Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 22

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 22 provides more communication quotes.

Image of David Carson
Dont confuse legibility with communication. Just because something is legible doesnt mean it communicates and, more importantly, doesnt mean it communicates the right thing.
- David Carson
Collection: Communication
Image of David Carson
Don't confuse legibility with communication.
- David Carson
Collection: Communication
Image of Hans Arp
I use very little red. I use blue, yellow, a little green, but especially... black, white and grey. There is a certain need in me for communication with human beings. Black and white is writing.
- Hans Arp
Collection: Communication
Image of Chuck Martin
The result of bad communication is a disconnection between strategy and execution.
- Chuck Martin
Collection: Communication
Image of B. J. Palmer
So what Chiropractic does, is that it simply “takes the handcuffs off Nature”, as it were. By finding the particular vertebra that had shifted and restoring it to its natural position, the adjustment thus releases the natural flow of nerve impulse. When the maze of nerves, or Nature’s communication system, supplies the body with the energy it needs for well being, you have health.
- B. J. Palmer
Collection: Communication
Image of Randall Robinson
Small wonder our national spirit is husk empty. We have more information but less knowledge. More communication but less community. More goods but less goodwill. More of virtually everything save that which the human spirit requires. So distracted have we become sating this new need or that material appetite, we hardly noticed the departure of happiness
- Randall Robinson
Collection: Communication
Image of Wright Morris
We're in the world of communications more and more, tough we're in communication less and less.
- Wright Morris
Collection: Communication
Image of Maurice Wilkes
In the judgment of design engineers, the ordinary means of communicating with a computer are entirely inadequate. [...] Graphical communication in some form or other is of vital importance in engineering as that subject is now conducted; we must either provide the capability in our computer systems, or take on the impossible task of training up a future race of engineers conditioned to think in a different way.
- Maurice Wilkes
Collection: Communication
Image of Bill W.
Nothing matters more to AA's future welfare than the manner in which we use the colossus of modern communication. Used unselfishly and well, it can produce results surpassing our present imagination.
- Bill W.
Collection: Communication
Image of Eboo Patel
My favorite single line from the Qur’an is from Surah 49:13, which says that God made us different nations and tribes that we may come to know one another, in the sense that diversity is holy and it was created by God. What we humans are meant to do with that diversity is engage in positive interaction with each other and come to know one another – because knowledge is holy and pluralism or positive engagement is holy.
- Eboo Patel
Collection: Communication
Image of Viola Spolin
Theater Games are a process applicable to any field, discipline, or subject matter which creates a place where full participation, communication, and transformation can take place.
- Viola Spolin
Collection: Communication
Image of Ben Horowitz
The key to high-quality communication is trust, and its hard to trust somebody that you dont know.
- Ben Horowitz
Collection: Communication
Image of Bruno Munari
When the artist observes nature... it is as if nature communicated, through the sensitivity of the artist at that moment, one of its secrets.
- Bruno Munari
Collection: Communication
Image of Philip Slater
If we define pornography as any message from any communication medium that is intended to arouse sexual excitement, then it is clear that most advertisements are covertly pornographic.
- Philip Slater
Collection: Communication
Image of Francis Joseph Sheed
One way to prevent conversation from being boring is to say the wrong thing.
- Francis Joseph Sheed
Collection: Communication
Image of Winston Churchill
The difference between mere management and leadership is communication.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Communication
Image of Alan Alda
Our lives depend on good communication. Good communication helps personal relationships, it helps bosses and employees get along better. We rely on it.
- Alan Alda
Collection: Communication
Image of Tobais Palmer
The very presence of an angel is communication. Even when an angel crosses your path in silence, God has said to us, I am here. I am present in your life.
- Tobais Palmer
Collection: Communication
Image of Tina Louise
Mental communication without verbalization... all space is made up of waves and we are constantly sending and receiving messages from our brain
- Tina Louise
Collection: Communication
Image of John C. Malone
It will allow us to control all the communication needs of a household with one device.
- John C. Malone
Collection: Communication
Image of J. Stalin
...the transition from capitalism to Socialism and the liberation of the working class from the yoke of capitalism cannot be effected by slow changes, by reforms, but only by a qualitative change of the capitalist system, by revolution. Hence, in order not to err in policy, one must be a revolutionary, not a reformist.
- J. Stalin
Collection: Communication
Image of Irving Copi
Language is the principal tool with which we communicate; but when words are used carelessly or mistakenly, what was intended to advance mutual understanding may in fact hinder it; our instrument becomes our burden
- Irving Copi
Collection: Communication
Image of Gene Green
Every citizen's vote should count in America, not just the votes of partisan insiders in the Electoral College. The Electoral College was necessary when communications were poor, literacy was low and voters lacked information about out-of-state figures, which is clearly no longer the case.
- Gene Green
Collection: Communication
Image of Stewart Dalzell
The Internet is a far more speech-enhancing medium than print, the village green, or the mails. Because it would necessarily affect the Internet itself, the C.D.A. would necessarily reduce the speech available for adults on the medium. This is a constitutionally intolerable result.
- Stewart Dalzell
Collection: Communication
Image of Candace Cameron
Emotionally, I stay healthy by being grounded in the word of God, being open and honest, never being afraid to speak my mind in love, and having good communication with those around me.
- Candace Cameron
Collection: Communication
Image of Fred Brooks
Men and months are interchangeable commodities only when a task can be partitioned among many workers with no communication among them.
- Fred Brooks
Collection: Communication
Image of Nancy Mairs
In a society that prates about, but seldom practices, communication, the craving to be listened to, heard, understood - which originates with the first terrified wail, the circling arms, the breast, the consolatory murmur - is hard to assuage.
- Nancy Mairs
Collection: Communication
Image of Moshe Feldenkrais
People confound, misuse, interchange thinking and speaking, not realizing that speaking is for communication and thinking is for action.
- Moshe Feldenkrais
Collection: Communication
Image of Milton Mayer
The marvels - of film, radio, and television - are marvels of one-way communication, which is not communication at all.
- Milton Mayer
Collection: Communication
Image of Sean Stephenson
Communication is merely an exchange of information, but connection is an exchange of our humanity.
- Sean Stephenson
Collection: Communication
Image of George Russell
Education has a larger function than the mere communication of knowledge.
- George Russell
Collection: Communication
Image of Libby Larsen
The great myth of our times is that technology is communication.
- Libby Larsen
Collection: Communication
Image of Bob Lutz
Design can be both a manifestation of a company's design ethic and an outward communication of a company's design ethic and drive for excellence.
- Bob Lutz
Collection: Communication
Image of Estelle Morris, Baroness Morris of Yardley
The need for improved technical support in schools has expanded as the Government and schools have increased their investment in information and communications technologies.
- Estelle Morris, Baroness Morris of Yardley
Collection: Communication
Image of Kenneth Tynan
All writing is an antisocial act, since the writer is a man who can speak freely only when alone; to be himself he must lock himself up, to communicate he must cut himself off from all communication; and in this there is something always a little mad.
- Kenneth Tynan
Collection: Communication
Image of Richie Havens
I'm not in show business; I'm in the communications business. That's what it's about for me.
- Richie Havens
Collection: Communication
Image of Joseph Priestley
It is no use speaking in soft, gentle tones if everyone else is shouting.
- Joseph Priestley
Collection: Communication
Image of John Rosemond
Invariably, micromanaging results in four problems: deceit, disloyalty, conflict, and communication problems.
- John Rosemond
Collection: Communication
Image of Ervin Laszlo
There is a constant and intimate contact among the things that coexist and co-evolve in the universe - a sharing of bonds and messages that makes reality into a stupendous network of interaction and communication.
- Ervin Laszlo
Collection: Communication
Image of Anatol Rapoport
The "flow of information" through human communication channels is enormous. So far no theory exists, to our knowledge, which attributes any sort of unambiguous measure to this "flow".
- Anatol Rapoport
Collection: Communication
Image of Anatol Rapoport
The transition from the concept of information in the technical (communication engineering) sense to the semantic (theory of meaning) sense was indeed difficult, if not impossible.
- Anatol Rapoport
Collection: Communication
Image of Dave Liebman
I like the communication and trust that comes from a long-term relationship. When you really know people as musicians and as people, you feel you can really count on them. That frees you to take more chances and ... it takes the music to a higher level. It translates into a better product for audiences. There are two levels to these relationships. The first level is being with guys for the first few years, you're getting used to guys - he's got this to offer, he's got that to offer, I don't like this, I do like this. You both praise them and are critical as you get to know one another.
- Dave Liebman
Collection: Communication
Image of John Ambrose Fleming
There is abundant evidence that the Bible, though written by men, is not the product of the human mind. By countless multitudes it has always been revered as a communication to us from the Creator of the Universe.
- John Ambrose Fleming
Collection: Communication
Image of Carl Zimmer
Today, when we look at a brain, we see an intricate network of billions of neurons in constant, crackling communication, a chemical labyrinth that senses the world outside and within, produces love and sorrow, keeps our hearts beating and lungs breathing, composes our thoughts, and constructs our consciousness.
- Carl Zimmer
Collection: Communication
Image of Frank Luntz
Anything that causes you to doubt, to raise either objections or just concerns about it - and they always put the information right at the bottom of the screen so you can't really read it - every time you see a company do that, the ad becomes less effective. The communication becomes less effective.
- Frank Luntz
Collection: Communication
Image of Richard Chenevix Trench
Language is the amber in which a thousand precious and subtle thoughts have been safely embedded and preserved. It has arrested ten thousand lightning flashes of genius, which, unless thus fixed and arrested, might have been as bright, but would have also been as quickly passing and perishing, as the lightning.
- Richard Chenevix Trench
Collection: Communication
Image of Sam Keen
Soul grows in communion. Word by word, story by story, for better or worse, we build our world. From true conversation - speaking and listening - communication deepens into compassion and creates community.
- Sam Keen
Collection: Communication
Image of Kenneth E. Boulding
Communication can only take place among equals.
- Kenneth E. Boulding
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert Waterman McChesney
Advertising is the voice of capital. We need to do whatever we can to limit capitalist propaganda, regulate it, minimize it, and perhaps even eliminate it. The fight against hyper-commercialism becomes especially pronounced in the era of digital communications.
- Robert Waterman McChesney
Collection: Communication