Top communication Quotes Collection - Page 20

Discover a curated collection of communication quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 20 provides more communication quotes.

Image of Thomas Moore
A soul mate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communication and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace. This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life.
- Thomas Moore
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert Winston
There needs to be clearer communication for the public avout how valuable it [animal testing] is
- Robert Winston
Collection: Communication
Image of Daniel Webster
If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of communication, for by it I would soon regain all the rest
- Daniel Webster
Collection: Communication
Image of Trinh T. Minh-ha
Speaking, writing, and discoursing are not mere acts of communication; they are above all acts of compulsion. Please follow me. Trust me, for deep feeling and understanding require total committment.
- Trinh T. Minh-ha
Collection: Communication
Image of Tibor Kalman
What is said determines who listens and who understands. Graphic design is a language, but graphic designers are so busy worrying about the nuances - accents, punctuation and so on - that they spend little time thinking about what the words add up to. I’m interested in using our communication skills to change the way things are.
- Tibor Kalman
Collection: Communication
Image of Earl Warren
The fantastic advances in the field of electronic communication constitute a greater danger to the privacy of the individual.
- Earl Warren
Collection: Communication
Image of Edmund White
Perhaps we'd understood each other too well to be attracted to one another. There were no occlusions in communication, those breaks in understanding that awaken desire.
- Edmund White
Collection: Communication
Image of Ezra Taft Benson
Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Collection: Communication
Image of Constantin Stanislavski
The language of the body is the key that can unlock the soul.
- Constantin Stanislavski
Collection: Communication
Image of Buck Brannaman
It is all about the quality of the communication, not the quantity.
- Buck Brannaman
Collection: Communication
Image of George Sanders
I am annoyed by individuals who are embarrassed by pauses in a conversation. To me, every conversational pause refreshes.
- George Sanders
Collection: Communication
Image of Georges Braque
Whatever is valuable in painting is precisely what one is incapable of talking about.
- Georges Braque
Collection: Communication
Image of Nathanael West
Numbers constitute the only universal language.
- Nathanael West
Collection: Communication
Image of J.M.G. Le Clézio
One day is enough to master reading in Korean. Hangeul is a very scientific and convenient alphabet system for communication.
- J.M.G. Le Clézio
Collection: Communication
Image of John  Gray
The number one way a man can succeed in fulfilling a woman's primary love needs is through communication. By learning to listen to a woman's feelings, a man can effectively shower a woman with caring, understanding, respect, devotion, validation, and reassurance.
- John Gray
Collection: Communication
Image of Gregory Bateson
The meaning of your communication is the response you get.
- Gregory Bateson
Collection: Communication
Image of Gene Wolfe
Evolution teaches us the original purpose of language was to ritualize men's threats and curses, his spells to compel the gods; communication came later.
- Gene Wolfe
Collection: Communication
Image of Hugh Sidey
In just 20 years terrorism, communications, the jet plane and the increase of wealth and knowledge have forced, to varying degrees, world leaders into a haunted and secret peerage whose links with the people they guide are meticulously cleansed and staged.
- Hugh Sidey
Collection: Communication
Image of Ashley Montagu
Love is the supreme form of communication. In the hierarchy of needs, love stands as the supreme developing agent of the humanity of the person. As such, the teaching of love should be the central core of all early childhood curriculum with all other subjects growing naturally out of such teaching.
- Ashley Montagu
Collection: Communication
Image of Ashley Montagu
Human communication, 'as the saying goes, is a clash of symbols' it covers a multitude of signs. But it is more than media and messages, information and persuasion; it also meets a deeper need and serves a higher purpose. Whether clear or garbled, tumultuous or silent, deliberate or fatally inadvertent, communication is the ground of meeting and the foundation of community. It is, in short, the essential human connection.
- Ashley Montagu
Collection: Communication
Image of Mandy Moore
I think communication is key, too. You're answering all the questions. Thank you. I'll just sit back here.
- Mandy Moore
Collection: Communication
Image of Youssou N'Dour
In Africa, there is much confusion.... Before, there was no radio, or other forms of communication.... Now, in Africa ... the government talks, people talk, the police talk, the people don't know anymore. They aren't free.
- Youssou N'Dour
Collection: Communication
Image of Paul Watzlawick
You cannot not communicate. Every behavior is a kind of communication. Because behavior does not have a counterpart (there is no anti-behavior), it is not possible not to communicate.
- Paul Watzlawick
Collection: Communication
Image of Massimo Vignelli
Graphic Design is the communication of information in an appropriate visual manner.
- Massimo Vignelli
Collection: Communication
Image of Howard Pyle
Talk about life - but in your own way.
- Howard Pyle
Collection: Communication
Image of Trevanian
The rope connecting two men on a mountain is more than nylon protection; it is an organic thing that transmits subtle messages of intent and disposition from man to man; it is an extension of the tactile senses, a psychological bond, a wire along which currents of communication flow.
- Trevanian
Collection: Communication
Image of Isabelle Adjani
Life is worth being lived, but not being discussed all the time.
- Isabelle Adjani
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeremy Rifkin
Turning points in human consciousness occur when new energy regimes converge with new communications revolutions, creating new economic eras.
- Jeremy Rifkin
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeremy Rifkin
We have come to discover what we suspect is a new political mindset emerging among a younger generation of political leaders socialized on Internet communications. Their politics are less about right versus left and more about centralized and authoritarian versus distributed and collaborative.
- Jeremy Rifkin
Collection: Communication
Image of Lars Ulrich
As the world gets smaller and communication spreads further and further out there, you try to find the right balance.
- Lars Ulrich
Collection: Communication
Image of Ferdinand de Saussure
Language furnishes the best proof that a law accepted by a community is a thing that is tolerated and not a rule to which all freely consent.
- Ferdinand de Saussure
Collection: Communication
Image of Jeremy Taylor
By friendship you mean the greatest love, the greatest usefulness, the most open communication, the noblest sufferings, the severest truth, the heartiest counsel, and the greatest union of minds which brave men and women are capable.
- Jeremy Taylor
Collection: Communication
Image of Isaac Stern
A conductor has to know how to translate music into a communicative force that makes the listener want to hear what he has to say.
- Isaac Stern
Collection: Communication
Image of Erving Goffman
When persons are present to one another they can function not merely as physical instruments but also as communicative ones. This possibility, no less than the physical one, is fateful for everyone concerned and in every society appears to come under strict normative regulation, giving rise to a kind of communication traffic order.
- Erving Goffman
Collection: Communication
Image of Daniel D. Palmer
Displacement of any part of the skeletal frame may press against nerves, which are the channels of communication, intensifying or decreasing their carrying capacity, creating either too much or not enough functionating, an aberration known as disease. The nature of the affection depends upon the shape of the bone, the amount of pressure, age of patient, character of nerves impinged upon and the individual makeup.
- Daniel D. Palmer
Collection: Communication
Image of Jean Racine
I can hear those glances that you think are silent.
- Jean Racine
Collection: Communication
Image of Cass Sunstein
A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government.
- Cass Sunstein
Collection: Communication
Image of John Roberts
We cannot deny that our decision today will have an impact on the ability of law enforcement to combat crime. Cell phones have become important tools in facilitating coordination and communication among members of criminal enterprises, and can provide valuable incriminating information about dangerous criminals. Privacy comes at a cost.
- John Roberts
Collection: Communication
Image of Caitlín R. Kiernan
Language is a poor enough means of communication as it is. So we should use all the words we have.
- Caitlín R. Kiernan
Collection: Communication
Image of Robert K. Greenleaf
Don't assume, because you are intelligent, able, and well-motivated, that you are open to communication, that you know how to listen.
- Robert K. Greenleaf
Collection: Communication
Image of Clay Shirky
Communications tools don't get socially interesting until they get technologically boring... It's when a technology becomes normal, then ubiquitous, and finally so pervasive as to be invisible, that the really profound changes happen.
- Clay Shirky
Collection: Communication
Image of Gay Hendricks
Behind every communication problem is a sweaty ten-minute conversation that you don't want to have.
- Gay Hendricks
Collection: Communication
Image of Shel Silverstein
If we meet and I say, "Hi," That's a salutation. If you ask me how I feel, That's a consideration. If we stop and talk awhile, That's a conversation. If we understand each other, That's communication. If we argue, scream and fight, That's an altercation. If later we apologize, That's a reconciliation. If we help each other home, That's cooperation. And all these ations added up Make civilization. (And if I say this is a wonderful poem, Is that exaggeration?)
- Shel Silverstein
Collection: Communication
Image of Daniel H. Wilson
Some unspoken human communication is taking place on a hidden channel. I did not realize they communicated this much without words. I note that we machines are not the only species who share information silently, wreathed in codes.
- Daniel H. Wilson
Collection: Communication
Image of John Ralston Saul
The undoubted sign of a society well under control or in decline is that language has ceased to be a means of communication and has become instead a shield for those who master it.
- John Ralston Saul
Collection: Communication
Image of Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Remember: the Word is God and God is the Word. You are what your words are.
- Harbhajan Singh Yogi
Collection: Communication
Image of Cato the Elder
Grasp the subject, the words will follow.
- Cato the Elder
Collection: Communication
Image of James Tiptree Jr.
You can understand why a system would seek information - but why in hell does it offer information? Why do we strive to be understood? Why is a refusal to accept communication so painful?
- James Tiptree Jr.
Collection: Communication