so when electronic mail was invented in '71, I got very excited about it, thinking well, gee, the deaf community could really use this, or the hard of hearing community as well.
- Vinton Cerf
Collection: Communication
Image of Barbara Holland
There is no 'cat language.' Painful as it is for us to admit, they don't need one!
- Barbara Holland
Collection: Communication
Image of Vinton Cerf
I've been hearing-impaired, not quite since birth, but I've been wearing hearing aids since I was 13, so I'm very conscious of the difficulty of voice communication.
- Vinton Cerf
Collection: Communication
Image of Alexander Alekhine
The retreat of a minor piece to the back rank, where it cuts the lines of communication between the rooks, is permissable only in exceptional cases.
- Alexander Alekhine
Collection: Communication
Image of Sharon Gannon
Be clear in your mind what you want the outcome of your communication to achieve. If your aim is more than just to vent your anger towards a meat eater and you sincerely want that person to be a kinder more compassionate being, then you must start by seeing them as a kind and compassionate person. If you are unable to see them as kind and compassionate, then how dare you demand them to see themselves that way.
- Sharon Gannon
Collection: Communication
Image of Michael Bierut
There was a time when most people had a choice between two kinds of personal communication, handwriting or using a typewriter. Today, people are invited to choose from a list of (surprisingly exotic) typefaces every time they turn on their computer. I think this has made everyone more aware of the idea that picking a typeface is a conscious choice.
- Michael Bierut
Collection: Communication
Image of Nido R Qubein
The organization that can't communicate can't change, and the corporation that can't change is dead.
- Nido R Qubein
Collection: Communication
Image of Noam Chomsky
The possibility of interpersonal communication has increased substantially with contemporary technology. But as compared with the major changes, which were long ago, these are not huge.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Communication
Image of Alice Waters
It's a pleasure to talk to the farmers. That's my favorite part, always was. It's really the communication and exchange that builds communities. It's not something you can legislate. It's that you're giving me the best bread I ever had and I'm so happy to give you money for it. I can't think of anything I'd rather do than stand in line and give money for your bread.
- Alice Waters
Collection: Communication
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
Do but take care to express yourself in a plain, easy Manner, in well-chosen, significant and decent Terms, and to give a harmonious and pleasing Turn to your Periods: study to explain your Thoughts, and set them in the truest Light, labouring as much as possible, not to leave them dark nor intricate, but clear and intelligible.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Communication
Image of Noam Chomsky
A language is not just words. It's a culture, a tradition, a unification of a community, a whole history that creates what a community is. It's all embodied in a language.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Communication
Image of John Burroughs
Man takes root at his feet, and at best he is no more than a potted plant in his house or carriage till he has established communication with the soil by the loving and magnetic touch of his soles to it.
- John Burroughs
Collection: Communication
Image of Deepak Chopra
Marshall Rosenberg provides us with the most effective tools to foster health and relationships. Nonviolent Communication connects soul to soul, creating a lot of healing. It is the missing element in what we do.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Communication
Image of Kenneth E. Boulding
No science of any kind can be divorced from ethical considerations... Science is a human learning process which arises in certain subcultures in human society and not in others, and a subculture as we seen is a group of people defined by acceptance of certain common values, that is, an ethic which permits extensive communication between them.
- Kenneth E. Boulding
Collection: Communication
Image of Kenneth E. Boulding
Because of his capacity for abstract communications and language and his ability to enter in imagination into the lives of others, man is able to build organizations of a size and complexity far beyond those of the lower animals.
- Kenneth E. Boulding
Collection: Communication
Image of Erik Naggum
The fundamental deficiency in HTML is that it reduces hypertext and the intertwinedness of human communication to a question of how it is rendered and what happens when you click on it. ... HTML is to the browser what PostScript is to the laser printer.
- Erik Naggum
Collection: Communication
Image of Dale Carnegie
Criticisms are like homing pigeons. They always return home.
- Dale Carnegie
Collection: Communication
Image of Dick Morris
(Howard Dean) is proving that the Internet is a better, cheaper, and faster way to raise money than the old glad-handing of special interests and fat cat donors. He's also about to demonstrate that the Internet is a better place to spend campaign dollars than are TV stations and media time buys. The fact that Internet communications is free makes one-on-one retail politics more effective, more rapid, and less costly than mass communication.
- Dick Morris
Collection: Communication
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
We should be as careful of our words as of our actions.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert McKee
We realize we can't go around saying and doing what we're actually thinking and feeling. If we all did that, life would be a lunatic asylum. Indeed, that's how you know you're talking to a lunatic. Lunatics are those poor souls who have lost their inner communication and so they allow themselves to say and do exactly what they are thinking and feeling and that's why they're mad.
- Robert McKee
Collection: Communication
Image of Lord Chesterfield
Two people cannot be alone together for upwards of half an hour without one emerging as the superior.
- Lord Chesterfield
Collection: Communication
Image of Ken Burns
There is no communication in this world except between equals.
- Ken Burns
Collection: Communication
Image of Brian Tracy
Poor or fuzzy communications are major time-wasters. Take the time to be crystal-clear in your communications with others.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Communication
Image of Andrew Carnegie
The only irreplaceable capital an organization possesses is the knowledge and ability of its people. The productivity of that capital depends on how effectively people share their competence with those who can use it.
- Andrew Carnegie
Collection: Communication
Image of Eric Thomas
Las Vegas doesn't allow ( tourism ) to dictate the social norms of their community. We don't have to be a boring town that no one is willing to come to. ( But, ) we can't let tourism be the reason for not taking action. Accountability is not there. As a community we can be different. We don't have to be what our visitors are. We can work at policies that will make us a vibrant healthy resort community.
- Eric Thomas
Collection: Communication
Image of Joseph Campbell
Their task [creative artists], therefore, is to communicate directly from one inward world to another, in such a way that an actual shock of experience will have been rendered: not a mere statement for the information or persuasion of a brain, but an effective communication across the void of space and time from one center of consciousness to another.
- Joseph Campbell
Collection: Communication
Image of Frank Capra
There's music in my films but you seldom hear it. Very early I got the idea that the important things in films were people - the actors. They are the intermediary between the director and the audience. They make direct contact. People to people communication.
- Frank Capra
Collection: Communication
Image of Margaret Halsey
We know of our own knowledge that we are human beings, and, as such, imperfect. But we are bathed by the communications industry in a ceaseless tide of inhuman, impossible perfection.
- Margaret Halsey
Collection: Communication
Image of Noam Chomsky
Anyone in a position to overcome barriers to free thought and communication should do so.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Communication
Image of Arthur C. Clarke
No communication technology has ever disappeared, but instead becomes increasingly less important as the technological horizon widens.
- Arthur C. Clarke
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeffrey Pfeffer
The single most significant change has been the globalization of labor markets. Product markets - trade in goods - have been globalizing for years. But now, with the reduction in communication expenses and the building of all sorts of IT infrastructure, essentially any job can be done almost anywhere.
- Jeffrey Pfeffer
Collection: Communication
Image of Brian Regan
When you're onstage, it's a communication technique when you make people laugh. You're communicating. You're communicating with other human beings and when they laugh you know that you're connecting. Laughing is an honest reaction and it's something that I can trust, and I love that feeling of knowing that I connected.
- Brian Regan
Collection: Communication
Image of Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Dialect tempered with slang is an admirable medium of communication between persons who have nothing to say and persons who would not care for anything properly said.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Collection: Communication
Image of Noam Chomsky
There is a narrow class of uses of language where you intend to communicate. Communication refers to an effort to get people to understand what one means. And that, certainly, is one use of language and a social use of it. But I don't think it is the only social use of language. Nor are social uses the only uses of language.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Communication
Image of Noam Chomsky
There is undoubtedly much to learn about the social uses of language, for communication or for other purposes. But at present there is not much in the way of a theory of sociolinguistics, of social uses of languages, as far as I am aware.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Communication
Image of Bernard Lewis
Muslims are very keenly aware of the history of their community, of the history of that relationship between their community and the rest of the world. And they have had this all through the centuries and are very much heightened by modern communications. I mean now you have Muslims in the Muslim world who can compare their situations with people elsewhere and they find that very humiliating.
- Bernard Lewis
Collection: Communication
Image of Charles Dickens
"I fear your kind and open communication, which has rendered me more painfully conscious of my own defects, has not improved me," sighed Kate.
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Communication
Image of Bill Cosby
Men and women belong to different species and communications between them is still in its infancy.
- Bill Cosby
Collection: Communication
Image of Ram Dass
I think it's darkness before the dawn, because the next evolution is going to be a consciousness evolution instead of a communication revolution.
- Ram Dass
Collection: Communication
Image of Jim George
Communication is not a one-way street.
- Jim George
Collection: Communication
Image of Stephen Colbert
Speak from the balls, not from the diaphram.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Communication
Image of Stephen Covey
Effective communication is built on the cement of trust. And trust is based on trustworthiness, not politics.
- Stephen Covey
Collection: Communication
Image of Paul Saffo
More information and more communications foster world peace and understanding. But connecting extremist nut cases together on the Web - whatever flavor extremism they are - is a really bad thing. More information may not be a good thing, either.
- Paul Saffo
Collection: Communication
Image of John Dewey
Everything which bars freedom and fullness of communication sets up barriers that divide human beings into sets and cliques, into antagonistic sects and factions, and thereby undermines the democratic way of life.
- John Dewey
Collection: Communication
Image of John Dewey
No thought, no idea, can possibly be conveyed as an idea from one person to another. When it is told it is to the one to whom it is told another fact, not an idea. The communication may stimulate the other person to realize the question for himself and to think out a like idea, or it may smother his intellectual interest and suppress his dawning effort at thought. But what he directly gets cannot be an idea. Only by wrestling with the conditions of the problem at first hand, seeking and finding his own way out, does he think.
- John Dewey
Collection: Communication
Image of John Dewey
Not only is social life identical with communication, but all communication (and hence all genuine social life) is educative.
- John Dewey
Collection: Communication
Image of John Dewey
To be a recipient of a communication is to have an enlarged and changed experience.
- John Dewey
Collection: Communication