Dolores Hart

Image of Dolores Hart
Many people don't understand the difference between a vocation and your own idea about something. A vocation is a call-one you don't necessarily want. The only thing I ever wanted to be was an actress. But I was called by God.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Ideas
Image of Dolores Hart
Every life, I think, has that potential because I believe each life is a gift of God... because God is love.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Believe
Image of Dolores Hart
Religious life has to become an expression of the gifts of the person. (You don't) simply throw away your personality, your giftedness and leave everything at the gate and go in and expect to find Jesus.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Religious
Image of Dolores Hart
The nature of faith, I think, is based so much on one's capacity for hope for those whom you love.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dolores Hart
The only thing that helps me keep faith is to stay in the truth of love because when you love someone - or many people - you believe in them and you believe in who they are and what they can do...then your belief has to go to an eternal presence because when you really care for someone you can't bear the thought of never seeing them again. You want that mystery of eternity to be real.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Real
Image of Dolores Hart
The mission of the media is to reflect the community to itself, to give the people a vision of who they are, what they're doing, what they want, what they need. I think motion pictures have been an incredible gift to humanity. I can't imagine living in a world without them.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dolores Hart
The Church is always in trouble because the Church walks into the trouble in which mankind is trying to resolve itself. There are a lot of areas that need to be addressed. If we were perfect we wouldn't be the Church. I think it's the imperfections that allow people to trust that you're working (toward) something.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Thinking
Image of Dolores Hart
The body is precious and the body is always going to speak through its own capacity for communication and love.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Communication
Image of Dolores Hart
Once an actress always an actress.
- Dolores Hart
Collection: Actresses